Senior Warden Message
February 2021
The vestry met by Zoom on January 20th. We started our meeting with The Rev. Canon Jonathan Harris, who leads transition and pastoral development, and will be our Diocesan Transition Minister.
Jonathan outlined a process and timetable that we agreed on.
Congregational Self Study 
Vestry to discern and appoint a Search Committee.
Vestry to develop a search budget and new rector compensation elements. 
Search Committee listens to the Parish through a survey and group meetings (probably by Zoom) to develop a Parish Profile.
We think this could be completed by early April and start receiving names shortly after Easter.
Receiving Names
This is done through the Diocese, with updated social media platforms being important components.
Search Committee interviews candidates who fit our profile and selects one or more to visit.
Candidates interview with Bishop Mark and undergo a background check.
Search Committee enters final discernment to determine a finalist.
This could be accomplished by mid to late summer.
Call to New Ministry
Search committee recommends one finalist to the vestry for confirmation.
Finalist invited back to the parish, if needed.
Request to Bishop Mark for permission to extend call.
Letter of Agreement negotiated on salary, benefits and a date to begin.
Our target date for this is October 1st. 
Hank Long

Virtual Narthex Zoom Link

A Great Cloud of Witnesses

One of the most interesting and most neglected traditions in the Episcopal church is the veneration  of saints, those important and influential and holy people of the Christian faith.  Each saint has his or her own day, and in the past, the church would celebrate that day with a service or with prayer.  We have gotten out of that habit and that discipline.  It is stories that draw people to the church, stories that we learned as children in Sunday school—stories of the Bible and stories of the saints. Stories of the saints are funny and sad and illuminating and fascinating.  Like all things, saints go in and out of church favor.
The saint that comes to mind in February is, of course, Saint Valentine, a third century Roman priest martyred on February 14.  He cured a judge’s daughter of blindness, but would not renounce Christianity, and so was condemned to death. While in prison awaiting death, legend has that he wrote a note to the daughter he cured and signed it “from your Valentine”.  He is the patron saint of engaged couples, beekeepers, happy marriages, love, plague (we need him now!), and epilepsy.
I encourage you to read a story of a saint each month.  Many have been removed from the “official” calendar, but their lives are still worthy and deserve to be remembered.  
What's Happening at Christ Episcopal Church?

Please pray the Daily Office with us.  Lead by Heather and Ed Gallop, we pray each day at 9, noon, and 5.  Loaves and Fishes continues to serve to-go meals to the community every other Wednesday with a skeleton crew under the leadership of David Cole.  Links are on the website homepage to the Virtual Narthex on Thursday evenings, Bible Study on Sunday morning and the Sunday worship service.  Although we are in a state of transition, activity remains strong.  Thanks to all!

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