African Heritage (Black History) Month 2025 The TDSB has organized a variety of events to celebrate the rich heritage of the people and nations of Africa and the African Diaspora. This year's theme is "Lift Every Voice.” The theme is drawn from the iconic first line of the Black National Anthem, and encourages collective strength, unity, diversity, and resilience. This February and beyond, let's come together to honor and uplift every voice. Read the full African Heritage (Black History) Month message to learn how to get involved.
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Chinese Heritage Month 2025 Each February, the TDSB proudly recognizes Chinese Heritage Month. This year, the Lunar New Year, also known as the Spring Festival, began on Wednesday, January 29. As we welcome the Year of the Snake, we reflect on its symbolism of tenacity and transformation. Throughout the month, we will host various activities and events to highlight the rich cultural traditions and contributions of the Chinese community. Find the full Chinese Heritage Month message on the TDSB website!
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Clayton La Touche is TDSB’s New Director of Education I'm excited to share that Clayton La Touche will be the new TDSB Director of Education starting February 10, 2025. He began his career with the TDSB in 1994 before taking on roles at the Ministry of Education and York Region District School Board. Clayton is known for being a collaborative leader who cares deeply about student success and well-being. His appointment follows a thorough four-month search process led by the Trustee Director Search Committee. I want to thank Stacey Zucker for her excellent work as Interim Director during the transitional period. Read the full update here.
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TDSB 2025 Ontario Budget PresentationOur school board was one of the organizations invited to a consultation event to share ideas and suggestions about the 2025 Ontario Budget. The presentation to MPP Zee Hamid, the Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Finance, has been posted to the TDSB Budget webpage if you’re interested in learning more.
During this presentation, Chair Neethan Shan discussed ongoing financial pressures due to an inadequate funding formula. To fully support students and staff, Ontario and TDSB budgets must address the pandemic's lasting impact on mental health, the need for enhanced cybersecurity, and upgrades to school buildings. Providing the best education for Ontario's future requires significant investments in students, staff, and schools!
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Advocating for a Youth-Friendly City of Toronto Budget Last month, TDSB collaborated with Toronto Youth Cabinet (TYC) and Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) on a joint statement sent to the Mayor’s Office and Toronto City Council. Youth unemployment, housing, and food insecurity remain pressing issues that require our immediate action.
Mayor Olivia Chow recently shared Toronto's 2025 plans to increase funding for school food programs by nearly $6 million. This news is cause for celebration, as we advocated for enhanced Student Nutrition Programs in the joint letter. We must build on last year’s progress towards a youth-friendly budget and continue to invest in programs and initiatives that support the young people of Toronto!
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Family Day is February 17 Don't forget to mark your calendars for Family Day on Monday, February 17! This province-wide statutory holiday is a perfect opportunity to spend quality time with your loved ones. Please note that there will be no classes on this date. Enjoy the day off and make some wonderful memories with your family.
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2025 Student Trustees Election It's that time of year again! The 2025 TDSB Student Trustees Election will take place on February 26 and 27. Students in grades 10 and 11 who have registered as candidates will campaign from February 17 to 25. This is a fantastic opportunity for students to engage in the democratic process and have their voices heard. An online voting link will be shared with all students in grades 7 to 11. Make sure to participate and support your peers!
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Kindergarten Registration Now Open Register for English Kindergarten programs today! Children who will be four by December 31, 2025, are eligible to start Junior Kindergarten in September 2025. We cannot wait to welcome these young learners to TDSB schools.
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EQAO Math Webinar Parents, guardians, and caregivers are invited to join a free, live EQAO Math Webinar on Tuesday, February 18 at 6:30 p.m. During this session, EQAO staff will discuss the types of math questions that Ontario students encounter in large-scale assessments for Grades 3, 6, and 9. This is a great opportunity to gain insights into the assessment process and learn how to support your child's math education. Don't miss out!
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Virtual Drop-In Hours: Pathways to Care for Mental Health Did you know the TDSB offers drop-in hours for educational presentations that provide the knowledge and tools necessary to support the well-being of students at home and in school? Visit the TDSB website to view session dates and themes.
Special Education and Inclusion 2024-25 Drop-In Sessions Special Education and Inclusion is pleased to offer drop-in sessions for parents, guardians, and caregivers. These sessions aim to provide information and resources for accessing special education supports and services. Participants can ask questions, share experiences, and connect with other families in a friendly environment. Please see the flyer for upcoming dates and times.
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Reduce the Spread of Respiratory Infections A message from Toronto Public Health (TPH) was recently emailed to all TDSB families. At this time of year, respiratory illness can be more common as people gather indoors. Read the full message on the TDSB website for tips and resources. To help protect our school communities, staff, students, and visitors are reminded to:
- Stay home when you have symptoms, even if they are mild.
- Wash or sanitize your hands often.
- Cover coughs and sneezes with an elbow or a tissue.
- Get your influenza and COVID-19 vaccines at a participating pharmacy or your primary health care provider.
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2024-25 Winter Well-Being Guide The TDSB Mental Health and Well-Being Committee is happy to share the 2024-25 Winter Well-Being Guide. It has tips and resources to help students and families stay healthy and happy during the winter. The guide is available in multiple languages and includes special support for students with disabilities and complex needs. Check it out on the TDSB website and share it to help everyone stay well this winter!
Winter Weather and Student Transportation From time to time, it may be necessary to cancel student transportation, classes and/or programs because of severe weather. On rare occasions, severe weather makes it necessary to close schools, administrative offices, or sites.
Should a cancellation or closure be necessary, information will be posted on the TDSB website and TDSB social media by 6 a.m. I encourage you to visit the website to learn about Snow/Cold Weather and the Procedure for Severe Weather.
Winter Outerwear Drive As winter approaches, many families in our community need warm clothing. That is why the TDSB has once again organized a Winter Outerwear Drive to collect funds for coats, hats, gloves, and boots for students. Find more information and the donation link on the Winter Outerwear Drive page.
Questions and Concerns Here at the TDSB, we are always open to hearing your questions and concerns and make every effort to address them as quickly as possible. Your child's classroom teacher is the first point of contact, followed by the school's principal, the school superintendent, and me, your Trustee! Learn more about Steps to Address Questions and Concerns here.
Official Social Media Channels
Upcoming Meetings The next Regular Board Meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 19, 2025. For a full list of upcoming meetings, please click on the calendar at
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