Fall 2019 Newsletter
Fall 2019 Newsletter
CHOPR Newsletter                                                       November 2019
Pathbreaking CHOPR International Project Receives Funding from the European Union
Magnet4Europe is a randomized trial to redesign hospital workplaces to improve mental health, well-being, and retention of nurses and physicians and improve patient outcomes. The workplace intervention is guided by the principles of Magnet® Recognition and involves 1:1 twinning of 60 European demonstration hospitals each with an experienced Magnet Recognized hospital. The intervention hospitals are located in Belgium, England, Germany, Ireland, and Sweden. The purpose of the trial is to determine if redesign of hospital work environments, guided by the Magnet Journey, as detailed in the ANCC Magnet Manual, and in collaboration with an experienced Magnet hospital is feasible, effective, and sustainable in Europe in improving care quality and safety, patient satisfaction, and workforce outcomes. The award is 4 million Euros for 4 years.    
Dr. Aiken will be matching all
made by December 31, 2019
(up to a total of $100k)
CHOPR Marks 30 Years of
Impact with Campaign to
Shape Healthcare 
Policies and 
For the first time since its inception, the Center is seeking support from individual donors to help continue the critical work of CHOPR in research, training, and policy impact in areas not covered by project grants. CHOPR invests broadly in the development of nursing outcomes research and its impact on policy with multiple partners in the US and abroad. The 30th Anniversary fund will be invested primarily in translating research findings to practice and policy changes.  
Donate Today
Dr. Aiken presents new evidence that interventions that improve nurse staffing equals better patient outcomes.
CHOPR's International Impact: Nurse Staffing Research at ICN Congress 2019 Singapore 
Conferences are important for getting research seen, funded, and for making connections with other leading innovators in the field. This past summer, Drs. Linda Aiken and Matthew McHugh gave a Plenary at the International Council of Nurses (ICN) Congress in Singapore on new evidence from research on nurse staffing interventions in Europe, Australia, USA, and Chile. More
Special Webinar with Dr. Linda Aiken
November 6, 2019 at 12:00 pm

Policy Interventions to Improve Hospital Nurse Staffing

CHOPR Evaluation of Queensland Patient to Nurse Ratio Legislation Shows Lives and Money Saved
CHOPR researchers - along with partners from the Queensland University of Technology - carried out an independent evaluation of the new nurse ratio policy in the state of Queensland, Australia. The new study estimated that the introduction of mandated hospital nurse-to-patient ratios in Queensland, Australia resulted in 150 saved lives in the first two years and savings of millions of dollars. Photo: Queensland Premier, Annastacia Palaszczuk and Dr. Matthew McHughMore

The Practice Environment Scale has been re-endorsed by the National Quality Forum 
In the 1990s, CHOPR researchers developed a survey instrument to measure characteristics of professional nursing practice environments, the Revised Nursing Work Index (NWI-R), which Aiken and Patrician published in 2000. In 2002, Dr. Eileen Lake published the Practice Environment Scale of the Nursing Work Index (PES-NWI), a shorter version of the measure with excellent reliability and validity. Today, the PES is the most commonly used instrument to measure the nursing practice environment.
Dr. Buerhaus focuses on nursing and physician work-forces in the U.S.
Well-known nurse and healthcare economist is CHOPR's newest Senior Fellow
Dr. Peter Buerhaus is Professor of Nursing and Director of the Center for Interdisciplinary Health Workforce Studies at the College of Nursing, Montana State University (MSU). Prior to coming to MSU, Buerhaus was the Valerie Potter Distinguished Professor of Nursing and Senior Associate Dean for Research at Vanderbilt University School of Nursing. He has published 140 peer-reviewed articles with five publications designated as “classics” by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.. More
Dr. Linda H. Aiken tells The Nation that the nurse shortage is not the impediment to single payer reforms because there is no nurse shortage. The shortage of nursing care observed by consumers in hospitals, nursing homes, and other care settings, Aiken explained, is due to too few budgeted positions for RNs due to cost containment initiatives. The shortage of nursing care, thus, can only be solved by hiring more nurses not training. More
Drs. Margo Brooks Carthon and Heather Brom report on an exciting intervention to improve post-hospitalization outcomes among socially-at-risk patients in the LDI blog Health Policy Sense, titled "New clinical pathway addressing patients’ social needs after hospitalization shows promise." The authors collected perspectives from patients, clinicians, and hospital administrators.
Dr. Eileen Lake discusses her recent paper in Medical Care titled, "A Meta-Analysis of the Associations Between the Nurse Work Environment in Hospitals and 4 Sets of Outcomes," for HealthLeaders in "Three ways nurse leaders can change workplace culture." 
Dr. Elizabeth White's recent paper in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society titled, "Registered Nurse Burnout, Job Dissatisfaction, and Missed Care in Nursing Homes" was the subject of a Philadelphia Inquirer news story "Nurses are saying that they just don't have the time and resources to do all the care that needs to be done." 
Dr. Eunhee Cho is first author of the paper "Development and Validation of the Nursing Home Care-Related Quality of Life Scale," in the Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. The authors found that the 17-item scale is a valid and reliable tool to assess nursing home residents' quality of life in South Korea.
Dr. Jordan Harrison said better-trained nurses may make it more likely that patient deterioration is recognized before a cardiac arrest and that effective responses are provided when an arrest occurs in a recent CHOPR research paper for Health Affairs. More.
Dr. Karen Lasater's new paper in Medical Care reports on the RN4CAST-US' innovative methods for surveying front-line providers, to obtain valid and reliable measures of organizational quality and nursing resources. The paper provides practical guidance for survey and data collection methods, and is foundational to the research conducted at CHOPR. 
AcademyHealth's interdisciplinary research team, led by CHOPR Senior Fellow, Dr. Allison Squires - along with current and past doctoral fellows - highlight the work of four teams of health services researchers in nursing for the Journal of Nursing Regulation in Advancing Health Services Research, Policy, Regulation, and Practice.
Dr. Karen Lasaster is the recipient of a National Council of State Boards of Nursing grant to study new state patient to nurse policy interventions. The team includes Drs. Linda Aiken, Matthew McHugh, and Douglas Sloane.  
CHOPR Predoctoral Fellow, Rachel French, has won an International Nurses Society on Addictions Research Award for the project titled, "Nursing Factors and Opioid-Dependent Surgical Patients." The purpose of the study is to determine the effect of hospital nursing factors on the outcomes of opioid-dependent patients undergoing surgery.
Dr. Linda Aiken directs a sub-award involving a new R01 award to Emory University Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing from the Agency on Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)  titled, “Nursing Resources and Healthcare-Associated Infections: Measures of Hospital Performance." Emory professor and CHOPR alumnus Jeannie Cimiotti is principal investigator. The purpose of the study is to understand the link between nursing resources and hospital-acquired infections.
Cimiotti J, Li Y, Sloane DM, et al. Regulation of the nurse practitioner workforce: implications for care across settingsJournal of Nursing Regulation
Kang XL, Brom HM, Lasater KB, et al. The association of nurse-physician teamwork and mortality in surgical patients. Western Journal of Nursing Research 
Lake E, French R, O'Rourke K, et al. Linking the work environment to missed nursing care in labor and deliveryJournal of Nursing Management
White EM, Aiken LH, McHugh MD. Registered nurse burnout, job dissatisfaction, and missed care in nursing homes. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society

NINR-Funded Advanced Training in Nursing Outcomes Research (T32NR007104) Postdoctoral Position

Perfect for a highly motivated individual to work on cutting-edge national and international research projects. This individual will have access to unique datasets spanning 15 years of health services and policy research, working with leaders in the field for mentorship to develop lines of independent scholarship, and plan a career trajectory in research. The program places a high priority on having diversity in background. More
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