Pre-ETS Summer Camp: Preparing Students for Success
This year’s Pre-Employment Summer Camp provided students with disabilities a valuable opportunity to concentrate on enhancing workplace readiness skills.
Through a comprehensive series of workshops spanning over 20 hours, students from across our region were introduced to a diverse set of essential skills that will not only empower them in their educational journey, but also lay a solid foundation for their future endeavors in the workforce.
Workshops focused on developing
- effective communication,
- collaborative teamwork,
- adept time management,
- proficient problem-solving, and
- the cultivation of a strong sense of professionalism.
This Pre-ETS Summer Camp aligned seamlessly with the overarching mission of our ESD 105 LINK program, which offers a student-centered, inclusive learning experience, for students who are on a pathway to graduation, but have not yet exited from their high school.
Our unique LINK facility allows students the opportunity to network and connect with peers while exploring the different options at YVC campus. LINK teachers and mentors provide students with essential skills and necessary knowledge of resources to help guide them through their graduation and beyond, but our students also play an active role in facilitating their own movement from school to past-school activities, focusing on post-secondary and vocational education, employment and community engagement.
To learn more about our LINK program, contact Sam Blazina.
HB 1230 Required DOH Postings
Last week our region's communications directors met with Katy Payne, OSPI's Director of Communications, who gave us an update on HB 1230 and the required DOH postings.
If you're not familiar, HB 1230 passed during the last legislative session in response to increasing injuries to children and it addresses a need for community awareness around the safe storage of fire arms and prescription drugs.
This legislation requires that schools who currently maintain websites, create a "prominent link" to a DOH webpage that houses information and resources that pertain to these issues. This link should be posted on the district site and any school websites that exist. Districts are also responsible for using other internet-based communication platforms (including social media sites) and printed publications to communicate this information and link to parents no less than two times each school year.
OSPI's communications team has been working with the DOH to ensure these postings and resources meet the needs of our schools. We were informed that this website should be operational by January 2024, at which point the requirements will be instated.
We will keep you posted once we hear more about these resources and DOH website.
Attend Today. Achieve Tomorrow! New Campaign Materials Now Available!
Last school year we released our first two phases of attendance and re-engagement messaging, focused on highlighting the the importance of setting strong attendance habits early in the school year and on creating connections. We are excited to share that our newest campaign materials are ready for distribution!
We have created several templates for you to share this messaging in your districts. Please feel free to download these images and print them using your preferred printing company. All of these templates are also accessible in Canva as editable files. Please do not change the messaging. We have created editable templates to allow districts to modify the student images, colors and logos to reflect their districts. If you would like these graphics customized, but are not familiar with Canva, please contact our public relations & marketing department.
WIAA Public Service Announcements for Athletic Events
Reproduced for WIAA:
The National Federation of High School Associations have produced public service announcements to be used at school events and by athletics and activity partners around the state. The distribution of these PSAs has become completely digital and can be found at the link below.
These PSAs address the biggest topics in interscholastic sports and performing arts:
- The importance of participation
- Diversity, equity and inclusion
- Student mental and physical wellness
- The shortage of sports officials
- Bad fan behavior at athletic events
Please share the marketing resources as often as possible all year long! They can be played at athletic events, on PA systems, on telephone hold lines and more. We at the WIAA thank you for your continued support of education-based athletics!
Cohorts will begin meeting in September! All sessions will be offered via Zoom. There will be 3 different cohorts available to help meet individuals' specific needs:
Cohort 1 | Using Inclusionary Practices and MTSS to Empower Learners
- Cohort 2 | Universal Design for Learning: Moving from Theory to Practice
- Cohort 3 | Writing Standards - Aligned IEPs
To learn more and register for these cohorts, click the buttons below.
Cohorts will begin in September! Register soon!
The Literacy Leadership Network is a professional learning community designed to bring together K-12 district, school, and community literacy leaders, including teaching and learning directors, curriculum coordinators, instructional coaches, reading specialists, teacher leaders, as well as parent and community leaders.
Over four meetings, we aim to foster collaboration, develop professional knowledge and leadership skills, engage in reflective discussions on Elena Aguilera's book, The Art of Coaching Teams, and explore best practices, emerging trends, and pedagogy in literacy education through additional readings and presentations.
Participants will receive a complimentary book upon joining the network.
Thursday | October 5, 2023
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
ESD 105 Klickitat Room
4 Clock Hours Available
Implementation for the revised Student Growth Goal Rubrics will be required during the 2024-2025 school year. During the 2023-2024 school year school districts will be given a "year of preparation" to plan and prepare for this implementation.
Join us for an overview of the revised Student Growth Goals resources. We will share videos that provide an overview of changes, vignettes that illustrate the kind of instruction supported by these new growth goals, as well as other additional tools and resources.
This is a great opportunity to work with other administrators throughout our region to discuss implementation plans and procedures.