| Trustee Update Matias de Dovitiis Ward 4: Humber River - Black Creek Toronto District School Board 416-395-8787 • Matias.deDovitiis@tdsb.on.ca |  | | |
Last week the TDSB had to consider a number of very tough choices for next year’s budget. The TDSB has been underfunded for decades and we now carry a structural deficit from year to year. That means that we do not receive enough money from the Province to operate. In fact, every year the increase in funding they give us is smaller than inflation, creating a bigger obstacle for the TDSB to balance its books over time.
The Options to Balance report included many reductions in areas outside of our core mandate, which are not fully funded by the Ministry of Education. This includes things such as the Learn4Life program, outdoor education, the international languages program and increasing fees for permits for community groups.
There were things that were difficult for the Board to consider, since these are all important things to school communities that provide great value.
We decided to approve some efficiencies, but not go ahead with program cuts without at least further discussions. We will be having more consultations before we submit our budget to the Provincial government. We hope that you can participate in that process. I will be sharing the details for the meetings as soon as I have them.
Following extensive feedback received from the community on the impacts of proposed reductions, Trustees voted to delay the implementation of some options to balance the 2024-25 operating budget to allow for further stakeholder consultation, including options related to International Language and African Heritage Programs, General Interest/Senior’ Daytime Courses, Outdoor Education, and Permit Fees. Read more about the Trustees’ vote.
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Celebrating Good News
I encourage you to read about some of the recent events, initiatives and great things happening across the Toronto District School Board, including:
TDSB Budget Update
As you may be aware, the budget process continues at the TDSB! Please visit www.tdsb.on.ca/budget for all the latest information, including meeting schedules.
TDSB & Other Large Ontario School Boards Launch Lawsuit Against Social Media Companies
You may have seen that last week, the TDSB, together with the Toronto Catholic District School Board, Peel District School Board and Ottawa-Carleton District School Board, announced a lawsuit against tech giants Meta Platforms Inc. (Facebook and Instagram), Snap Inc. (Snapchat), and ByteDance Ltd. (TikTok) for disruption to the students’ education. I invite you to learn more about the lawsuit here.
Solar Eclipse Safety
Please review the City of Toronto’s important Solar Eclipse Safety information webpage about the upcoming solar eclipse on Monday, April 8, 2024, including precautions to take to avoid harming your eyesight. And please remember, Monday, April 8, 2024 is now a PA Day for all students in the Toronto District School Board.
Policy Consultation
I am pleased to share that the Employment Equity Policy (P029) is currently being reviewed. The purpose of the draft Policy, re-titled “Positive Organizational Culture and Inclusive Workforce Policy,” is to identify and remove systemic barriers in employment, including hiring, promotion, and retention. The Policy will help TDSB achieve a diverse workforce and create the necessary conditions to support student achievement and well-being. I encourage you to please share your thoughts, questions, concerns, and recommendations on the draft Policy through the online survey or by email to TDSBpolicyconsultation@tdsb.on.ca by April 11, 2024.
Potential School Bus Delays on Wednesday, April 10, 2024
When there are high levels of driver absences (e.g. illness, days of significance, etc.) school bus operators may be required to temporarily modify routes to ensure coverage. As Wednesday, April 10 is a religious holiday, there may be an increased number of driver absences resulting in delays. If possible, please inform your bus carrier should your child not be needing the bus that day. Please visit the Transportation Portal to access the contact information for your bus carrier. Please continue to monitor the Transportation Portal and the TSTG website for updates.
Apply for the Know Your Worth Scholarship
The African Heritage Month Volunteer Planning Committee is pleased to announce that students of African Heritage graduating from a TDSB secondary school will be able to apply for three Know Your Worth Scholarships valued at $3,000 each. To find out more, please visit the information package and visit the web article here.
Ministry of Education’s Parent’s Guide to Ontario’s Education System
I encourage you to check out a new resource guide with helpful information on a number of subjects. This initiative is part of the government’s recent efforts to increase transparency and accountability in our school system. The full guide can be found at Ontario.ca/educationguide.
Reminder - Excellence Awards 2024 Nominations Deadline is April 5, 2024!
At the board, we want to know about the TDSB staff you know who are supporting the success and wellbeing of our students, as well as our school and work communities in so many different ways. We welcome nominations from anyone – staff, students, parents/guardians/caregivers or community members – Please submit nominations by April 5, 2024. For more information and to submit a nomination, please visit the TDSB Excellence Awards website.
Latin-America History Month
We celebrate Latin-America History Month during the month of April at the Toronto District School Board. This year’s upcoming theme is Weaving Our Legacies: Returning to Our Collective Path | Enlazar Nuestres Legados: Volver a Nuestre Camino Colectivo. Throughout April the TDSB has several activities planned for all students, staff, and wider communities. I invite you to find out more here.
Sikh Heritage Month
The TDSB is proud to recognized Sikh Heritage Month during the month of April at the Toronto District School Board. This year’s the Sikh Heritage Month’s theme is Chardi Kala (The Positive and Uplifted State of Mind). Chardi Kala is a state of mind that radiates positive energy, optimistic attitude, strong confidence, and virtuosity. Activities are planned throughout the month. Please visit the TDSB webpage for more information.
TDSB Summer Programs
Did you know the TDSB offers a rich variety of summer programs? Registration is opening soon. For more information on the programs on offer, please see below:
- e-Summer School Program (Registration tentatively opens on Monday, April 22 for TDSB students and Monday, May 6 for NON-TDSB students)
High Water Levels Brings Increased Risks
It’s that time of year again – April showers bring May flowers. The Toronto and Region Conservation monitors hazardous ice conditions as thaw begins and are reminding everyone to be very careful around all bodies of water. The first hint of warming weather and the promise of spring thaw can bring extreme danger to the shores and surfaces of streams, rivers, ponds and lakes, according to Toronto and Region Conservation. As warmer temperatures arrive, stream banks become increasingly slippery and unstable. Lake and river ice weakens, becoming thinner or with higher flows breaking with little or no warning.
During this time, the potential for flooding and ice jamming is high. Higher, faster-flowing water and extreme cold temperatures combine to create increased dangers on or near rivers, streams and ponds for people wishing to enjoy the seasonal changes. I encourage you to speak to your children about staying safe and staying away from stream banks, ponds and lakes.
Student Mental Health and Well-Being Resources
Supporting students and fostering daily positive mental health and well-being in all school communities is a priority at the TDSB. Visit the MHWB website to access mental health toolkits, identity affirming resources, and information about a variety of wellness topics. Whether you need immediate support, or want to learn more about a particular topic, there’s information and support available.
Steps to Address Your Questions and Concerns
Here at the TDSB, we are always open to hearing your questions and concerns and make every effort to address them as quickly as possible. Your child's classroom teacher is the first point of contact, followed by the school's principal, the school superintendent, and me, your Trustee! For more information, visit www.tdsb.on.ca/Contact-Us/Steps-to-Address-Questions-Concerns.
Upcoming Meetings
The next Regular Board Meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 17, 2023. For a list of upcoming meetings, please click on the calendar at www.tdsb.on.ca.
Follow the TDSB
Join the conversations happening on TDSB's social media communities. You'll find the most up-to-date information about us on our Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram accounts.
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