4-H Friday Newsletter - Friday, May 10, 2024
| Have a Newsletter Contribution?ALL CLUB and PROJECT LEADERS, MEMBERS, and PARENTS can contribute to the
articles posted weekly by completing a short form and uploading their article and any photos
to accompany it at https://forms.gle/QBMvvsCzhaiHEfNM8. SAVE THIS LINK! Articles for the current week must be submitted by 12 pm on Wednesday. We would love to hear from you! Secretary minutes can also be submitted here as well!
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Helping Hands Club: A Visit to TAPS
We learned the process of maple syruping, from tapping trees to cooking, and saw some cool machinery. We also got to try maple syrup on ice cream (highly recommended). It was a great tour. Thank you TAPS the Andrew's Pure Syrup for having us.
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Green Valley: Get-To-Know-You
We had a very busy night on April 8, 2024. We started the night with the pledges and had a meeting that followed. We discussed the upcoming monthly events, the fair, and the food stands.
The meeting concluded with a Get-To-Know-You activity.
The June meeting will be determined at the May meeting which is set for Monday, May 13, 2024, at Rolling Meadows Dairy Barn beginning at 6:30 pm.
Submitted by Owen B., Reporter
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Market Livestock Committee UpdatesThe Market Livestock Committee will be emailing the club leaders and FFA advisors around May 15 with an updated list of educational point totals. We will not be replying to each individual email that we receive. Individuals and families were given this information at orientation; however, many are still emailing asking for point totals. Please pass this information along to your members.
In addition, the Market Livestock Committee encourages you to include an educational component to your 2024 Fond du Lac County Fair display and decorations. We believe that educating the public is a great part of our fair. Outstanding educational components will be recognized at our fair wrap meeting.
- Thank you Market Livestock Committee
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| Day Camp Youth Leaders Wanted
We are seeking youth leaders to help teach activities during our Day Camps this summer! If you are interested in helping with any of the day camp opportunities, please reach out to Tracy for more details! You can contact her at (920)-896-3360 or tracy.keifenheim@wisc.edu. Youth leaders should reach out to Tracy by Friday, May 17.
Day Camps Offered are:- Around the World
- Art
- Cardboard
- Cloverbud
- Foodie
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4-H GraduationPlease register for 2024 Graduation. Graduation is normally celebrated on Sunday afternoon of the Fond du Lac County Fair. Please save the date of Sunday, July 21, 2024. Graduation will take place in the Expo building on stage at 2 pm. Graduates are recognized during the ceremony and programs are available. To have an accurate program and materials, we ask you fill out the survey. Thanks!
We in addition to graduation, we would like to highlight our 4-H graduates on Facebook. If you would like to be featured in our graduate spotlight, please fill out the additional information and upload a photo or two!
County scholarships are due May 15!
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Free Rummage SaleWelcome 4-H Club and area home schoolers will host the 30th semi-annual free rummage sale at Lighthouse Christian Church, FDL. Free rummage, yes you heard that right, everything is FREE! 4-H families and friends are invited. The general public is invited on Friday, May 10, 8 am - 1 pm.
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4-H Summer Intern Position
We are hiring a 4-H Summer Intern, which is a paid position funded by the Fond du Lac County 4-H Leaders Association!
The 4-H Summer Intern would be responsible for helping plan, promote, and facilitate summer programs throughout Fond du Lac County. This may include Summer Day Camps, Project Workshops, promotional events, and more. If you enjoy working with youth and have experience in Positive Youth Development, please apply. Knowledge of 4-H is preferred, but not required. For more information or to apply: https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/fonddulaccounty/jobs/4487458/4h-summer-intern.
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| May:
Shooting Sports Meeting- Tuesdays and Thursdays, 5:30- 7:30 pm, Izaak Walton League
Dog Project Meetings- Thursdays, 5:00 pm for beginners, 5:45 pm for returners, FDL Fairgrounds
Dairy Judging PracticeDairy State Fair Meeting- May 15, 7 pm, Fond du Lac County Fairgrounds Rec Building
LEGO Club Meeting- May 28, 6:30 pm, UWO Fond du Lac Campus
Teen Leaders Association Meeting- May 28, 7:30 pm, UWO Fond du Lac Campus (Change in location & time for May meeting)
Cloverbud Day Camp Registration Deadline - May 31 to receive a t-shirt
Dog Project Meetings- Thursdays, 5:00 pm for beginners, 5:45 pm for returners, FDL Fairgrounds
New Family Fair Orientation- June 5, 6 pm, Fond du Lac County Fairgrounds
Foods Revue- June 13, 6 pm, Marian University Stayer Center
Fashion Revue- June 17, 5 pm, Winnebago County Extension Office Address below
- James P. Coughlin Center, 625 E County Rd. Y, Oshkosh
Teen Leaders Association Meeting- June 24, 7:00 pm, Rolling Meadows Meeting Room
LEGO Club Meeting- June 25, 6:30 pm, UWO Fond du Lac Campus
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