Elysian Charter School Weekly Newsletter
A Positively Different Public School
December 17, 2018 Vol. 14 Issue 14
The school newsletter is sent out on Mondays. When there is a holiday, the newsletter is sent the following day.
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Peace, love and Elysian
It sounds cliché but I don’t know how 2019 is right around the corner. As we head into our final week before winter break – let’s celebrate what Elysian stands for. To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the founding of the school, a project was completed by the staff. They chose words to describe what Elysian stands for - the guiding tenets of the school. Strips of wall paper were decorated and affixed to the riser of the stairs leading to the second floor.
Thank you to Bob for ensuring that this meaningful project saw the light of day!
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Enjoy the winter break with family and friends!
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Hurry - Time To Register Siblings For Kindergarten In 2019-2020!
As you know, Elysian Charter School has sibling preference. In order for a spot to be saved for a sibling of a current Elysian student for next year’s Kindergarten class of (2019-2020), you must let us know BEFORE the lottery. Your child must turn five (5) by October 1st in order to qualify for registration in your district.
We need to know how many places to reserve for our siblings. Please let us know now!
The lottery will be held this year on Wednesday, January 16, 2019. In order for your spot to be guaranteed, you must turn in your application by the deadline of January 11, 2019.
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Kuumba T-Shirts Must Be Paid By The End Of Today!!
Please see below for info and T-shirt picture
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KUUMBA DAY is coming quickly Order your T-shirt TODAY! We are thrilled to present this year's KUUMBA Day T-shirt! Custom designed and generously donated by artist Issa Sow, proud Elysian parent and owner of Issyra African Art Gallery, here in Hoboken. Graphic design support by Jenifer Semenza, fellow Elysian parent, and Nikki Berger, superstar art teacher. A huge thank you to Issa, Jenifer and Nikki!
KUUMBA Day is one of Elysian's most unique, memorable and special traditions!
ELYSIAN community- please purchase and wear these shirts with pride on KUUMBA Day- show your support of our talented 3rd grade dancers and your Elysian spirit.
IMPORTANT: due to custom nature, the campaign will only be open for today. It will close at the end of today, Monday, December 17th, 2019. (After which, you will not be able to purchase.)
Here's how:
1) visit the fundraiser link. Click here to support Elysian Charter School for KUUMBA DAY 2019
2) place your t-shirt order!
3) SHARE the link with any friends/relatives planning on attending!
4) All shirts will be delivered to the school on Friday, January 4th. (you have the option to ship directly to your home, for an additional charge)
Thank you,
KUUMBA Committee
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PTSO Corner CHILI COOK-OFF SIGN-UPS - Save the date and get your recipes ready for Saturday, January 26, at the Elks Club!
Want to judge the contest and help plan the most fun event of the year? Send an email to elysianchili@gmail.com
PICTURE DAY CLASS AND INDIVIDUAL PHOTOS - By now, everyone should have received their complimentary class photos from Lifetouch (sent home in student backpacks). If your child did not bring one home, please reach out to his/her teacher. Retakes will be sent home by Tuesday, December 18, at the latest.
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When our students go above and beyond for others, so do we. Here are the 8th graders enjoying their Coin Challenge prize with a pizza party, ice cream sundae bar, and movie.
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With the 2019 Annual Party and Auction just a few months away (Friday, March 1, 2019), we’re continuing our planning efforts and would love your help.
There are plenty of ways to participate!
1. Attend our second planning meeting. Don’t worry if you were unable to make the first one; we’ll make sure to catch you up! Please join us on Tuesday, January 8, 2019, at 6:45 PM, (room to be announced) to share your ideas and get involved. Please drop a line to friends@ecsnj.org if you are planning to attend. If you can’t make the date, but would still like to participate, let us know!
2. Consider making a donation-in-kind to our silent auction. We are always on the lookout for fun and interesting experiences or services to add to our silent auction roster. If you think you might have an item that would fit the bill, please don't hesitate to reach out to FriendsECSAuction@gmail.com.Your support is always welcomed and appreciated.
3. And don’t forget to save the date for the party: Friday, March 1, 2019!
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Enrichment Clubs This Week with End Dates
WEDNESDAY - Chess 1 - 3:00pm - 4:30pm - Jan 30
- Chess 2 - 3:00pm - 4:30pm - Jan 30
If you have any questions about the club schedule, please email pam.gorode@ecsnj.org
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Dressing for a Fire Drill
We perform monthly fire drills in which the students have to quickly leave the building without their coats.Please make sure your child is dressed warm enough during these upcoming cold days.
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Lost and Found
Please write your child's name in their outerwear so if it is lost we can return those items.
We have so many items left in the Lost and Found bin in the main office. Can't find your child's jacket?? Sweater?? Sweatshirt??
These articles that are left behind will soon be donated to charity.
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| Elysian Collects Box Tops and LABELS for Education Look for the container near Deb's desk in the office! Thank you!
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| As per state law, we no longer publish the exact location of trips for security reasons.
Please read the calendar weekly, as changes are updated regularly. December Calendar Monday, Dec 17 - Homework Help
- Rock Band Practice, CANCELLED For today
- Board Meeting, 7:00pm
Thursday, Dec 20 Friday, Dec 21 - 1/2 Day, 12:30pm Dismissal, Aftercare until 3:00pm
Monday, Dec 24 - Tuesday, Jan 1 - Elysian Closed - Winter Break
January Calendar Tuesday, Jan 1 - Elysian Closed - New Years Day
Wednesday, Jan 2 - Basketball-Green 7 vs. White 7 - 6:45pm - Wallace
- Basketball-Kelly Green 8 vs. HOLA Black
Thursday, Jan 3 - Homework Help
- Basketball-All Saints 5 vs. Green 5 - 6:45pm - Wallace
- Basketball-White 5 vs. Hoboken Charter 5 - 7:45pm - Wallace
- Basketball-Green 6 vs.Hoboken Charter 6 - 8:45pm - Wallace
Saturday, Jan 5 - Open House, 10:00am
- Basketball- Girls vs. Hoboken Charter - 1:00pm - Multi
- Basketball-Green 3 vs. White 3 - 4:00pm - Wallace
- Basketball-Green 4 vs. White 4 - 4:50pm - Wallace
Monday, Jan 7 - Rock Band Practice
- Homework Help
Tuesday, Jan 8 - Friends Auction Meeting - 6:45pm - Room TBA
- Basketball-Green 6 vs. Stevens 6 - 7:45pm - Wallace
- Basketball-Green 5 vs. White 5 -6:45pm - Wallace
- Basketball-Green 6 vs. HOLA 6 - 7:45pm - Wallace
Wednesday, Jan 9 - Basketball-White 7 vs. Hoboken Charter - 6:45pm - Multi
- Basketball-Green 7 vs. Stevens White - 7:45pm - Multi
Thursday, Jan 10 Friday, Jan 11 Saturday, Jan 12 - Basketball-Girls vs. Stevens White - 2:00pm - Multi
- Basketball-Green 4 vs. Hoboken Charter 4 - 4:00pm - Wallace
- Basketball-Connors/Calabro 4 vs. White 4 - 7:20pm - Wallace
- Basketball-Connors/Calabro 3 vs. White 3 - 8:10pm - Wallace
- Basketball-Green 3 vs. PAL Orange 3 - 9:00pm - Wallace
Monday, Jan 14 - Homework Help
- Rock Band Practice
- Basketball-All Saints vs. Kelly Green 8 - 6:15pm - Multi
Tuesday, Jan 15 Wednesday, Jan 16 - 1/2 Day, 12:30pm Dismissal - Staff Developement
- Lottery, 1:00pm
- Basketball-White 7 vs. Stevens White - 6:45pm - Wallace
Thursday, Jan 17 - Homework Help
- Basketball-All Saints vs. White 5 - 6:45pm - Wallace
- Basketball-Green 5 vs. HOLA 5 - 7:45pm - Wallace
Monday, Jan 21 Tuesday, Jan 22 - Basketball-Green 6 vs. Wallace 6 - 7:45pm - Wallace
Wednesday, Jan 23 - Basketball-Green 7 vs. Mustard Seed - 6:45pm - Wallace
Thursday, Jan 24 - Homework Help
- Basketball-Kelly Green 8 vs. Stevens Red - 7:15pm - Multi
- Basketball-Green 5 vs. Hoboken Charter 5 - 7:45pm - Wallace
- Basketball-White 5 vs. HOLA 5 - 8:45pm - Wallace
Saturday, Jan 26 - Basketball-White 4 vs. Hoboken PAL Purple - 1:30pm - Wallace
- Basketball-Girls vs. Stevens Red - 3:00pm - Multi
- Basketball-White 3 vs. Hoboken PAL Orange 3 - 4:00pm - Wallace
- Basketball-Green 3 vs. Wallace Grey 3 - 4:50pm - Wallace
- Basketball-Green 4 vs. Wallace Black 4 - 6:30pm - Wallace
- Chili Dinner - Elks Club - 5:00pm - 9:00pm
Monday, Jan 28 - Rock Band\Practice
- Homework Help
- Basketball-Kelly Green 8 vs. Hob Middle School Knicks - 6:15pm - Multi
- Board Meeting, 7:00pm
Tuesday, Jan 29 - Basketball-Green 7 vs. Hudson - 6:15pm Multi
- Basketball-White 7 vs. Mustard Seed - 7:15pm - Multi
Thursday, Jan 31 - Homework Help
- Basketball-Connors/Calabro 5 vs. Green 5 - 6:45pm - Wallace\
- Basketball-Kelly Green 8 vs. Hob Mid School Warriors - 7:15pm - Multi
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| A note about attendance: The New Jersey State Law is very specific about school attendance. By law, children are expected to be in school every day unless they are ill. There is no room in the law or regulations to excuse any children who have prior plans. We must mark all children absent who are not in attendance.
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1460 Garden Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030
Susan Grierson, Director | Susan.Grierson@ecsnj.org | Phone:201.876.0102 | Fax:201.876.9576 |