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Are We There Yet? Paved road going through two large rock formations

Sunday, March 3

10:00 am Central Time - In-Person & Livestream Traditional Service with Sermon 
Are We There Yet? by Rev. Hannah Roberts Villnave
Click HERE for Worship Service Zoom Information & the Order of Service
•  Visit fvuuf.org/Sunday to learn more about Sunday Coffeehouse.
•  Watch clips of our services on our YouTube channel.
•  Upcoming Services HERE
•  See our website HERE for information about our Sunday religious exploration classes for children and youth.
•  Share the Plate: In March we Share the Plate with Vivent Health.

Religious Exploration - Children & Youth

Have you Taken Our Fellowship-wide Survey? Don’t miss it! There is still time!
Whether you have young children, adult children, or no children, we want to hear voices from our entire Fellowship community. As we work to realize a Fellowship-wide vision that aligns our Religious Exploration program with the Fellowship’s 2023-2026 Strategic Plan, it is critical to hear thoughts and ideas from each and everybody. 
Thank you for doing your part to help create our future!
Click here to take the survey.
bright and colorful mandalas
Seeking Those Who Are Young at Heart! Camp Counselors Needed!
We are hosting a Spring Camp for kids on the first weekend of April (6th and 7th) and are looking for fun-loving adults to join us! If you would like to help our young people between the ages of 4K-5th grade create community through exploring our UU faith and having fun together, we would love to have you!
Please contact Kim Hartman, director of religious education, at kim@fvuuf.org for more information.
save the date with red circle around the words
Save the Date!
Our Annual Youth Credo Service is on Sunday, May 5
The young people in this year’s Being a Teen Program will share their entirely self-created service with you on Sunday, May 5. More information to come. 
heart made up of colorful hands
Are you a…
•  steward of our future
•  lifelong learner
•  champion for our UU movement
•  person with a curious mind
•  young at heart
•  person with an open mind and heart
If any of these qualities describe you, YOU’VE GOT WHAT IT TAKES! We would love to welcome you and your beautiful soul to our Religious Exploration program’s Summer (begins on June 9) and Fall (begins mid-September) teaching teams! Please contact Kim Hartman today for more information.
Hand Print - Love Radically, Serve Gratefully, Wonder Daily
Join us in our 2023-2024 Religious Exploration Program Year!
Come join us in fun and friendship to explore ourselves and our values through enriching lessons and activities that are designed to nurture our student’s spiritual, ethical, and intellectual growth
Click here for information about our Sunday programs. For information about our teen programs; Crossing Paths, Being a Teen, and Our Whole Lives, click here.
Please register your children today! Click on the button below.
Coffee House Service Childcare
Children are highly encouraged to attend the 9:00 am Coffee House service; childcare is available for young people in grades 4K-5 who are better served in a self-directed play environment.
Contact Kim Hartman, director of religious education, for more information.
*Regular RE classes will continue to be offered at 10:45 am.
Religious Exploration Registration

News & Notes

Tell Me More with brown background & photo of Fellowship's chalice with flame
Tell Me More! Tonight
Thursday, February 29, 5:30 pm
Join Rev. Hannah and a member of our Generosity & Engagement Ministries for an informal 90-minute session to learn more about Unitarian Universalism and this Fellowship. This is a great opportunity for newcomers to learn more, and for longtimers to refresh their connection to this congregation and the larger UU tradition.
soup saturday with soup and bread
Soup Saturday - March 2
First Saturday of each month, 5:00-6:00 pm CT (October – May)
Join us at the Fellowship for an evening of soup, bread, friends, and conversation. We will need people to bring soup (including vegetarian and vegan options), bread, maybe dessert… and to come hungry. Please direct questions to Angie or Matt (angiebaby826@yahoo.com or matthew_demers@yahoo.com). If you’d like to bring a game to share, feel free! It’s a low-key evening of fun. Hope to see you there!
Diverse group of folks with their hands in the air
Pop-Up Choir This Sunday!
This Sunday, March 3, all are invited to be a part of our POP-UP CHOIR at the 10:00 am service. Please meet in the Sanctuary (up by the piano) at 9:20 am. We'll be singing "Be the Change" by Marc Kaplan & Colin Brit.
Please come as you are - you don't need to prepare anything! However, if you'd like some preparatory resources, you can go to this website and check out a score and a reference recording: HERE
Questions? Need more information? Please email music director John Popke at john@fvuuf.org. Thanks!
Senior Wonders in light orange circle with flower patternsin the background
Senior Wonders
Senior Wonders will meet on Tuesday, March 5 at noon at the Fellowship as usual. Think spring and bring whatever you want, including a friend.

Are We There Yet?

During services at the Fellowship the last couple of months we have been thinking about how to best navigate continuous change. We’ve said that we need different kinds of ideas to bring about what we seek for our world and the many ways of being in it. We want to learn more about your reflections on these themes. We are hoping you will join our ministers and some of our member leaders for a conversation about what you see as possible for our beloved Fellowship community now and in the future.
Help us explore these topics in this small-group discussion:
•  What are your dreams about ways the Fellowship could be a force for good in the future?
•  Are there any community-facing programs you think the Fellowship is uniquely suited to create and sustain?
•  How can we sustain the Fellowship’s future?
Join us on Thursday, March 14th, 5:00-7:00 pm, or Tuesday, April 2, 6:30-8:30 pm
Your Generosity & Engagement-Ministries (GEM) Team
Ann Fisher, Heather Maass (co-chairs) and Theresa Hannah, Hilary Haskell, Nancy Middleton, Julie Putman, & Marti Wheeler

Care and Support

To submit a Joy or Concern, fill out the form on our website or contact Rev. Pam Rumancik, Sabbatical Care Minister, at pam@fvuuf.org or 920-731-0849. For pastoral emergencies call 920-383-1565.

Justice Action Ministry

Justice Hub Logo with Scales
Click above to check out the revamped justice hub

Justice Hub

Check out our revamped Justice Hub, now featuring an easy-to-use calendar! Each event on the calendar includes time, location, and program details to help you learn more about how to get engaged with our community.
PS – Want a pro tip? When you click on an event, at the bottom of the description you can click “Copy to my calendar” to add the event to your calendar and never miss a chance to act courageously for justice in our world.
•  March 4, 6:30 pm WISDOM zoom webinar with info on state referenda: "What's on Your Ballot?"
•  Registration is now open for March 23, Amplify Love event, (follow-up to last year's Rising Together) 9 am - 1 pm at the Fellowship. Details HERE
•  Monthly JAM team meetings are included in the calendar

"Reach Our Goal" Campaigns

Funding the Fellowship - two buckets
Reach Our Goal
During the annual meeting in June members approved a 2023-2024 budget with a shortfall of $40,000. In a quest to cover this budget gap, the Generosity Engagement Ministries team is hosting “Reach Our Goal” campaigns, each designed to highlight areas of the Fellowship's budget that need additional support. Watch this space for a series of articles on each of the monthly highlight areas.
Click HERE for details about the Reach Our Goal campaigns.
February Focus: Justice Action Ministry
I dwell in Possibility-
Emily Dickinson
Justice Action Ministries, or the JAM teams, are groups of UU members and friends who participate in JAMs to live out their values by promoting social justice. JAMs often cooperate to support each other and recognize the interdependence of their work. JAMs host inspirational events, educational opportunities, and promote ways to participate in our larger community. These groups are ongoing but also welcome participation in special short-term projects.
Justice Action Ministry Facilitators – consists of members and leaders from each JAM and those who want to help support the creation of new JAMs, and larger support of the justice ministries of the Fellowship, one example of their activities is sponsoring the Justice Tool Belt series.
Essentials: Food and Shelter for All – works to ensure adequate food and shelter in the Fox Valley and beyond; addresses obstacles that stand in the way of people being able to meet these needs for themselves; an example of their activities is preparing and serving meals at homeless shelters in Appleton.
Green Sanctuary - accredited Green Sanctuary by the UUA, works on issues of climate change and environmental justice; an example of their activities is hosting film viewings, book discussions, and other events to collaborate and promote sustainable practices that provide resilience to the effects of climate change.
Partner Church - educate and connect the Fellowship congregation and youth with the congregations of Deva and Banaybanay.
Gender Equality – increase awareness of gender rights concerns, educate and advocate for the rights of LGBTQIA+ members of our community. New this fall, sponsoring Sailing the AllyShip
ESTHER – an interfaith community organizing group of which the Fellowship is a member that works to educate and advocate for rights regarding affordable housing in the Fox Valley, establish a fair and equitable immigration policy, and work to transform our justice system
Immigration Justice - providing assistance and support to individuals and families seeking asylum in our country
Each of these groups focuses on one or more of the UU Principles. Their work impacts the community locally, nationally, and globally. The Fellowship provides guidance and financial assistance to support the JAMs in their groundbreaking, uplifting, and impactful projects that promote social justice. For the Fellowship to act courageously for justice, people are needed and money is required to get the job done. There is a place for everyone. Give serious consideration to how you can move the Fellowship forward in building a better world. 
To make or increase your financial contribution in support of the Fellowship and help us "Reach our Goal", you may give a one-time gift by:
  • Mailing a check with "Reach" in the memo field, or enclosing cash or check in one of the pre-printed envelopes found in the Fellowship Lobby (please do not mail cash).
  • Contribute online here.
  • Or tell us of your intention to increase your annual giving by completing our giving intention form.
Thank you!
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fvuuf.org | 920.731.0849 cyndi@fvuuf.org
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