In Dutchess County, thirteen Family Day Care providers are participating in this new initiative that began in August and will end in June. The group meets once a month, except in December, for training and networking (and pizza). Trainings have included Quality Spaces for Mixed Ages, Thinking and Playing like a Preschooler, and Understanding Sensory Needs and How It Can Affect Your Child’s Behavior. There are two main goals of this project: quality training opportunities and developing a strong professional network. So far, it’s off to a great start!
Members of the Putnam County Network Group began their 2018-2019 season with an energetic training on Monday, October 15th titled, “All You Need To Hear”. Presented by Marlana Filannino, the creator of “Lend Me Your Ears”, providers learned a variety of songs, movements and music that they can then use with the children in their day care centers. The Putnam County Network Group is comprised of Family Day Care and Group Family Day Care providers that meet monthly to discuss a different training topic.