Reaching Out, Pentecost, Vacation Bible School, Youth Group Heads Out
Reaching Out, Pentecost, Vacation Bible School, Youth Group Heads Out

On the Eve of Rooster Walk
I have received incredible support since I have arrived here last October. I love walking around Martinsville and hanging out in the local coffee shop where people often ask me about my collar and about Christ Church. Being out in the community as a representative of our Church comes naturally to me, and many of you have told me how much you like how we are starting to bust out of our walls and taking our community to the streets. Here’s the thing, you all were already doing this! It’s one of the things that initially struck me about Christ Church is that lay people were already enthusiastic about what was going on in the Church, and not afraid to try new things. We’ve been playing with a lot of new things the last couple of months. Our Easter Vigil at the Gardner’s farm was new and exciting, and our participation in the dodgeball tournament was a cohesive moment for our community. When I tell people about Banjo Church at Rooster Walk they immediately give me credit, but Banjo Church pre-exists my tenure at Christ Church and it is already a well-oiled machine! Sometimes one of the best things a new priest can do for a Church is to show them what they saw when they first arrived, so here is what I saw:
Fr. Nick

The Great Hymn of Pentecost

Pentecost ranks next after Easter Day as the primary feast day of the church year.  Many hymns of the Holy Spirit are not suitable for Pentecost because they do not celebrate the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, or they lack the festive character and the deep feeling of the day.
The great hymn that embodies all those characteristics is Hymn 225;  "Hail thee, festival day".  The tune name is Salve feste dies, which is Latin translation of the English title of the hymn. This hymn appears in our hymnal in several versions--one for Easter, one for Ascension, and one for Pentecost.  All are versions of the original Latin hymn of the same name written by Venantius Fortunatus sometime between 567 and 576, in honor of the newly converted Saxons by Felix, Bishop of Nantes.  The original poem had 55 verses.  We are fortunate that Hymn 225 has only 4 verses!  The hymn was set to music by that great English composer of the Anglican tradition, Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872-1958).  The hymn first appeared in the English publication "Songs of Praise" in 1931, and continues to be the great processional hymn of Pentecost.
Lynn Gardner, Organist/Choirmaster
Vacation Bible School --         Hero Central!
Christ Episcopal Church is teaming up with First Presbyterian and Forest Hills Presbyterian Churches to bring you Vacation Bible School, Hero Central, Discover Your Strenth in God! Everyone is encouraged to participate as a student or volunteer.
The dates for this program are June 26 through June 30.  It will  begin at 9 AM and run until noon. Be a part of the fun with creative lessons, crafts, catchy upbeat music, snacks and more.  There will be a VBS kick-off dinner on June 25 from 5 to 7 PM.  All activities will be held at Forest Hills Presbyterian Church.  The primary contact for Christ Episcopal Church is Tara Williams.

Youth Group Plans an Outing at Philpott Lake!

Father Nick, David Cole, and Tiffany Lawrie are organizing a new youth group at CEC! The first Youth Outing or Adventure will be on Saturday, June 24 with a boat trip, lunch, and swimming at Philpott Lake. 

The youth group is open to anyone in grade 7 and up. More details regarding the outing will be forthcoming.

Join Us!

Christ Episcopal Church is teeming with ways to get involved!  Take a look at our monthly calendar and join us for a variety of services, clubs, and activities.  Help others through Grace Network, volunteer for Vacation Bible School or to help in the office, donate to St. Paul's Community closet, serve at Loaves and Fishes on the last Wednesday of each month; we welcome all!
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