Dear Friend,

Our last retreat on flesh and blood spirituality was indeed a joy as we entered into the teaching and conversation, prayer and worship experiences that centered on receiving life in our bodies as one of God’s good gifts. I trust you are finding many ways to enjoy being a body as well as experiencing your body as a place of joy and pleasure, gut-level wisdom, and beyond-words communion with God.

Many blessings,

Reflecting on the Last Quarter

The most important encouragement for this quarter was to do whatever helped you be more intentional about noticing your body, caring for your body, listening to your body, and praying in your body as a part of your spiritual practice. God is waiting to meet you in this temple that he himself created.  

  • Notice resonance and resistance as you interact with the biblical and theological perspectives on the sanctity of the body and honoring the body as a spiritual discipline.
  • Describe the practices you chose to explore relative to honoring the body. How did you encounter God in and through these practices? What gifts and challenges did you experience relative to these practices?
  • How have you responded to the teachings and reflections on gender and race as a fundamental experience in the body through which we can learn more about God? What are your reflections on the connection between sexuality and spirituality?    
  • Describe the effect of these reflections and practices on your life and well-being and how you have experienced God in the practice of honoring the body.


Please email your paper to prior to the retreat. And remember: writing down your reflections will benefit your process of transformation, even if you don't turn in your paper!

Preparing for the Upcoming Retreat

Our upcoming retreat, November 3–5, is on experiencing transformation through self-knowledge, self-examination, and confession. Please plan to bring your copy of Invitation to a Journey.

Don't Forget—Extended Retreat

Don't forget that this will be an extended retreat through Tuesday at 4 p.m. so please make your travel plans accordingly. In many ways, this is the deepest heart of the journey, so we hope no one will have to miss it!
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