Dear Evergreen Colleagues,

The move to hybrid teaching in the fall presents a range of uncertainties and possibilities. As we return to our classrooms, we’ll bring with us new creativities and capacities honed in online crucibles that can be merged with our long standing sensibilities for in-person, embodied teaching. What will that mean? The Learning and Teaching Commons will be hosting a hybrid teaching conversation on Wednesday, May 12, 1 – 2:30pm. We invite you to register, attend, share your plans for fall quarter, and strategize around the still shifting parameters of class sizes, permitted activities, and other fine details. The session will help faculty establish some clarity around fall prior to the May 19 Academic Fair.

Week 5: A few brief reminders. While spring quarter has been speeding along, this week is a time to take stock of student work and notify students who may be at risk of losing credits. Given the still ongoing challenges of remote learning, you might take a more active role in supporting these students’ success, where possible. Students may be pulled away from their studies by circumstances beyond their control; besides notifying the CARE team, make sure they are informed of policies around withdrawing from a program, academic standing, financial aid, and required leave.

Summer Institute registration is open until May 15. Please consult with the overview email, which frames some of the important details about this summer and has a link to the registration form.

For a list of ongoing public speakers and seminars fall quarter, please visit Reimagining Community Safety’s website. If you missed last week’s seminar on alternatives to policing, facilitated by Evergreen alumni, you can view it here

Eric Stein, 2020-21 Learning and Teaching Commons Faculty Scholar
The Learning and Teaching Commons newsletter is delivered to your inbox on the Friday of odd weeks of the quarter.  Click here to read past newsletters.


  • An update regarding the Student and Academic Life leadership was sent out, including that Lori Blewett will be serving as interim Evening and Weekend Studies dean for the 2021-2022 academic year. More information can be found in this email.  
  • The Academic Deans shared resources and reminders to support faculty at the middle of the quarter. For information on summer institute registration, supporting students, deadlines, and more, review this recent email
  • Pam Udovich, Lead Program Secretary, retires this week. To send Pam your best wishes and for more information, review this recent email.  
"People of the River" by Evergreen Student Vanessa Harriss

Campus Spotlight

This week instead of an inclusive teaching tip, we are delighted to share student artwork and a spotlight of the wonderful work being accomplished at Evergreen by our faculty and students. If you have inclusive teaching practices from the field or would like to have your program or course featured, email the Learning and Teaching Commons.

"People of the River" Artist Statement

The Nisqually Tribe of Washington State have always been known as salmon people, not only through legend or fishing but through the relationship they have with the salmon. The focus for this digital piece was on the people of the Nisqually Tribe. I wanted to highlight that it is the people who are keeping the salmon alive, and to show how the salmon are a sacred part of their lives. Color and shape were important elements in this design, with the blue robe representing the river, and the yellows contrasting to give a feeling of warmth. -Vanessa Harriss, student in the Fall 2020-Winter 2021, “Conceptualizing Place: Pacific Northwest Native Art and Geographies” daytime program at The Evergreen State College   

Removing Barriers: "Conceptualizing Place" Book on Tribal Alliances to Restore Salmon Watersheds

by Zoltán Grossman and Alexander McCarty, and students of "Conceptualizing Place: Pacific Northwest Native Art and Geographies"
In Fall 2020-Winter 2021, students in the “Conceptualizing Place: Pacific Northwest Native Art and Geographies” daytime program at The Evergreen State College produced a 135-page publication about barriers to salmon runs, notably dams, dikes, and culverts, and how tribal nations have led alliances to remove some of the barriers in order to restore salmon habitat in Northwest watersheds. 

The place-based stories of habitat restoration highlight how treaty rights and tribal sovereignty have become leading drivers of reversing damage wrought by settler colonialism, and how the healing of the watersheds and their estuaries is made possible by a process of decolonization and reindigenization in corresponding Indigenous homelands.  
In Removing Barriers: Restoring Salmon Watersheds through Tribal Alliances, narratives of the watersheds are told through text, graphics, and students' 42 original digital artworks and maps, as students simultaneously learned Northwest Native histories, geographies, and art styles. Under the remote supervision of faculty (artist Alexander McCarty and cartographer Zoltán Grossman), individual students produced Adobe Illustrator artwork and maps in fall quarter, and student teams produced the Adobe InDesign layouts in winter quarter. Media Services staff offered their invaluable training and assistance. 

Students' twelve chapters highlighted the Nisqually, Elwha, Skokomish, Chico, White Salmon, Nooksack, White, Deschutes, Chehalis, Klamath, and Snake watersheds, as well as background on dams and climate change, and their effects on Pacific salmon, orcas, and coastal communities. The book’s theme of “removing barriers” applies to the barriers to salmon runs, barriers between human beings and the natural world, barriers between Native and non-Native communities, and barriers to Indigenous self-determination.  

Removing Barriers: Restoring Salmon Watersheds through Tribal Alliances will be available for download in May 2021, along with background and a video of a faculty-student presentation at Evergreen’s Equity Symposium, on the book Wordpress site.   


Commons Conversation Series: Spring 2021

Commons Conversations provide space and time for Evergreen faculty and staff to discuss issues of teaching and learning, share resources, and build community.

Planning for Hybrid Teaching

Facilitated by Eric Stein, Learning and Teaching Commons Faculty Scholar
What are some ways to approach hybrid teaching in fall 2021? What contingency plans do we need in case things change over the summer? In this session faculty are invited to share ideas and strategies they are using to think through specific puzzles around planning for a return to face-to-face hybrid instruction. What do we need, and what do our students need, as we head back to campus?
DATE: Wednesday, May 12 
TIME: 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm PT
LOCATION: Register for Zoom link
Register Here!

2021 Evergreen Summer Institutes

This summer’s program offers opportunities to build community, improve our practice, and engage in meaningful conversations about student success. This year, the Learning and Teaching Commons is sponsoring a new conference-style institute, Designing Learning Experiences that Matter, that merges the principles of intentional and universal design approaches to program and course planning with a variety of optional workshops. The institute will be offered twice this summer, June 14-18 and Aug 2-6. 
Registration for summer institutes is open until May 15.   
Register Here!



Online Learning Consortium

Don't forget to explore the resources available to you through the Online Learning Consortium! Evergreen holds an institutional membership to the Online Learning Consortium. As a member institution, faculty have access to free webinars, and other online teaching and learning resources. Members also receive special discounts on workshops, teaching certificate programs, conferences and events. 

To access your member benefits, create your free user account here. Be sure to use your Evergreen email to create your account. 

EdPuzzle is Now Available Through July 2021

EDpuzzle is a teaching tool used to place interactive content into pre-existing videos from a variety of sources, such as TED or YouTube, or into videos you have made. More information can be found here.   

Request a Teaching Consultation 

Do you have a teaching dilemma, issue or question? Is there an activity you are struggling to translate to remote teaching? Do you need some help designing asynchronous activities?
The Learning and Teaching Commons offers individual and small group remote teaching consultations. Consultations provide an opportunity to get direct feedback on your teaching puzzles. Click here for details.


These individuals and offices are eager to support students remotely. Keep this list handy when advising students or reach out to schedule a visit to your program or course.

Academic and Career Workshops

Faculty, please let your students know they can join sessions led by Academic and Career Advisors, faculty, and Writing Center staff this spring to learn about resumes, the Academic Statement, interviewing skills, and more. Visit this page for more information.

Academic Statement Writing Guide

The first edition of A Guide to Writing Your Academic Statement is now available in print and electronic versions.  This guide will help students understand how to do the research, brainstorming, drafting, revision, and proofreading needed to create a finished draft of their academic statement.

Basic Needs Center- 1st Floor of the CAB

Students now have access to a space every Monday and Friday from 3pm-6pm to procure basic items. Students may schedule an appointment to pick up items such as PPE, library books, clothes, and hygiene items. Please let your students know about this resource.   

Emergency Fund (Gift Aid)

Emergency Fund gift aid is available to students with unexpected financial needs that would cause the student to not complete the term or continue their education. This generally cannot be used to pay a charge owed to Evergreen and is limited to $500 per academic year. Please complete the Emergency Fund Application (PDF) and submit to the Financial Aid Office.

Evergreen Organic Farm

Tell your student that the Evergreen Organic Farm is working on accepting basic food and EBT payments for local, fresh produce on campus! Enrolled students received discounts thanks to support from the Services & Fee Allocation Board (S&A).

Hungry Greener Program

If you know of Evergreen students that are concerned about where they will get their next meal, this program will provide limited funds to eligible students that can be used confidentially in The Greenery using a current student ID card. Because the block meals will appear on ID cards, others will not know that the blocks have been donated. Complete a simple application for more information.

Other Resources:

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