| Hello, New Subscribers!
We hope you'll enjoy this monthly update on all things Upstream Arts. We only include highlights here, so be sure to keep tabs on our website to learn more about our arts programming for people with disabilities at every stage of life, plus public events and opportunities.
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The Art of Voice and Choice with Midwest Special Services - Dec. 5
After delving into two exciting Art of Voice and Choice trainings this fall, we are pleased to offer two more in December, this time at the Dakota Lodge on December 5, one at 1:00pm and another at 4:00pm. Presented in partnership with Midwest Special Services (MSS), these trainings explore some of the important consequences of the Olmstead Act and introduce key concepts and vocabulary around Person Centered Planning and Informed Choice. Open to individuals with disabilities and their families, friends, caregivers, and employers, these free workshops focus on supporting all of our communities to be more inclusive of people with disabilities.
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The Art of Relationships Convenings Thanks to a grant from Headwaters Foundation, Upstream Arts will be hosting several convenings around The Art of Relationships. Various professionals from heathcare providers and disability service providers will gather together to share knowledge and expand understanding and access for people with disabilities, who experience sexual violence at a disproportionate rate and are often denied vital sexual health education.
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Join the Conversation
Each month in this corner, we share resources related to our ongoing campaign to generate artistic reflection and public conversation about stigma associated with disability. This month we are sharing an Able-Bodied privilege checklist, designed as a way to bring awareness to the privileges many of us take for granted and begin bigger conversations.
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Dear Friend,
November is often a time to reflect on the things we're thankful for. We are filled with gratitude for you - our ever expanding community of supporters. In this issue of The Current, you'll find -- Upcoming dates for The Art of Community, our trainings on Person Centered Planning and Informed Choice in partnership with Midwest Special Services,
- How to participate in Give to the Max Day on November 17 and Giving Tuesday on November 28,
- Heads up for our Open Enrollment classes starting in January,
- More gratitude and the launch of our fall fund appeal,
- Exciting cross-pollination around sexual health advocacy in our Art of Relationships convenings.
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Give to the Max Day - November 16
Upstream Arts will kick off our fall fundraising campaign by participating in Give to the Max Day on Thursday, November 16. By donating to Upstream Arts on this day, you'll not only contribute to our fundraising goal, but you'll also help make us eligible for various "Golden Ticket" prizes that are dispersed throughout the day. Worried you'll forget? Schedule your donation in advance any time between now and November 16! Click here to schedule your donation in advance for Give to the Max Day Giving Tuesday - November 28 We'll also celebrate Giving Tuesday on November 28, the Tuesday after Thanksgiving designated to encourage charitable giving during the season of goodwill. If you shop online, you can also support Upstream Arts by choosing us as your cause on smile.amazon.com and igive.com.
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Upstream Arts Participant and Teaching Artist (Photo by David Luke) | |
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Open Enrollment Classes at Upstream Arts in January 2018
For the first time since our inaugural years, we are thrilled to offer Open Enrollment classes at Upstream Arts! Classes are scheduled to begin in January at the Pillsbury House + Theater just across the hall from the Upstream Arts offices.
The Art of Social Skills program will run for 8 weeks and uses arts learning to develop vital social skills, practice advocacy, and expand voice and choice. Classes begin January 13 and run every Saturday from 10:00-11:30am and noon-1:30pm. Email info@upstreamarts.org if you would like to be notified when registration opens.
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| Gratitude & The Work Ahead THANK YOU to our remarkable community for continued support! In conjunction with Give to the Max day on November 16, we are launching our Fall Fund Appeal with a goal of raising $30,000 towards closing our $95,000 funding gap. Will you be one of 10 donors to contribute $100 to kick off our fall fund appeal? Schedule your donation for Give to the Max right now by simply clicking here to give online. You can also call (612) 331-4584 to donate by phone or mail a check to Upstream Arts, 3501 Chicago Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55407. Together, we are moving upstream. Thanks for all that you do!
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