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Upcoming Deadlines September 9, 2016
Convention Sponsorship Opportunities Form Due
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Save the Date! November 3-6, 2016
Northeast Distict Convention at the Albany Marriott March 3-5, 2017
WRJ Fried Leadership Conference
Charleston, S.C. May 21-29, 2017
WRJ Mission to Israel
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WRJ Mission to Israel Trip
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Join WRJ on a trip to Israel in May 2017. The trip is appropriate for both first-time and experienced Israel travelers. For more information and to register, click here.
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Need help planning your 2016‑2017 calendar?
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Engage a speaker!
Each Sisterhood in the Northeast District is entitled to a District Speaker once every two years without expense to the Sisterhood – as well as a speaker from the Board of WRJ in alternate years Learn more about...
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We want photos and highlights from your sisterhood programs!
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The next e-blast will be sent on July 5, 2016
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Message from Vivian Blumstein
Northeast District First Vice President
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Almost three weeks ago, before the WRJ Board Meeting, all the district presidents and first vice presidents met at OSRUI (Olin-Sang-Ruby Union Institute), a URJ camp in Wisconsin, for the District Presidents’ Council. While there, we met with Blair Marks (WRJ president), Susan Bass (WRJ first vice president) and Sherri Feuer (WRJ vice president of Affiliate Services – and our WRJ guest at the WRJ Northeast District Convention in November!). The purpose of this meeting is to get to know each other better, share ideas and brainstorm new ideas. It is amazing how each district does things differently!
We spent a lot of time discussing transitioning, shared new ideas for Area Events, talked about social media and listened to Rabbi David Wolfman discuss conflict and behavior. It was a very intense few days and we packed a lot of learning in there. Stay tuned as we roll out our new website in the next few months.
It was truly wonderful being with these incredible women from all over the country.
Speaking of transitioning, this is a time of transition for many sisterhoods. Some officers and boards may be outgoing and some may be just beginning. Please make sure you update your sisterhood’s information with WRJ by clicking here. This link will bring you to a form that will be sent to WRJ. And don’t forget to let us know at the Northeast District, too. You can email your area director or contact me at
Thank you – for all you have done and will continue to do.
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Convention Sponsorship Opportunity
Sisterhoods, companies, and individuals can sponsor a portion of our convention to congratulate or recognize board members or sisterhoods. This is a great way to show your support for incoming and outgoing WRJ Northeast District board members, as well as an excellent way to promote your sisterhood. For more information about sponsorship opportunities and rates, click here.
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Read a Commentary by Cantor Claire Franco
Cantor Claire Franco has written a beautiful essay in Ten Minutes of Torah. Click here to read "Make Each New Song More Joyful" and get a preview of what Cantor Franco will bring to our convention.
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News From Our Sisterhoods... Seen in the District - Holy Blossom Temple Sisterhood, Toronto, Ont. Holy Blossom Temple Sisterhood held their retreat in May featuring lay-led services accompanied by members of the temple ukulele band. Sixteen women enjoyed a weekend of living, praying and having fun together.
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WRJ of Cape Cod Synagogue, Hyannis, Mass. On Sunday, May 22, we hosted approximately 25 members and non-members for a wonderful lecture on Jewish Genealogy called “How to Find Your Jewish Great Grandparents….even though you know it’s impossible.” Our guest speak was Meredith Hoffman, a professional genealogist and board member of the Jewish Genealogical Society of Greater Boston. Her presentation was so informative and entertaining that the audience remained in their seats for more than 90 minutes as Meredith offered practical hints on getting started, dispelled the most common genealogy myths and shared a number of humorous and inspiring stories from her own research. As a result, we have a whole group of new amateur genealogists in our community!
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East End Temple, New York, N.Y.
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East End Temple held their Sisterhood Shabbat service in May. Cheryl Temkin (L) is wearing a Women of the Wall tallit. Judith Lorber, Sisterhood President (R).
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Invitation to help develop a new book -- Pirkei Imahot: The Wisdom of Mothers With their study of Pirkei Avot as their foundation, Rabbi Eve Posen and Lois Shenker of Portland, Oregon, are writing a book entitled "Pirkei Imahot: The Wisdom of Mothers." The book will integrate a discussion of select passages from Pirkei Avot, modern words of wisdom submitted by Jewish women, and a study guide for further study. You can learn more about it on their website. The authors are inviting women to participate in this creative endeavor in the following ways: - Go to the Pirkei Imahot website, where you will be able to read articles and submit your own comments and personal words of wisdom by following the links on their home page. - Encourage others to do the same. The authors hope this interactive process in developing the book will stimulate discussion, insight, and interest. Share your wisdom and be part of the process!
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Why we eat dairy foods on Shavuot?
- With the giving of the Torah, the Jews now had to keep kosher. Since it was the sabbath, they could not slaughter animals and the only thing they could prepare to eat were dairy products using milk they already had.
- Hebrew letters have a numerical value and if you add the letters for milk, you get 40, the same number of days Moses spent on Mt. Sinai.
- The Torah is compared to milk and honey, as it says in Song of Songs 4:11.
- The infant Moses began nursing on the same day that Shavuot is observed.
Enjoy your blintzes and cheesecake!
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