MyHPI eBulletin - July 2014
MyHPI eBulletin - July 2014
July 8, 2014
myHPI Featuring division news, monthly seminar announcements and conversation starters
A monthly eBulletin 
PMI seminar series
special PMI seminar- 08/11/14 C-2303 MCN 12:00pm
Wayne C. Koff, PhD
Chief Scientific Officer
Senior Vice President R&D
International AIDS Vaccine Initiative

Regular PMI seminar series will resume in September
Reumatology seminar series
  • Reumatology Calendar
  • RIP(Research in Progress)
    on thursday
    C2303 MCN, 9:30-10:30am:

    Immunology Journal Club
    on friday
    A4224 MCN, Noon-1:00pm:

    MPHI Journal Club
    on tuesday
    A5305 MCN, 4:00-5:00pm:

    PEDs ID Seminar
  • Peds ID Calendar 2014-15
  • 2nd Friday of each month
    512 LH, 11:00am-12:Noon:

    Last Month's Image Winner: Chris Aiken
           Aiken 1 - HPI Division 0
    This month's image is a little easier, to promote HPI interactions: Is this Panama red-eyed tree frog resistant or sensitive to chytridiomycosis? Image courtesy of Dr. Louise Rollins-Smith
    • A big Congratulations goes to our division leader, Dr. Eric Skaar for winning the VUMC Post-doctoral mentor award this year. Post-doctoral training is a modern-day apprenticeship that generates tomorrow's research leaders. Dr. Skaar's legacy will live through the successes of his trainees, as have the legacies of other great mentors.  
    • Dr. Aiken has been asked to continue serving  as an Associate Editor for the journal PLoS Pathogens. Congratulations!
    • The DDRC seminar series will feature Dr. Mark Forsyth today, at noon at 8380B MCE. His talk title: "Genetic Variation and Signal Transduction as means to regulate gene transcription in H. pylori".
    • HPI division primary and secondary faculty publications that appeared since the last installment of myHPI are listed below. Please follow the links to browse through our colleagues' findings. 
      Note: Searches are set up to run automatically on a specific date, and gathered information is compiled 4 days prior to myHPI launch. If we have missed anyone, we apologize! Please contact us and we will rectify our mistake. 
    • HPI Division Meeting: July 29, 2014 at 3pm, MCN A5305. Business Meeting 
    • 2nd Friday Happy Hour: 07/11 at MCN A5305, 5:00pm - Hosted by theJoyce and Van Kaer  Labs
    Featured Publication:
    "KLF2 is a rate-limiting transcription factor that can be targeted to enhance regulatory T-cell production"
    Pabbisetty et al., PNAS 2014 Jun 16. pii: 201323493
    • The Sebzda and Aune labs have just published new insights into the production of specific subsets of regulatory T-cells (Tregs).
    • Regulatory T cells (Tregs) are a specialized subset of CD4+ T cells that maintain self-tolerance by functionally suppressing autoreactive lymphocytes. Therefore Tregs play a critical role in preventing auto-immunity. 
    • In this publication, Pabbisetty  and colleagues demonstrate for the first time that the transcription factor Kruppel like Factor (KLF) 2 selectively controls the production of antigen-induced Tregs, but not the production of thymus-derived Tregs. 
    • This finding by the Sebzda group and colleagues points towards a new avenue of developing therapeutics, via the targeting of KLF2. 
    Our Publications - June
    Applying for pre-doctoral or post-doctoral support from the NIH
    It is never too early to get started. If you think you are ready, here is the deal:
    1. The NIH F32/F32 fellowships cover 3 years of salary support.
    2. Identify your target institution (one that is most well-aligned with your lab's research)
    3. Formulate (under the supervision of your sponsor) your research plan and discuss the possibility of forming a mentoring committee.
    4. Talk to Loreita Little, our pre-award budget/account analyst. Phone: 2-5217, Room A-5302 MCN, Do this sooner, than later!
    5. Documents required: Narrative (limit 2-3 sentences)Facilities and Other Resources (no limit)Equipment (no limit)Bibliography (literature cited, no limit but be concise)Summary (limit 30 lines)Cover LetterRespective Contributions (limit 1 page)Selection of Sponsor and Institution (limit 1 page)Responsible Conduct of Research (limit 1 page)Current or Prior Support (limit 1 page)Application for Concurrent Support (limit 1 page)Goals for Fellowship Training and Career (limit 1 page)Doctoral Dissertation and Other Research (limit 1 page)Activities Planned Under This Award (limit 1 page)Specific Aims (limit 1 page)Resource Sharing Plan(s)Research Strategy (limit 6 pages)Protection of Human SubjectsInclusion of Women and MinoritiesTargeted Planned Enrollment (clinical research only)Inclusion of ChildrenVertebrate AnimalsSponsor Information (limit 6 pages)List of Referees (names, degrees, and affiliations – this same list should be in cover letter)Other Research ExperienceLetters of Support
    6. A great resource for all your questions is the BRET office. Here is the link to post-doctoral resources:
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