Weekly Announcements for March 7, 2025
BYM Website Under Construction in March |
Throughout the month of March, the BYM website will receive some overdue maintenance: both a mini-makeover (a new look and feel) and a re-ordering of content to make it easier for Friends, Meetings, and visitors to find the resources they need. BYM's website vendor is decommissioning our longtime design and transitioning our website to a new, modern interface. While the timing is less than ideal, we proceed as the information super highway opens. If there is information you need but cannot find or access on the website, please email admin@bym-rsf.org. Thank you for your patience and good humor during this necessary transition.
Come Break Stuff at Opequon!
We will be tearing down 2 cabins tomorrow, Sat, March 8th, 9:30am - 4:30pm to make room for new cabins. BYM will provide some basic lunch stuff (sandwich makings, chips, water to drink, etc.) and you are welcome to bring something to share, if you like. Please bring work gloves, heavy soled shoes, and protective eye wear and clothing appropriate for the weather. The address for the new site is 605 FLOC Way, Harper’s Ferry WV 25425. Questions? DavidHunter@bym-rsf.org.
| Religious Education Meet Ups Start Sunday!
The BYM Religious Education Committee is excited to host monthly meet-ups this spring. On March 9 at 7pm, the meet-up will hear from Melinda Wenner Bradley, and on April 13th the group will share ideas for welcoming neurodiverse families and children.
Last Call for Miles White Scholarship Applications
The Miles White Beneficial Society of Baltimore City (MWBS) awards scholarships up to $7,000 for undergraduate and trade school students who are in and from Baltimore City or who are affiliated with BYM monthly meetings. The scholarship application deadline is TODAY, March 7, 2025 with funding decisions by May 20, 2025.
Save the Date: Women's Retreat April 21 at York
The 2025 Women's Retreat will be held on Easter Monday, April 21, 2025 in York, PA at Heidelberg United Church of Christ in York, PA from 9:00am to 5:00p. The theme is "Nurturing our Faith in Tumultuous Times," and we're welcoming Carla Christopher, a local poet, pastor, educator, and social justice advocate as our keynote speaker. Registration details to follow, but the Retreat Planners seek session leaders, workshop ideas, and discussion topics.
Spiritual State of the Meeting Reports & Coffee Hour
Don't forget! Spiritual State of the Meeting Reports are due by mid-April. In addition, the BYM Ministry & Pastoral Care Committee will be hosting their next Coffee Hour on April 24th at 7pm on Zoom under the queries
How is your Meeting holding space for compassionate and connected conversation in the midst of unsettling times? How are we called to exercise moral courage at this time? The BYM Ministry & Pastoral Care Coffee Hours of a mixture of worship sharing and discussion - and all are welcome!
April 12th Peace & Social Concerns Networking Day: Pre-Registration Survey
On April 12th, the BYM Peace & Social Concerns will host their annual Networking Day for BYM Friends at Friends Meeting School, Ijamsville, MD. More details here. As the Committees continues to plan the retreat, they ask Friend to complete a short survey both to indicate interest and help the Committee plan for workshops.
Rev. Dr. Robert Turner to Address BYM Tomorrow!
BYM will have the opportunity to hear Rev. Dr. Robert Turner speak about his experiences and his faith journey working in the national reparations movement on March 8th at 1:00pm in-person at Stony Run Meeting and online via Zoom. Rev. Turner walks from Baltimore to DC every month, in one day, walking 42 miles, calling his walk #40milesfor 40 acres, as a statement that reparations once promised are still needed.
| Submit Your Annual Session Workshop Proposal!
The BYM Annual Session Program Committee meets at the end of March to select workshops for our 2025 Annual Session. Have you submitted your workshop idea? Do you have a leading, skill, or gift to share with Friends? Has your meeting developed a practice or program other meetings could use? Submit your workshop proposal!
| Friends to Hold in the Light
- Karie Firoozmand (Stony Run)
- John & Dreama Frisk (Langley Hill)
- Pat Schenk (Friends House)
Sheila Bach, d. 12/11/2024 (Annapolis)
To add Friends from your Meeting to our weekly list of Friends to Hold in the Light, please email LucyAzenga@bym-rsf.org.