A monthly e-newsletter from the North Central Region Water Network November 2024
Network News
On behalf of everyone at the North Central Region Water Network, we want to wish you a bountiful and abundant Thanksgiving full of rest, reflection and gratitude. Thank you for everything you do day in and day out to steward our water resources.
Read on for the latest water-related news, events, and opportunities!
-The North Central Region Water Network team
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Joni Harper joined the University of Missouri Extension as an agronomy specialist in 2007 and transitioned into a natural resources field specialist role in 2022, serving 26 counties in Missouri. She earned both her Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (B.S.A.) and Master of Science (M.S.) degrees from the University of Arkansas, specializing in Crop, Soil, and Environmental Sciences. Read on
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Climate, water, and equity issues are complex topics that can be sensitive to discuss, especially for communities that have been historically exploited and excluded from the conversation. To discuss the topic and brainstorm collaborations, the North Central Region Water Network traveled to Minneapolis, Minnesota, to host the Climate, Water, and Equity workshop held from October 9th to 11th, 2024. The event was a collaboration between the Network, The First American Land-Grant Consortium (FALCON), the Extension Foundation, and partners at the Central State University, Lincoln University, University of Minnesota, University of Missouri Extension, Nebraska Indian Community College, Ohio State University Extension, and UW-Madison Extension. Read on
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In The News Upcoming Events 2024 Ego-Ag Conference December 2-5, 2024 The first two days of the Eco-Ag conference are full-day workshops where each workshop is chock full of opportunities to learn from expert instructors, ask questions, and connect with others through dedicated networking times. December 4th and 5th will be the conference, featuring general session presentations and a trade show full of vendors dedicated to helping ecological farmers. Register
Great Lakes Virtual PFAS Summit December 3-5, 2024 Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) continue to present some of the biggest challenges in chemical contamination across the world. States throughout the nation, including the Great Lakes region, are finding PFAS contamination in a growing number of locations where these persistent chemicals pose a threat to human health and the environment. The Great Lakes PFAS Summit will bring together environmental program managers, policy experts, researchers, and contractors from around the Great Lakes region to share new methods of addressing this contamination and present innovative technical solutions developed to address these “forever” chemicals. Register
Grazing’s impact on soil health in integrated crop and livestock systems December 18, 2024 at 2:00 PM CT Tune into this edition of the Soil Health Nexus Digital Café Series as we hear from Alyssa Hall, Ph.D student at University of Nebraska-Lincoln, as she shares her results studying the impact of integrating grazing livestock into cropping systems. Register
Funding and Opportunities Open Position: Extension Educator - Climate Adaption and Resilience - Cloquet, MN The University of Minnesota Extension is looking for a dedicated individual to join our team who possesses expertise and hands-on experience working with individuals and communities to understand and prepare for the challenges of climate change. The Climate Adaptation and Resilience Extension Educator will collaborate closely with an Arrowhead Regional Development Commission climate planner and provide education and technical assistance for regional planning efforts to help communities across Minnesota’s Lake Superior coastal region prepare for climate-driven threats like extreme weather events, changing temperature and precipitation, and increased chances for plant disease and pest damage. Apply by December 6th, 2024. Learn more
Ohio Sea Grant is Hiring an Education Consultant Ohio Sea Grant Extension’s Education Consultant will be based in northwest Ohio and lead education and outreach initiatives that support the mission of Ohio Sea Grant and Stone Lab, including curriculum development, teacher education, and training programs, representing Ohio Sea Grant within the Center for Great Lakes Literacy, and more. Learn more
Open Position: SD Water Resource Institute Director The Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Department (ABED) at South Dakota State University (SDSU) excited to announce a new opening for the William Mibra Griffith and Byrne S. Griffith Endowed Chair in Agriculture and Water Resources and South Dakota Water Resources Institute Director. We are seeking a scientific leader to collaboratively enhance the region’s water resources sector. This role will be pivotal in shaping the trajectory of water-related research and outreach initiatives. The successful candidate will provide leadership and conduct research and outreach focused on water issues associated with agricultural production. Learn more
Open Call for Abstracts for the 2025 International Association for Great Lakes Research (IAGLR) Conference HABs invites you to participate in the IAGLR's 68th Annual Conference on Great Lakes Research. The conference will be held June 2nd-6th, 2024, and you are encouraged to submit an abstract for Session 24: Great Lakes Harmful Algal Bloom Resilience Through Informed Science, Policy, and Management. Abstract submissions are due online by Monday, December 16, 2024. Learn more
SARE Farmer Rancher Grant NCR-SARE’s Farmer Rancher Grant Program is a competitive grants program for farmers and ranchers who want to explore sustainable solutions to problems through on-farm research, demonstration, and education projects. Farmer Rancher grants have funded various topics, including pest/disease management, crop, and livestock production, food sovereignty, education/outreach, networking, quality of life issues, marketing, soil quality, energy, and more. The deadline to apply is December 5th at 4:00 PM CT. Learn more
News Compost Can Increase the Water Holding Capacity in Droughty Soils - MSU Extension Compost can increase the water-holding capacity of soils and can be a beneficial soil amendment in agricultural applications. The focus of this article is to understand how to choose composts that increase the soil’s water-holding capacity. Learn more
Scientists Tackle Farm Nutrient Pollution with Sustainable, Affordable Designer Biochar Pellets - Illinois Extension What if farmers could not only prevent excess phosphorus from polluting downstream waterways, but also recycle that nutrient as a slow-release fertilizer, all without spending a lot of money? In a first-of-its-kind field study, the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign researchers show it’s possible and economical. Learn more
Water Quality Research is 'Team Sport': Partnerships with Private Sector Help Get Ideas on the Ground - Iowa Nutrient Research Center Water quality researchers usually get the credit for their ideas and the grants they secure to study the ideas' potential. Less likely to be acknowledged are those who help take the ideas from paper to practice. "So much of our research depends closely not only with state and federal agencies but also with private sector engineers and contractors to help get ideas on the ground," says Bill Crumpton, a professor of ecology, evolution, and organismal biology at Iowa State University, a well-known scientist who studies wetlands and water quality. "We work with them to evaluate planned projects, to tweak and test our ideas, and to find ways to improve designs." Learn more
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