UO HR news you can use!
UO HR news you can use!
University of Oregon
A Message from the Chief Human Resources Oficer

May 2024 Newsletter

Featured Article

Oregon CUPA-HR Spring Conference Wrap-Up

Thirty-eight UO HR professionals attended the CUPA-HR Oregon spring conference. 
Find out what we did!
News for the HRCP
Hire and Pay Action Deadlines
  • June 2024 hires and changes and July 1 renewal RTOs are past due. 
  • Fall 2024 renewal RTOs are due August 1.
  • Fall 2024 MyTrack offers are due August 26.
Build in time to generate the documents and obtain all required approvals. The deadlines help University HR get documents to the Payroll office on time and smooth the path to fall for everyone.
You can always find current deadlines on the HR Operations website.
Updates, News, Requests, and Reminders
For unit HR practitioners.
Benefits forms upload: Benefits has a new upload page for submitting forms. It's intended to be an upgrade from emailing. Employees can use the page to submit PEBB, PERS, and other benefits forms. Find the upload at the link above or at hr.uoregon.edu/benefits.
PWADUCK is no more: Use duckid.uoregon.edu to request Duck ID usernames for new employees. Instructions are available in a Knowledge Base article.
Unpaid appointment review: Review unpaid appointments for needed renewals and terminations by June 30. Appointments with no end dates require no action for the appointment to continue. If an appointment does have an end date, submit an Unpaid Appointment Form to renew. Terminate unpaid appointments by submitting an Employee Separation Request form. See the HR Operations website.
New required workplace poster: We've added the Restrictions on Political Campaigning by Public Employees notice to our Required Workplace Notices and Posters page. Please add this notice to your workplace postings.
New employee separation form: We have launched a new Employee Separation Request form (ESR) in DuckDocs. A self-paced training is available in MyTrack. Start usingthe ESR for employee/job separations, instead of a PRF or the forms.uoregon.edu separation form.
Team field in MyTrack: Users can now select their team on MyTrack PDs. The team controls PD visibility. If you have access to multiple teams, make sure you select the correct team when you create/edit PDs.
HR website work: We've been purging outdated content from the HR website. If you find something is missing, please email hrcommunications@uoregon.edu. Also, the HR site will migrate to a cloud-based server and a more current version of Drupal in the next several weeks, at which point you may notice some look and feel differences. 
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) updates: The U.S. Department of Labor has announced a final rule that increases the salary thresholds required to exempt many salaried employess from federal overtime pay requirements. Effective July 1, 2024, the threshold will increase to the equivalent of an annual salary of $43,888. On January 1, 2025, it will increase again to $58,656. University HR is working with area leaders to evaluate the impact of this change. More information will be coming.
HRCP Opportunities
Oregon CUPA-HR invites officers! Self nominations for several Oregon CUPA-HR positions close on June 7. If you have a passion for higher ed HR, CUPA has opportunities to build leadership skills, grow professional networks, and have a positive impact. HR professionals at any stage of their career may self nominate. Available positions include president-elect, treasurer-elect, and secretary. 
FYI Fridays fall presentation proposals: Do you have an HR-related project or resource you'd like to share with UO colleagues? The Learning and Development team is seeking proposals for fall term FYI Fridays presentations. This could be a great opportunity to share the value of HR and demystify what we do. Presentations can be in person or virtual. For more information, see the FYI Fridays Sharepoint site.
Tip of the Month
Do you know who has access to your Office 365 files? Are you concerned about sharing sensitive documents too widely? Information Services provides instructions for running a report that shows who has access to your files.

HRCP Events 
Events designed for or of interest to UO HR professionals.
Outstanding Employee Awards celebration: May 22, 1:30 to 3:00 p.m., Giustina Ballroom, Ford Alumni Center. HR partners, especially those with 2024 awardees in their units, are invited to attend this celebration of the winners and the UO's employee community.
FYI Fridays: Situational Awareness and Who to Call: May 24, 10:00 to 10:50 a.m. via Zoom. Do you wonder how to keep yourself safe, stay grounded, and respond effectively during an emergency? We'll learn how to maintain situational awareness, who to call for help, and basic response steps available on campus. Facilitated by Krista Dillon, chief of staff and senior director of operations, Safety and Risk Services. Register in MyTrack.
Compassion in Action: Supporting Each Other's Mental Well-Being: May 29, 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and the Public Employees Benefit Board (PEBB) is sponsoring this workshop to discuss experiences working with people experiencing mental health issues and encouraging them to get the help they need. All PEBB-eligible employees are invited to attend, and it could be especially useful for HR professionals. Register online.
HR Jobs at UO
Do you know someone looking for an HR job? The university has several openings. Check them out, and share in your networks!
Data Point
Each month, we'll spotlight a data point to spark conversations and celebrate collaborations.
This month's data point is:

Number of PEBB benefits-eligible employees at the UO. The Benefits office responds to an average of 600 email inquiries per month.

If you have an HR-related statistic you'd like us to share here, email hrcommunications@uoregon.edu.
HRCP Meetings
Our June 5 HRCP meeting, held via Zoom from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m, will highlight a common understanding and framework for HR data. We'll talk about areas of focus for the community and see some examples from the Talent and Class Comp area. 
Resources from the May 1 meeting are available on the HRCP website
News for Your Unit
Policy and Process News
To share with those in your units who need the information. 
Benefits forms upload: The Benefits office has a new upload page for submitting forms . It's intended to be an upgrade from emailing. Employees can use the page to submit PEBB, PERS, and other benefits forms. Find the upload tool at the link above or at hr.uoregon.edu/benefits.
Understanding Sexual Misconduct, Resources, and Employee Responsibilities training deadline: May 22. Note that this is a separate training from the Workplace Harassment & Discrimination Prevention Training. For more information, visit the HR website.
Employee Events
Please share!
FYI Fridays gives employees a chance to learn from each other about their work. Register for one or more sessions, or propose a session for fall 2024!
Outstanding Employee Award Celebration: May 22, 1:30 to 3:00 p.m., Giustina Ballroom, Ford Alumni Center. Join us for this annual community celebration of the awardees and the work done by officers of administration and classified staff. No RSVP required.
LifeMart information session: May 23, 11:00 to 11:45 a.m. via Zoom. Learn how to use LifeMart, a discount shopping website available to UO employees that provides discounts on national brands, services, and retailers. Register in MyTrack for the Zoom link. 
New Employee Orientation Program: Mission, Shared Responsibilities, and Engagement Opportunities: June 6, 2:00 to 4:30 p.m. via Zoom. This session for new employees focuses on UO community responsibilities, standards, resources, and engagement opportunities. Register in MyTrack.
UO Commencement: Volunteers needed June 16 and 17 at various times and locations. Sign up today to help at this milestone student event. 
Employee Benefits Overview: June 19, 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. via Zoom (see registration link for other dates). We'll discuss benefits eligibility, provide a review of core benefits and lesser known benefits offerings, and offer retirement information. If you're interested in expanding your knowledge of the benefits available to you, register in MyTrack!
Human Resources, 677 E 12th Ave. Suite 400, Eugene, OR 97403
P: 541-346-3159
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