Coming Back Safe & Strong Update

Coming Back Safe and Strong Update
A Budget Message from the President
President Maurie McInnis sent a critical message to faculty and staff on Wednesday, August 12 on the University’s long-term budget challenges and the need to be “strategic, collaborative, open, and future-focused" in presenting ideas to help solve difficult issues. The note encouraged engagement and participation, providing a webpage with more detailed information, as well as a link to sign up for virtual ‘campus conversations’ this week and next, and an opportunity to submit budget-related questions and ideas. Dr. McInnis emphasized that “We must work together, share the best ideas, challenge assumptions, and build on the excellence of Stony Brook University in order to continue to move this great institution forward.” Read the message and view a short video on Achieving Financial Stability here.
New COVID-19 Policy
In an email to the campus community yesterday (Thursday, August 13), President McInnis introduced the University’s COVID-19 Pandemic Health & Safety Policy. The document clearly defines important aspects of the policy, such as health protocols for this coming year, which include required daily health screening for all students, faculty, and staff. (Click here for the employee daily health self-screener.)  It also provides information on our facial coverings mandate, testing requirements for residential students, and mandatory training for employees to prepare them to safely return to in-person work. In her message, President McInnis said, “This policy sets our expectations, and will enable us to help secure the wellbeing of our campus, while offering the same level of integrity and rigor in our academic experience.”
Parking on Campus
The Office of Transportation and Parking is making adjustments to several campus parking lots and will share this information before the first day of classes. Click here for ‘Temporary Parking Reassignments Starting Fall 2020’ on the Transportation and Parking website, where you’ll find the most up-to-date information on parking and bus schedules.
PPE Updates ...
Face Masks Are Here
“Stony Brook Strong” cloth face masks have been delivered to campus -- with a packet containing two masks each being distributed to students (by Student Affairs) and faculty and staff (by building managers). For those who may have forgotten their mask, vending machines with face masks and other personal protective equipment (PPE) are being placed in the Student Health Services building, the SAC, the Student Union, and Levels 2 and 3 of the HSC on East Campus. Many existing vending machines around campus will also now include hand sanitizers and masks.
Wanted: Champions
Healthier U has officially launched its face mask champion campaign by beginning to recruit volunteers to reinforce our mask wearing policy and preparing training for next week. Want to make a difference? Contact Cathrine Duffy, Director of Healthier U, at to volunteer as a champion and help protect the safety of yourself and others on campus.
Face Masks in the Classroom
With the clock ticking down until classrooms open for limited in-person instruction, Michael Bernstein, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, has provided guidance on social distancing and face coverings in classroom settings. View the full message here, which notes that this fall, students will be required to wear face masks for the duration of classes. The message encourages faculty to announce the policy, as well as providing steps to properly enforce it.

Have an Idea? Need an Answer?
Visit our continuously updated return to the workplace FAQs on our Coming Back Safe and Strong website, or send your questions to
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