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August 30, 2016
Ephesians 4:26-27
“In your anger do not sin”: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold.
New International Version (NIV)
               What is your favorite wedding gift?  After 32 years, Melanie and I still have a beautiful mirror given to us by beautiful friends at our first church.  Some of the lamps have gone away, casualties of time and moves.  Our china is in the cabinet.  One of my favorites, though, is a little red pillow with gold embroidery which says, “The blood of Jesus covers all of our sins.” 
                I remember this gift because it came with advice from one in our receiving line.  A beautiful elderly lady who had loved Melanie for most of her life leaned into us and whispered, “Don’t go to bed mad at each other.”  As I read Paul’s words today I am reminded of her gentle kindness that day.  She spoke as one who had learned to forgive. 
                Paul gave examples about putting off our old nature and putting on our new life in Christ.  Liars should stop lying and speak the truth.  Thieves should stop stealing and start working so that we can give to others.  Not all anger is sin.  We can be angry without sinning.  But anger harbored goes bad like aged milk.  What starts with good intentions soon takes over.  What if we put Paul’s idea into practice?  Every night before we sleep, just pull the drain plug on anger in your heart.  What will we put in its place?  In kindness and tenderheartedness, let us forgive as Christ has forgiven us.         
Pray with me: 
Father, we confess that not much of our anger is righteous.  We are quick-tempered and we bear grudges for far too long.  Today, by your grace, empower us to forgive as you have forgiven us.  Help us to put this into practice before the sun goes down, today and every day.  In the name of the only One who purchased our pardon.  Amen. 
Scripture reading for today: 
Ephesians 4

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