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Virtual Fall Film Showcase Dec. 3 - Dec. 10 Free and open to the public
The Fall Film Showcase is an exhibition of work made during the fall semester. The program includes films by students in advanced directing (fiction and documentary), music video, and beginning video production.
All films will be available for viewing on Vimeo starting at 9 AM on Dec. 3rd until 11:59 PM on Dec. 10th.
The pitch presentations will be on Friday, Dec. 4th at 1:30pm.
The panel discussions with filmmakers will be live on Saturday, Dec. 5th starting at 12:30pm.
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3 - THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10 WATCH FILMS: https://vimeo.com/showcase/7814239
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4 https://gmu.zoom.us/j/96860616148
1:30 PM – FAVS 498 Pitches: Jury presents feedback 3:30 PM – END
SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5 https://gmu.zoom.us/j/98700840509
12:30 PM – FAVS 255 Video Production with Prof. Kraus 12:50 PM – FAVS 255 Video Production with Prof. Ugarte 1:10 PM – FAVS 300 Global Horror with Profs. Alkassim and Santiago 1:30 PM – FAVS 365 Documentary Directing with Prof. Wingert-Jabi 1:50 PM – END
2:00 PM – FAVS 375 Fiction Film Directing with Prof. Steger 2:30 PM – FAVS 399 Afrofuturism with Prof. Jusu 2:50 PM – FAVS 399 Music Video Production with Prof. Santos 3:10 PM – END
3:30 PM - FAVS 496 Screenwriting Capstone with Prof. Britt 3:50 PM - FAVS 497 Cine Capstones with Prof. Charles 4:10 PM - FAVS 499 Senior Projects and Editing Capstone with Profs. Jusu and Ugarte 4:50 PM Awards Celebration 5:00 PM – END
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Spring 2021 Registration
Some highlighted courses we will be offering are listed below!
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FAVS 377 Interactive Storytelling for Social Change Professor Giovanna Chesler | Online, T 1:30-4:10
Interactive Storytelling for Social Change explores the craft of storytelling for impact and social justice. Often called “transmedia” this craft moves stories across media platforms while expanding the storyworlds of film and television series. Interactive storytelling is nothing new! Transmedia can include a book that extends the life of a character in a television show (like Laura Palmer's Diary connected to Twin Peaks). More recent examples use social media including Facebook Twitter, Tubmlr, Tik Tok, Snapchat and Instagram to move stories and social justice causes forward in the hands of the audience.
We will consider a variety of projects and causes that employ this strategy, and the jobs available in this field – from Transmedia Producer to Impact Producer. Using a cause you care about, you will develop projects that test out strategies and platforms while exploring and expanding your creative voice and tool kit.
Questions? Ask Professor Chesler (they/them) at gchesler@gmu.edu
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FAVS 399 Afrofuturism and Their Kin Professor Nikyatu Jusu | Online, T 1:30-4:10
Students will explore the history and contexts of Afrofuturism, which has roots in African American science fiction and now refers more broadly to literature, music, and visual art that explore the African diasporas experience. The course will focus on creative aspects including short script-writing, filmic storytelling, and online discussion with working filmmakers.
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FAVS 460 Advanced Editing Professor Amanda Kraus | Hybrid, R 1:30-4:10
This course will instruct students on the theories, techniques and technologies pertaining to video editing for fiction and documentary films, as well as commercials. The course will combine lectures, discussions, and demonstrations with hands on projects.
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Alternative Grading Modes for Fall
As an ongoing response to the COVID-10 pandemic, alternative grading modes have been approved for Fall 2020. For guidance on the alternative grading modes and to submit a change of grade mode request, visit the Registrar’s website. Contact Lori Yi with further questions.
The deadline for selecting the alternative grade mode is Monday, January 25, 2021, the first day of spring classes.
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The Art and Business of Filmmaking in Bali,Summer 2021
Professors Benjamin Steger and Lisa Thrasher will lead students on a study abroad experience to Indonesia. Working in teams, students will produce, film, and edit short documentaries in the heart of Bali, home to some of the richest artistic traditions in the word. Students can participate in cultural activities, including trips to museums and festivals, and dance and music lessons, in addition to surfing and snorkeling. Available courses include FAVS 225. FAVS 250, FAVS 255, FAVS 311, and FAVS 365.
To learn more about the program and how to apply, visit the Mason Study Abroad website.
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Television Academy Foundation Internship and Fellowship Programs, Summer 2021
Applications are open for 55 remote opportunities for students interested in careers in television. These remote internships include full-time paid positions in directing, animation, casting, interactive media and more.
Students can now apply to the 2021 summer program at TelevisionAcademy.com/internships. Applications will close on Tuesday, January 19, 2021 at 8:00 PM EST.
If accepted to the program, students may count this opportunity for FAVS 450 Internship course credit.
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Faculty Achievements
"El Mahal,” a Palestinian-American short film, co-written and produced by Professor Lisa Thrasher, won “Best Foreign Language Short” on October 15th at the Marina Del Ray Film Festival, the first film festival on the Roku platform, and "2nd Place General Submission" and "Best Cinematography" at the Wheaton Film Festival on November 15.
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Professor Nikyatu Jusu received a Rooftop Film Grant for her feature film NANNY. She starts filming in summer 2021.
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Film Opporunities and Resources
Apply for the Horizon Award 2021. Two female directors will receive an all-expenses paid trip to the Sundance Film Festival where they will meet with producers, filmmakers, festival programmers and others in the film industry to help put them at the head of the line, as for too long they have been forced to stand in the back. Submission deadline: December 16, 2020.
SeriesFest invites undergraduate students from across the country to apply to attend the festival as a Collegiate Fellow. Students must be currently enrolled in a college or university for a chance to to receive a Collegiate Fellows Badge for SeriesFest: Season 7, June 24–30, 2021. Earlybird Deadline: December 14, 2020
Virginia filmmakers, the Crescent City Film Festival is now accepting submissions from artists in the Southern Region of the United States. Student films are FREE to submit. Submission deadline: March 5th, 2021.
Call for entries for the 2021 Clermont FilmFest. Submit your short film script in any genre, French or English language. Submission deadline: December 6, 2020.
The 10th Visions Film Festival & Conference is the only international film festival and conference run by undergraduates for undergraduates. Scheduled for March 24th-28th, 2021 and hosted by the University of North Carolina Wilmington’s Film Studies department. Info: Samuel Farance VisionsFFCProgramming@gmail.com. Early submission deadline: December 7, 2020; Regular submission deadline: January 24, 2021.
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We want to hear from you! If you have news you would like to contribute, please send it to film@gmu.edu. We are looking for regional film events and updates from Film at Mason alumni. Keep up-to-date on all the current Film at Mason news at film.gmu.edu.
Film and Video Studies
College of Visual and Performing Arts
4400 University Dr. MSN 5D8
Fairfax, VA 22030
703-993-3287 | film@gmu.edu