Fall 2021 Mode of Instruction
More than 90% of students are registered for some or all of their courses in person. 9.8% of students are registered only for online classes.
A total of 15% of class sections across all campus locations will be online. This includes sections of courses that were originally designed to be online and were offered in that mode prior to the pandemic, as well as classes that were moved online due to the renovation of Javits Hall.
Vaccinations are the strongest weapon against the spread of COVID and masking is the primary indoor mitigation strategy recommended by the CDC in locations where community spread is high or substantial.
As of August 6, 80% of all registered students have submitted proof of vaccination. With upcoming deadlines for commuter students to submit documentation, this rate is expected to rise.
In-Person and Remote Work
August 1, 2021 marked the date for all employees who were working remotely during the pandemic to return to regular work schedules onsite. Some flexibility was extended until September 7 for employees who needed a bit more time to make child or eldercare arrangements.
Meanwhile, recognizing the value of increased flexibility to a competitive talent pool, SUNY recently announced a pilot Telecommuting Policy that is distinct from accomodations that were made for remote work during the pandemic. The pilot allows for up to a maximum of 5 days of remote work per two-week pay period for full-time employees (or 50% of hours for part-time employees) who hold positions deemed suitable for telework.
The needs of the operation are a primary consideration in decisions about telework. In these decisions, supervisors will determine the extent to which a position can be performed remotely; and to be eligible, employees in such positions must have performance reviews of “meets” or “exceeds” expectations.
The pilot policy was just sent to supervisors, who will consider operational needs in their departments. Employees will also receive program information including eligibility details. The pilot runs through December 2021.