In the last email we sent, the first section referenced a Sunday Dinner which is incorrect. Our first meal is MONDAY DINNER. We apologize for any confusion — it is corrected below.

Dear Friend,

It hardly seems possible that we are just a couple weeks away from Retreat #7 together: The Art and Practice of Spiritual Discernment, March 22–24, 2021. Here are a few reminders for this retreat whether you are coming to Q Center in person or taking your retreat somewhere else.

Remember to bring: 
  • Journal and Bible
  • Comfortable walking shoes (and warm clothes if you are coming to Q Center!) to be able to get outside during breaks and solitude
  • A question for discernment as Ruth mentioned in her last email

We look forward to seeing you virtually or in-person soon!  
The TC16 Team 

Monday Dinner

We will assemble (virtually and in person) in the Riverwoods Amphitheater at 5:30 PM CT. Ruth gave a substantive explanation last week of how we will handle this first meal. If you haven't read it, you can find it here or on the TC16 Community webpage.

Group Spiritual Direction

Small groups will be able to gather for group spiritual direction in rooms that are large enough to accomodate physcial distancing. Members who are attending virtually will be able to join that time with a computer through Zoom.

Conveners for this retreat are: Karen Gygax Rodriguez, Heather Yutzy, Tim Nelson, Rick McCall, Jack Kooreman, Josh Polanco, Kathy Beebe, Bradley Brestel, Lawrence Haskin, Gil Dukeman, Carolyn Dunlap, Tonia Lyon, Brandon Hutchins, Aubree Cantrall, Leslie Marquard, Dan Simco and Susan Ness.

Retreat Folders Have Been Mailed

We have mailed all retreat folders with handouts and prayers to everyone in TC16 ahead of the retreat. With the changes in Covid-19 restrictions and the possibility that some of you might decide to not come, we want everyone to be able to join in fully with all materials. Please let us know if you have not recieved your folder by Friday, March 19th.

Virtual Retreat Attendence

For more guidance on how to plan for your meals, solitude, unplugging from technology, etc., click here. Take some time to intentionally think through how you will prepare for this set apart time; doing so will greatly impact your experience.  


For those of you who have personally paid for your TC experience, you will receive a $200 refund. 

If you received a scholarship or are being fully/partially sponsored, we can reimburse you (up to $200) for any accommodation costs you might incure to find a quiet space to retreat. Please email us your receipts. 

If you are interested in turning your refund into a donation to help offset virtual production costs, we would welcome that!

Please click here to fill out the refund request form.

Schedule by Time Zone

All four time zone schedules will be included in your folder. If you would like to view your schedule prior to receiving your packet, you can find the links below. You will need internet access for all prayer services, teaching sessions and small group time.

In Person Retreat Attendance

If you are planning to be with us in person at Q Center, please read the following information regarding protocols for check-in and what to expect in our time together.

Arrival and Lodging

As on previous retreats, you will be staying in a private room at Q Center. You can check in between 3:30pm and 5pm CST on Monday, March 22, 2021. Before dinner, we will gather in the Riverwoods Amphitheatre (one floor above the usual teaching area, St. Charles Amphitheater) at 5:30pm.

When you arrive at Q Center, you will enter through the main reception and be asked a series of COVID related questions before having your temperature taken. There is a waiver you will be asked to sign. If you'd like to review it ahead of time click here.

Several from our team will be there to welcome you with your name badge, help you find your room or answer any other questions you might have. 

The TC check-in table will not be ready prior to 3:30pm.  Q Center will make every effort to accommodate you if you arrive early, but we are not able to guarantee early check-in. Thankfully waiting areas are comfortable and Q Center grounds are lovely — you can enjoy the environment while you wait.

We will have two cameras in the room to capture both Ruth while she’s teaching and retreatants during sharing times, so that fellow community members attending virtually will be able to “be in the room with us.” Please let the TC know ahead of time if you do not want to be shown on the screen and also sit in the areas marked for no filming. 

All meals will either be "grab and go" or served by Q Center staff abiding by COVID safetly protocols. There are also refreshments provided between meals in the morning and afternoon. 

Safety for Everyone

Here are the guidelines that Q Center has carefully put into place during this Covid-19 season. Masks must be worn at all times except when eating or in your private rooms and physicall distancing should be practiced. 

Requests for Prayer
and Pastoral Care

Our intercessory prayer team and community pastors are available to meet with you virtually or in person while we are on retreat but it will require planning ahead just a bit. Please don't hesitate to reach out for what you need on this retreat. As always, the content of these meetings will be confidential.


Please email Jerry at to schedule time during afternoon solitude. 

Pastoral Care

If you would like to connect with a community pastor please reply to this email.

Important Certificate Information

If you are working towards the Certificate in Spiritual Transformation and have outstanding papers to turn in, make sure those are emailed to no later than June 4, 2021 (the Friday before retreat #8 in order to qualify for the certificate. For more information, please refer to the Missed Retreat and Make up Assignment tab on the TC16 website. 

Community Website

Don't forget to check out the TC16 community private website for important information (past emails, required readings and much more). The password is: sacredrhythms16.


Remember, if you will be absent for any or all of the retreat or late for Monday dinner, email both and your small group to let them know so they can be aware of the things going on for you and can hold you in prayer. 
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