Dear Colleague,
It was previously announced that our current remote work operational model would remain in effect through May 4, 2020. The decision has now been made to extend this model until further notice, consistent with the emergency order that Governor Baker issued this week.
All employees who are able to do so should continue to work remotely; only those employees who have been specifically notified that they are required to be on site in these circumstances should report to campus.
To maximize the value of social distancing for those on campus, please make every effort to avoid coming to campus unless you have been informed by your manager that you are required on site. Our first priority is to ensure the health and safety of the few employees approved to work on campus. If you feel ill, or if you believe that you have come in contact with someone who has tested positive for coronavirus, please do not come to campus and be in touch with your manager so that appropriate arrangements can be made. Whether on campus or off, please prioritize your own health and protect the well-being of our community by remembering to observe social distancing protocols and by being attentive to good hygiene practices. Please take note of the following important health and safety information: