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Walk & Ride Challenge Winners! Metro Escalator Update!
Walk & Ride Challenge Winners! Metro Escalator Update!
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Walk & Ride 2014

We are excited to announce the winners for Week 3 and the Grand Prizes for the 2014 Walk & Ride Challenge. A huge thank you to ALL participants and our sponsors:

Grand Prize Winners!

Our Grand Prize winning teams are chosen the by using the average number of steps each member has taken. That's each team member's total steps added up, and divided by the number of members on the team.

  • First Place: The Original Pancake House!
    • The team from The Original Pancake House walked an average of 273,814 steps over the 3-week period.
    • Each team member will receive a prize package including a $125 gift card to Amazon!
    • The whole team will receive a gift basket generously donated by Bradley Food & Beverage worth $125!
  • Second Place: The Soup-A-Stars from HDR, Inc.!
    • The members of the Soup-A-Stars walked an average of 270,216 steps over the 3-week period.
    • Each team member will receive a prize package including a $75 gift card to Amazon!
  • Third Place: Chips and Walkamole from the American Society of     Health-System Pharmacists!
    • The members of Chips and Walkamole walked an average of 259,275 steps over the 3-week period.
    • Each team member will receive a prize package including a $50 gift card to Amazon!
See your team's placement on the Final Standings list here!
Congratulations to our Top Three Winning Teams!

Walking Challenge Winners
Each week we award a prize to two people who walked between 25,000 and 49,000 steps and one person who walked 50,000 or more steps. Week 3 prizes: for the 25,000+ category, two lucky winners will receive a $25 gift card for a Bethesda restaurant; for the 50,000+ category, a gift card for a brand new Kindle! 
Week 3 Walking Challenge winners, chosen randomly, are....!
  • Walking between 25,000 and 49,999 steps: Lucia Rossel of the Lerch Early Terra Risers and Josh Richards of team First Potomac.
  • Walking greater than 50,000 steps: Reema Qadri of the Abt Ladies.
Three Day Challenge Winner

For the final week of the Walk & Ride Challenge, we asked all drive-alone commuters to try an alternative mode for at least 3 days. We were excited to see all the submissions, but could only choose one winner.
And the winner of the 3-Day Challenge is...!
  • Kathy Smolley of the KVS Yellow JAKTS (pictured).
  • Kathy wins a great prize package of gift cards to several Bethesda retailers.
  • Kathy took transit three days last week, including Car Free Day!
    • "Metro was fun - so much more peaceful than driving in rush hour traffic."
Facebook Challenge Winner

Also in the final week of the Walk & Ride Challenge, we asked the participants to "like" us on Facebook and leave us a comment about your Walk & Ride Experience. The names of folks entering comments were entered into a random drawing

And the winner of a gift card to California Tortilla is...
  • Julie Vandeman of the Red Hot Chili Steppers!
Congrats Winners!

Please contact Jennifer Zucker at to find out how to collect your prizes. 
BTS is conducting a Post-Event survey to see what we can improve upon for next year. If you participated in the Challenge, please take the Survey.
The deadline for completing the survey is noon Monday, October 6!
Thanks again for participating!
Metro Escalator Installation
The Washington Metropolitan Transit Authority (WMATA) plans to start installing new escalators at the Bethesda Metro Station in early October. The escalators will be replaced one at a time. Read the full press release from WMATA here.
 A Car-Free September
In addition to the Walk & Ride Challenge, employees working in Downtown Bethesda had two other opportunities to find a better way to work:
BTS teamed up with the Washington Area Bicyclist Association (WABA) to hold a Confident City Cycling Class on September 21.
Car Free Day was held on Monday, September 22. BTS was outside of the Bethesda Metro Station thanking commuters for taking transit and handing out prizes! Nearly 5,000 people pledged to go car free for one day.
See photos of both of these great events here!
Bethesda Circulator Challenge Winners

For our final Walk & Ride prize challenge, we asked you to grab your friends or teammates and hop on the FREE Bethesda Circulator and take a photo of your group on the bus. We received many creative entries! 
The winners of a package of gift cards to Bethesda area retailers are...!
  • Ariel Aquino of the Walkers, along with his coworkers Danny and Valeria
  • Katie Shugars
    and Lynn Smith of the
    # W-I-N-N-E-R-S
Bethesda Transportation Solutions
7700 Old Georgetown Road | Bethesda, MD 20814
Telephone: 301.656.0868 |
Bethseda Bethseda Transit

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