The Last Financial Stress Reduction® teleclasses of 2017 start soon!
The Last Financial Stress Reduction® teleclasses of 2017 start soon!
Chellie Campbell, Financial Stress Reduction Speaker, Author, Coach

September 13, 2017                   News from Chellie Campbell               091317

Dear Dolphins,
I’ve always enjoyed watching the singing competitions on TV – it reminds me of the days when I auditioned for shows, sometimes winning and sometimes losing. It was all an adventure in trying to master your skills and sell yourself.
The judges in these competitions are clearly looking not only for great singers, but those with the “It” factor. Even if they are really talented singers, they aren’t going to make it if they don’t have charisma. “You have to have the likeability factor if you’re going to be a star!” they warn them.
I can see the confusion on the kids’ faces. I know they must be thinking “How do I do likeable?”
But you can tell who has “It”, too, can’t you? It’s written on their faces, in their body language, and in their energy. You can feel it.
I’d like to get all those kids in a room for 2 hours and coach them how to do it. The judges just know it when they see it – they don’t know how to teach them to do it. “Go for it!” and “Don’t be nervous” are useless instructions to people who are afraid of the moment instead of enjoying the moment.
Now, you may not be a singer or ever want to be on “American Idol”. But wouldn’t you like to be a star in your field? How would your life change if your personal presence was so magnetic that people were clamoring to work with you?
It’s a technique that can be learned.
Marilyn Monroe knew it. She and her friend, Susan Strasberg, were walking down a New York Street one afternoon and no one was paying them any attention at all. Susan remarked how strange it was that no one noticed the famous movie star Marilyn Monroe was right in their midst. Marilyn turned to her and said, “Oh, you want to see me be her?”
Marilyn straightened up, threw her head back, smiled, and lit up the street with charisma. Suddenly, heads started turning, people pointed and the crowd rushed to surround the star! It’s like she flipped an inner switch from private to public persona.
Now, I’m not saying you should try to be Marilyn Monroe. Trying to copy someone else is the biggest mistake you can make. But you can turn heads with your own brand of charisma, and attract the people who need, want, and can benefit from what you have to offer. And get paid—really well paid!—for doing what you love!
I smile at myself writing about this, considering how terrible I was at presenting myself when I started out. I was one of the fearful ones who’s acting teacher yelled “Don’t be nervous!” at me. (Not a very helpful instruction). My knees and hands shook when I got up in front of people.
And then, one day on an Oregon summer stock stage, I got it. I had practiced a song “I Can’t Say No” from “Oklahoma that suited me perfectly – it was pert and funny. I felt comfortable with it, and I thought I did it well. But what would other people think??
Then I had a new thought: I had to enjoy performing for myself, or no one else was going to enjoy it. And to really love it full tilt, I had to stop caring what other people thought of me. Seems like an oxymoron, doesn’t it?
Here’s how it works:
1. Start with Talent:  Find something you have a natural talent for and work to perfect that. Don’t try out for a singing contest if you can’t carry a tune. If you want to play professional basketball you should be tall, coordinated, and nimble with a ball. You were born talented at something, but often it seems so natural to you that you might not recognize it. When I became a bookkeeper and business manager, I thought it was so simple that everyone could do it. It took me a long time to see it was a innate talent that not everyone had.   
2. Practice Being Confident: You must have confidence in yourself and your ability in order to succeed. A few people are born with confidence or develop it early. For most of us, though, it takes hiring a coach, taking lessons, and lots of practice. Malcolm Gladwell in his book Outliers estimates it take 10,000 hours or 10 years to become great at anything. So don’t give up before you get there. Gradually, you become proficient at your talent, and appreciate what you can do. With that comes more and more enjoyment as you do it, and then you trust yourself to do it well. It follows naturally that you expect other people will like it, too.
3. Share Your Talent with Love: This is “It”. When your love and joy at what you’re doing shows on your face and in your body language. Yet being alone with it isn’t enough. You want to communicate and share your joy with others. The key is to love your audience and invite them in to enjoy your talent with you. The audience wants you to do well. They want to enjoy the ride with you. Trust them and take them with you. Have fun!   
This is true whether you’re a singer, a teacher, an author, an insurance salesperson, a doctor, a chiropractor, a hair stylist, or anyone who works with other people. This will help you have a great conversation at a party or give a 30-second commercial at a networking event.
Shine like the Star you are! You’ll love it. And that’s what brings in the cash, too!

Please feel free to copy this article and use it wherever you like. Just include the following “author box” for attribution:
Chellie Campbell is the creator of the Financial Stress Reduction® Workshops, and author of The Wealthy Spirit, Zero to Zillionaire, and From Worry to Wealthy. She has been prominently quoted as a financial expert in the Los Angeles Times, Good Housekeeping, Redbook, Family Circle, Woman’s World and more than 50 popular books. She can be reached at
Upcoming Appearances

Wednesday, October 4, 8:30 am – 10:00 am I’m speaking at WAAT (Women’s Association for Addiction Treatment) on “Confidence, Charisma, Clients & Cash” at the Westside Pavilion Mall, Community Room B, Level 3, 10850 W. Pico Blvd. Free if it’s your first meeting, $15 if you have attended before.

Wednesday, November 5, I am the luncheon keynote speaker on “People Love to Give You Money!” for the LavaCon annual conference in Portland, Oregon. For details and registration, go to

Friday, November 17, 9:00 am – 12:00 pm I’m speaking at the Moms Helping Moms Business Network in San Diego, CA. For details and information, contact Lisa Blalock at

Last Financial Stress Reduction teleclasses of 2017!
8 Mondays October 23 – December 11 from 5:00 – 7:00 pm
8 Wednesdays October 25 – December 13 from 5:00 – 7:00 pm
Would you like to live a rich and fulfilling life—inside and out? The course promises results—not just information—many people have doubled and tripled their income in this workshop!
Call me at 310-476-1622 and I will be delighted to find out more about you and your goals and answer any questions you have about this program. (I always have just the right people in my classes so I have no need to hard-sell anyone. My goal is to get acquainted and help you see clearly whether or not this course would benefit you.)
Join us today and be on the road to Financial & Personal Success Tomorrow!

Small class sizes mean not everyone can participate in the next session.
Make sure to reserve your space in time –
Hit "Reply" to this email or call Chellie at 310-476-1622 NOW!
Business Opportunity:
Become a Certified Financial Stress Reduction® Coach Now!
I’ve been teaching this 8-week workshop for more than 25 years and I love every minute of it! Now I am licensing others to use my name, books, materials, systems and branding – it’s a complete business-in-a-box with everything you need to be successful. If you love teaching, helping others succeed, and would like to make a six-figure income doing it, this program is for you! Click here for more info!
*If you take the Financial Stress Reduction® telecourse and within one year decide to become a Certified Financial Stress Reduction® Coach, your entire course fee will be applied to the cost of the certification program.
Here’s to your fabulous success!

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Chellie Campbell
Author, Speaker
Chellie Campbell
The next Financial Stress Reduction® Workshop Telecourses are beginning soon:

8 Monday Evenings
5:00 – 7:00 p.m. (Pacific Time)
Oct. 23 - Dec. 11, 2017

8 Wednesday Evenings
5:00 -7:00 p.m. (Pacific Time)
Oct. 25 - Dec. 13, 2017
Call Chellie for info
Books by Chellie
From Worry to Wealthy
Zero to Zillionaire
The Wealthy Spirit
Chellie has been featured in a wide variety of articles, magazines, and interviews
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