4 construction worker boys
Baby tiger standing up ready to hug you with a purple heart on his chest
Young toddler1 YPS5 horses YPS5 leaf measuring
What is a provocation?

A provocation is a term used to describe the process of introducing materials that will provoke thoughts, discussions, questions, interestes, creativity, and ideas. We frequently provide children with a variety of materials in order to determine their interests, then support their further study on this topic. Play is the context we use to create experiences to for your child to practice developmental skills. 
Modified Operating Hours. Although we have moved into Phase III, the restrictions regarding visitors remain the same. We are continuing to adhere to our modified operating hours of 7:30 AM-4:15 PM. This is in alignment with licensing mandates, which prohibit us from having additional people in the building.
Car Line. We are continuing our car line drop off procedure each morning from 7:30-8:30 AM. For your child's safety, please remain in your car at both arrival and departure until you are under the covered area. We will not take children from your car and bring children to cars that are outside of the covered area. 
Health Exclusion Policy. Please review the Pandemic Health Precautions & Procedures document. At this time, we must exclude any child who exhibits symptoms of COVID-19; however the criteria now has shfited to "symptom free and fever free with no medication for 24 hours" in order to return to school. We do require that your child either have a COVID-19 test or have a note from a doctor stating that there is an alternative diagnosis and a COVID-19 test is not warranted. We appreciate your patience as we adhere to our health exclusion criteria in order to keep children and staff safe and healthy.
ECELP Covid-19 Resources & Updates
Infant play Two infants interacting with blocks


The infant rooms are busy places of movement, discovery and exploration. 
Young toddler1 Young Toddler 2 Young toddlers interacting with one another

Young Toddlers

Young Toddler I has been enjoying reading and learning new songs. Young Toddler II enjoys building and working together. Young Toddler III has been enjoying their library.
toddlers playing at table Toddler 1 painting


Toddler I has been busy investiating dinosaurs and bugs, while Todder II has been fluid painting with balloons.
Preschool aged student playing with blocks Preschool class interacting with each other during play
YPS 3 rock painting Preschool boys interacting with crafts Group of preschool boys painting together

Young Preschool

Young Preschool I enjoys books and reading to each other. Young Preschool II has been painting and making the stars in the sky. Young Preschool III has been studying rocks and making their own rock pictures. Young Preschool IV is enjoying playing in the kitchen, while Young Preschool IV is welcoming in fall with leaf collages.
Preschool 1 dinosaur 'eggs' PS2


Preschool I is doing a study on dinosaurs and created dinosaur 'eggs' made of ice ad watched them melt, exploring the properties of materials. In Preschool 2, children are studying construction and doing a lot of building.

Follow the LSU Early Childhood Program on Facebook

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Baby tiger standing up ready to hug you with a purple heart on his chest

PAC Update

ECELP Parent Auxiliary Council (PAC)
Now Filling PAC Volunteer Roles!

Thank you to everyone who attended the virtual fall welcome! View the recording if you were unable to join. 

There’s been great response about getting involved, and we are in the process of reaching out to parents who emailed us about volunteering. We still need help, so view all the available options in the PAC org chart and contact us with questions – pac@lsu.edu.

Room Parents are being contacted by the Room Parent Chair Brennan Rodriguez with information about the role.

Don’t forget to clip or scan your Box Tops for Education! For any questions, please email pac@lsu.edu.

Development Annual Appeat
How to Give

Development Dollars at work!!

YPS 3 rock painting Preschool boys interacting with crafts Group of preschool boys painting together
Preschool aged student playing with blocks Preschool class interacting with each other during play

This gorgeous piece of outdoor play equipment was purchased with development funds! This will keep the children busy with painting, water play, and a variety of socio-dramatic play! 



Please be sure to go online to complete the Ages & Stages screening tool for your child.
Please label all clothing (finally jacket weather!) coming into the center with your child's name.
Please be sure to check your child's daily note for reminders about sending diapers, wipes, and extra clothing.

Late Arrival

Please make every effort to arrive during car line, 7:30-8:30 AM.  Arrival during transitions, lunch, or nap time can negatively affect the rest of the child’s day. Please let us know if your child has an appointment and will arrive late. 

Staying in Touch

We are here to serve you! You can reach out to us through the ECELP website.
Administrative Team
Have a question about FACTS/Tuition?
Email Celeste Smith
What is my child eating at school? Check out our menu on the website under quick links.

Baby tiger standing up ready to hug you with a purple heart on his chest
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