Trachtenberg School Newsletter
GW and D.C. Pilot New Tech to Collect Organic Waste  
Sustainability Associate Colin O’Brien, B.A. ’20 (l.) and Josh Lasky, B.A. ’07, M.P.A. ’09, director of the Office of Sustainability, demonstrate how easy it is to drop off food waste in the new composting bin.
Sustainability Associate Colin O’Brien and Director of the Office of Sustainability Josh Lasky, MPA ’09 (GW Today)
The GW Office of Sustainability, led by TSPPPA alumnus Josh Lasky, is partnering with the Washington, D.C. Department of Public Works (DPW) as the first location in the District to receive a new smart food waste collection bin. The bin pops open with a command from a smartphone. Use the link below to read more about this new food waste technology that makes composting more accessible.
Congratulations to our Recent Grant-winning Faculty 
Jennifer Brinkerhoff
Jennifer M. Brinkerhoff
Hewlett Supports Research on Localization of Humanitarian and Development Assistance
Trachtenberg and Elliott School Professor Jennifer M. Brinkerhoff, along with Elliott Professor, Maryam Z. Deloffre, received a $20,000 grant from the Hewlett Foundation for open access publication of a special journal issue on The Power and Politics of Localization of Humanitarian and Development Assistance. This publication stems from a previously funded workshop hosted at GW. 
Leah Brooks
Leah Brooks
Research on E-commerce Impact Funded by Real Estate Research Institute
Trachtenberg Professor, Leah Brooks, with Associate Professor Rachel Meltzer of Harvard University, received a grant from the Real Estate Research Institute. This grant supports their examination of the impact of e-commerce on retail clustering and property values. Using establishment-level data, they will determine the extent to which stores are still co-locating to benefit from reduced travel and comparison shopping. 
Stephanie Cellini
Stephanie Cellini
PEER Project on Equitable Outcomes in Education Continues to Attract Funders 
Since its 2021 creation by Trachtenberg Professor and Professor of Economics Stephanie Cellini, the Postsecondary Equity & Economics Research (PEER) Project has engaged economists and education policy scholars to generate new evidence for promoting equitable outcomes in higher education. The project continues to build on its past successes and is planning to expand further in the coming months.  
Ivy Ken
Ivy Ken
National Science Foundation Funds Research on Meatpacking in Rural Communities
Trachtenberg and WGSS Professor, Ivy Ken, with Kenneth Sebastián León of Rutgers, received a grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) for "Meatpacking in Rural Communities: Corporate Land Use Strategies, Immigration, and Labor Policy." They'll look at ways the industry shapes rural communities and how decisions in this industry influence the movement of people, animals, and resources in rural America. 
Kate Yang
Lang (Kate) Yang
EdFund Supports Research on Financial Decisions in School Districts
Associate Professor Lang (Kate) Yang has support from EdFund to study the financial reserve decisions of school districts. She is taking a nationwide look at financial reserve decisions and impacts. Yang will examine disparities in the level of reserves across districts, assess what factors determine districts' saving decisions, and analyze the association of financial reserves with service stability.  
Yang Proposes State Credit Enhancement Program for Schools 
In the Scholars Strategy Network article, "How State Credit Enhancement of School District Debt Is a Virtually No-Cost Policy for Bridging the School Infrastructure Gap," Associate Professor Lang (Kate) Yang proposes a state credit enhancement program for schools to bridge an infrastructure gap at almost no cost. State credit enhancement programs are an innovative, low-cost solution to address significant infrastructure disparities in K-12 education, especially in low-income areas. These programs enhance the creditworthiness of school districts by offering state-backed guarantees, allowing them to borrow at lower interest rates for capital projects like building renovations and equipment upgrades.  Learn more using the link below.
Trachtenberg Research Seminar Series
Heath Brown Michelle Amante
Join Trachtenberg alumni, Heath Brown, PhD ‘06, and Michelle Amante, MPA ‘04, for a bipartisan discussion of Heath’s new book, Roadblocked: Joe Biden's Rocky Transition to the Presidency, in-person in the MPA building on September 20 from 11:15am-12:15pm. The discussion will include a conversation on the last four presidential transitions and potentially the upcoming one.  
Amazon describes Heath’s book as: “Informed by over 125 exclusive interviews with members of the Biden-Harris transition team and a wide cast of other stakeholders, Brown takes readers deep inside the 2020 presidential transition. More than that, Roadblocked is also a gripping history of US presidential transitions over the past half-century that compares the transition teams of the last four administrations.”
Trachtenberg Alumni Awards Celebratory Toast
You're invited to the 2024 Alumni Awards Celebratory Toast. Join us in the Art Gallery Lobby, 805 21st NW, Washington, DC 20052.
Here are our 2024 Award Winners: 
Blessing Douglas
Blessing Boma Douglas
Blessing Boma Douglas, MPA '20
Recent Outstanding Alumni Award 
Ms. Blessing Boma Douglas is an award-winning business leader and entrepreneur with expertise in Nonprofit Management, Community Development, Mental Health Advocacy, and Business Development. She oversees brands under the Boma Group of Companies with a result-oriented approach and ability to navigate challenging market conditions. Her entrepreneurial prowess has garnered accolades and recognitions on four continents, reflecting her global impact and influence. Read more.  
Kyle Farmbry
Dr. Kyle Farmbry
Kyle Farmbry, BA '92, MPA '94, PhD '99
Distinguished Alumni Award 
Dr. Kyle Farmbry began serving as the 10th President of Guilford College in 2022 and leads its strategic plan, Envisioning Guilford College 2027. Previously, he served as a professor in the School of Public Affairs and Administration (SPAA) at Rutgers University-Newark and then as the Dean of the Graduate School at Rutgers University-Newark. Prior to joining the Rutgers faculty, he taught at The University of Texas at San Antonio, San Diego State University, and Grand Valley State University. Read more.  
Kelly Waldron
Kelly Waldron
Kelly Waldron, MPA '07
Service to the School Alumni Award 
Ms. Kelly Waldron is a senior strategy and operations executive driving process improvement and cross-functional collaboration. She's now the Manager of Business Optimization at AARP elevating organizational performance with data-driven strategies. Previously, she was a leader at United Way Worldwide and Deloitte Services. She's a member of Trachtenberg School's Advisory Council and served as the Council Chair, significantly advancing the School mission and alumni engagement. Read more
Leading with Impact: Current & Future Changemakers
Steven J. Balla was quoted in the Lever News article “Vance Backed Attempts To Gut Dozens of Biden Rules.”
Susan Dudley moderated a Federalist Society Webinar titled "West Virginia v. EPA, Two Years Later: Updates on the Major Questions Doctrine." Dudley also authored a chapter on “Risk Assessment and Regulatory Impact Analysis,” in Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: Theory and Practice 3rd ed. from Wiley Publishers.  
Rachel Emas co-authored a Journal of Public Affairs Education article titled "Teaching future faculty: Pedagogical training in public administration PhD programs in the US" with Meril Antony and Shahrin Upoma. 
Michael Worth's second edition of his book, Fundraising: Principles and Practice, was published by Sage Publications
Faculty Photo 
Professor Bill Adams visiting Brazil's Pantanal
Professor Adams' photo of a jaguar
After holding a discussion about AI with colleagues in São Paulo, Professor Bill Adams went to Brazil's Pantanal to track jaguars, allowing for a photo taken from a boat about twenty yards away from a jaguar relaxing on a river bank. 
Our 2024 Graduates
Another round of applause for our remarkable Class of 2024! We cannot wait to see the impact they will have on the world in public policy, public administration, environmental and sustainability policy, and more. Raise High!
Left to Right: Daija Harden, MPA '24, and Danaija Harden, MPA '24 
Left to Right: Nathan Varnell, MPA '24, Althea Ulin, MPA '24, and Annie Robey, MPA '24
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