Newsletter 6-17-19
Newsletter 6-17-19
Elysian Charter School of Hoboken
Elysian Charter School of Hoboken  
Susan Grierson, Director
Elysian Charter School Weekly Newsletter
A Positively Different Public School

June 17, 2019                  Vol. 14  Issue 38
The school newsletter is sent out on Mondays. When there is a holiday, the newsletter is sent the following day. 

Please note: Send news to by 9:00 AM on Mondays.
                            This Week at a Glance
Monday, June 17 - 8th Grade Trip
Monday, June 17 - Board Meeting - 7:00pm
Tuesday, June 18 - 1/2 Day - 12:30pm Dismissal - Aftercare to the Movies
Wednesday, June 19 - 1/2 Day - 12:30pm Dismissal- 8th Grade Graduation, 7:00pm - DeBaun Auditorium
Thursday, June 20 - 1/2 Day - 12:30pm  Dismissal - Last Day of School, No Aftercare, Report Cards Distributed
Summertime is the time to renew and refresh.
One of our summertime tasks is to take a look at how our school is “doing”.  We can’t effectively do that without your input.
Attached is an anonymous survey to help us plan to meet the diverse needs of our school community. We will ask the 8th grade students to share their perspective and the staff has been asked as well.
I know we are very close to the end of the school year for one more thing to do – but please take a bit of time to complete the attached survey. Deadline is June 30th.
I can’t thank you enough for your support and continued cooperation.
Together we can make the 2019-2020 the best yet!
Click Here For Survey
6th Grade Art Exhibition:
Art and The Cosmic Connection
Monday, June 17th and Tuesday, June 18th

The sixth graders art show hangings in the hallway on the third floor entitled Art and The Cosmic Connection.
Students studied a series of scientific images, from topographical and chemical images, to geological and geographical images.
They learned about how scientists use the Elements of Art to read and interpret different planetary surfaces, which then inspired and informed their own original art pieces.
The show will hang until Tuesday, June 18th..
PTSO Corner
A note from our PTSO President:


I want to start by thanking everyone who helped make this year's PTSO events so successful and fun! We could not have done it all without Michele Linder, PTSO Communications Manager, Stephanie Gaasterland, PTSO Treasurer, Pam Gorode Laden, PTSO Vice President, and Elizabeth Woodford, the new PTSO Secretary. I'd also like to thank Jen Weiss Vassallo and Lauree Barnes, who helped with the transition from last year. I'd like to thank all the staff and teachers, who supported, promoted, and helped us plan all of our efforts -- we could not function without your continued support. I'd like to thank the students, whose excitement for all our events kept us motivated. Finally, I'd like to thank all the parents who planned, volunteered, donated, cooked, judged, and attended our events. There are so many people who made this school year awesome, and it's only going to get better next year!  

PTSO has a lot of events planned for the 2019-20 school year, including some exciting new events, and we will need your help and support! We are adding a Cabin Fever Dance Party for grades K-5 (early 2020) and a Little City Books Book Fair (October) to our annual events. Save the date for the return of the Elysian Block Party on September 15th! We will share more important dates as we plan.

Information about PTSO dues (now easily paid via Venmo, Zelle, check, or cash!) will be included with the school forms packet. The annual dues that PTSO collects fund events like Field Day, Chili Cook-Off, Halloween Party, Year-End Picnic, staff appreciation events, babysitting at school events, Coin Challenge, Spring Fling, Block Party, Cabin Fever Dance Party, Picture Day, Educational Assemblies, and many more things PTSO does to support our school.

We’d love to welcome anyone who wants to get more involved next year. Join us on the PTSO Board, come to a meeting (our first will be in late September), sign up to volunteer for an event, or email However you would like to be involved, we would love to have you! It’s always a good time with the PTSO!

Have a wonderful summer and we will see you in September!

Sara Green
President, Elysian Charter School PTSO
Spring Sessions of Enrichment Clubs This Week
  • Dance with Derrick - 3:00pm - 4:00pm -  LAST CLASS with Show at 4:00pm
  • Chess - 3:00pm - 4:30pm - LAST CLASS  is a 1/2 day,  from 12:45pm - 2:15pm

    If you have any questions about the club schedule, please email
Lost and Found 
If your child lost it, we may have found it.
Things left behind after the last day of school will be donated to charity.
      Elysian Collects Box Tops and LABELS for Education
          Look for the container near Deb's desk in the office!  Thank you!

2019-2020 School Calendar

A note about attendance:  The New Jersey State Law is very specific about school attendance. 
By law, children are expected to be in school every day unless they are ill. 
There is no room in the law or regulations to excuse any children who have prior plans.
We must mark all children absent who are not in attendance.
1460 Garden Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030
Susan Grierson, Director | | Phone:201.876.0102 | Fax:201.876.9576
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