The latest research from Trachtenberg faculty --
The latest research from Trachtenberg faculty --
Trachtenberg Research Spotlight | November Focus: Management
special edition of the november newsletter
public management and leadership
Public Service Motivation and HR Management 
Assoc. Professor Jasmine M. Johnson co-authored Infusing Public Service Motivation (PSM) Throughout the Employment Relationship: A Review of PSM and the Human Resource Management Process in International Public Management Journal. The article presents lessons learned from PSM research related to HRM and challenges and opportunities for future research.
Rachel Emas
Antiracism in the Classroom and Beyond 
Assoc. Teaching Professor Rachel Emas co-authored Strategies for Introspection and Instruction Towards Antiracism in Public Management and Administration in Journal of Public Management & Social Policy. The article details how faculty can work to become antiracist prior to teaching and offers steps for building an antiracist pedagogy and syllabus.  
public finance and budgeting
Susan Dudley
Professor Dudley
Regulatory Compliance Burdens
Professors and Directors of the GW Regulatory Studies Center, Joseph Cordes and Susan Dudley, with PhD candidate Layvon Washington, co-authored Regulatory Compliance Burdens for the GW Regulatory Studies Center with funding from a Pew grant. They review and synthesize  literature on potential economic impacts of reducing regulatory compliance on business while holding regulatory goals and outcomes constant.  
Improving Decision-making Related to the Environment
Trachtenberg Instructor and Director of Economics Staff in the Department of the Interior Benjamin Simon will present  'Incorporating Ecosystem Services into Natural Resource Decision Making at DOI within a Natural Capital Accounting Framework' at Conference of A Community of Ecosystem Services (ACES) in December. He'll share experiences, methods, and tools for assessing and incorporating ecosystem services into public and private decisions.
In related work, he co-authored The Costs and Costs Avoided From Wildfire Fire Management—A Conceptual Framework for a Value of Information Analysis, recently published in Frontiers in Environmental Science.
Lang (Kate) Yang
A Challenge to Effectiveness of State Credit Enhancement  
Asst. Professor Lang (Kate) Yang's paper School District Borrowing and Capital Spending: The Effectiveness of State Credit Enhancement deliberates on the effects of state credit enhancement for school debt. She discusses how this may be one of those "too good to be true" policies where a state pledge (but no actual state funding) could save districts millions and mitigate disparity in school infrastructure. 
nonprofit management
Lori Brainard
How Foundations Support (Anti-)Racism
Assoc. Professor Lori Brainard co-authored How Do Foundations Support (Anti-)Racism? A Critical Race Theory Perspective on Philanthropy and Racial Equity in Journal of Philanthropy and Marketing. Exploring how philanthropic foundations responded to the killing of George Floyd and Black Lives Matter protests through a critical race theory perspective, Brainard et al. suggest that corporate, rather than family or community foundations, conveyed more racist messages, and committed to providing funds rather than adjusting organizational orientation to address racial inequity. 
AmeriCorps Members
AmeriCorps Research 
Prof. Mary Tschirhart concluded a five year research partnership with ServeOhio studying  members of state AmeriCorps programs in Ohio. Her former doctoral student, Yinglin Ma, used the data in a dissertation which significantly advances ideas from their first co-authored article, Enhancing Self-Efficacy During Community Service: Factors Influencing AmeriCorps’ Members’ Change in Self-Efficacy in Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Quarterly.      
Sanjay Pandey
Mega-Gift Donors' Motivations 
Shapiro Professor Sanjay Pandey, Prof. Michael Worth, and co-authors published Understanding Motivations of Mega-Gift Donors to Higher Education: A Qualitative Study in Public Administration Review. They offer an enhanced typology of mega-gift donors and highlight how donors' motivations may evolve over time. 
homeland security and emergency management
Maggie Smith
Captain Maggie Smith Examines Political Violence and Extremism
TSPPPA doctoral alumni Captain Maggie Smith, soon to be Major, wrote her dissertation "Unforeseen Patterns: Women Who Support the Islamic State from Within the United States", advised by Prof. Kathy Newcomer. 
Captain Smith is on the faculty at the Dept. of Social Sciences, Researcher at the Army Cyber Institute at West Point (USMA) and Director of the Competition in Cyberspace Project and Graduate Faculty at the University of Maryland (UMD) in the Master of Professional Studies in Terrorism Studies at the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START).
She stated: "My dissertation - well, completing it! - gave me the chance to join the graduate faculty at UMD in addition to my roles at USMA. Two of my committee members came from UMD and our work continued after I left GWU and began my assignment at West Point. My work really opened doors to additional research on political violence and extremism. Additionally, as I look forward to retiring from the military, I have more doors open to me than I ever dreamed of having - it's so exciting to see how my time at GWU is allowing me to shape my future into something purposeful, meaningful, and impactful." 
Notable News
Joe Cordes Presents at DC Public Management Consortium
The Trachtenberg School is a founding member of the DC Public Management Consortium, along with Georgetown and American Universities. The consortium convened for the first time this Fall.  
  • Profs. Steven Balla and Christopher Carrigan presented "In the Midnight Hour: Administrative Rulemaking During Presidential Transitions" with graduate students Sean Paul and Colin Emrich.
  • Prof. Joseph Cordes presented "Promises and Challenges of Race Sensitive Public Budgeting" with graduates Yaerin Park and Melissa McShea.
Recent Media Mentions
Photo of Space
Pace Discusses Space Security and Diplomacy 
Scott Pace, Director of the Space Policy Institute and TSPPPA affiliate professor, spoke to Space Watch Global in the podcast episode Space Cafè Radio – on tour in Prague – with Scott Pace. He analyzes the Artemis Program, NATO, Ukraine, and the role of Europe as an ally and as a new space security force. Pace also was mentioned in the Vox article The FCC wants to regulate space. Have fun! on the Federal Communications Commission's responsibilities and challenges in ensuring all national interests are addressed.
Money falling in front of American flag
Cordes on Upcoming Social Security Cost of Living Adjustments 
Professor Joseph Cordes spoke to Nexstar Media Group about next year’s Social Security cost of living adjustment, stating that "it certainly will have positive impacts, particularly for those retirees who really have to depend on the social security check as their main source of income." 
Johnson and Aulffo on What Young Nonprofit Workers Want 
Assoc. Professor Jasmine Johnson and TSPPPA alumna Sydney Aulffo were in a Chronicle of Philanthropy article What Young Nonprofit Workers Want. on how millennials are changing trends in nonprofits by holding onto work-life balance and core values. 
Alumni Spotlight
Dr. Rachel Breslin
2022 Recent Alumni Award Winner
Congratulations to Dr. Rachel Breslin, Chief of Military Gender Relations Research in the Office of People Analytics in the Dept.of Defense, recipient of the 2022 Outstanding Recent Alumni Award. Dr. Breslin leads the Department’s data collection and research on sexual assault, sexual harassment, and gender discrimination in the military. She is a member of the Consortium of Race and Gender Scholars (CORGES) and an editorial board member for Public Administration Review.   
Alumni and Emereti Publications 
2022 publications:
Please let us know if you are a TSPPPA alum with a recent publication. 
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