SPECIAL Stronger Together Mask Mandate Update – 2/28/22
Mask Mandate to be Lifted at SBU, Starting March 2
Based on significant progress New York State has made in the fight against COVID-19, Governor Hochul announced yesterday (Sunday, February 27)  plans to end the New York State mask requirement in K-12 schools beginning this Wednesday, March 2.
This followed new CDC guidance on Friday, February 25, showing that Long Island met requirements to end masking requirements for healthy individuals in most indoor public places.
In line with this – and updated SUNY guidance – Stony Brook University will be lifting our indoor mask mandate this Wednesday, March 2.
This will apply to all faculty, staff, students and visitors on West Campus and will include classroom settings and common meeting spaces.
​​This change, however, does not affect Stony Brook Medicine (SBM) employees, who, regardless of their work location, must continue to wear a well-fitting mask at all times other than when alone in a private office, while actively eating or drinking, or on West Campus (except in cases noted below). All Stony Brook University and SBM employees, students, patients and visitors must still wear masks when physically present in the hospital and/or any other patient-care setting, including all off-site clinic locations, regardless of Hospital Article 28 affiliation. Masks will also still be required at the Student Health & Counseling Center, at on-campus surveillance testing sites, and on SBU shuttles and buses.
Important Points to Note for Those on West Campus
Even though the mask mandate is no longer in effect for those on West Campus – and nobody can ask another to mask (in classrooms, etc.) – we encourage all members of the campus community to respect individuals’ decision to wear masks if they choose. We continue to advise mask wearing if you:
  • Develop COVID-like symptoms
  • Receive a positive COVID-19 test while you are at work
  • Are concerned you could transmit a respiratory illness (please remember not to come to work if you’re not feeling well)
  • Believe you have an increased risk of severe illness if exposed to and infected by a respiratory illness
Please also keep in mind that employees may request a workplace accommodation due to a disability (in this case, one that might be affected by the lifting of the new mask mandate). These requests are handled by the Office of Equity and Access (OEA), which reviews each request and engages in an interactive process, including communicating with both the employee and their supervisor. OEA also has an FAQ page that addresses questions.
As always, we will continuously monitor, reassess and adapt to changing medical data and guidance from health authorities and keep you informed as conditions evolve. Please also remember to continue testing per your testing schedule (weekly for non-vaccinated).

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