As a child, my family and I would always do a deep cleaning of our home at the start of Spring every year, which involved organizing our closets, kitchen, and garage. Although it was a tedious task, we found it more bearable after realizing how much brighter and cleaner everything looked once we cleaned the windows. We breathed better once we got rid of the dust on the crown molding, ceiling lights and fans, and tall furniture. Items that we thought were lost, were found while “Spring cleaning”. Once we finished spring cleaning, we would put on our windbreakers and head outside for some fun and games, which we couldn't do for the past 5-6 months due to the cold weather. We stayed outside for what seemed like the whole day all because the days seemed longer. It was as if turning the clock ahead one hour was the reason we could see more clearly through the sparkling windows. Springing forward added more daylight for us to play or complete necessary projects indoors and outside. As my parents planned, they were teaching their children the necessity of organizing our lives for simplicity later. Do I still organize my home and do deep cleaning and high dusting in the Spring? I sure do!
If you can relate to this experience, then you probably understand the importance of getting your life matters organized. This newsletter provides suggestions to help you and your family get your lives in shape now, so you can enjoy your free time and simplify your life by taking the time to prepare. We hope you enjoy reading it and discover some useful information that helps you to SPRING FORWARD!
Here's Some Projects That You
May Choose to Tackle!
April 26th - Get Organized Day
April 26th is Get Organized Day, a day dedicated to planning, cleaning up, and decluttering. Although the exact origin and history of this day are unknown, its purpose is clear: to get rid of clutter and mess.
Click on the button below for more information.
| Physical Wellness & Stress Awareness Month
Physical wellness dates back to ancient times. The evolution of wellness began thousands of years ago in India with the natural medicine system known as 'Ayurveda.'
Stress is a normal part of human existence, and it's important to identify it and learn coping strategies. Stress Awareness Month happens every April.
Click on the button below for more information.
| April is Move More Month
(for heart health)
The American Heart Association (AHA) promotes Move More Month to help people improve their heart health with exercise.
AHA promotes walking as one of the best exercises for hearth health. AHA also provides several other methods of exercises in their Make Every Move Count campaign.
Vacuuming, grocery shopping, playing tennis, walking... each of these activities are heart healthy and can help you make every move count.
Click on the button below for more information.
April is National Financial Literacy Month
Alarming financial statistics: 1 in 4 Americans can't gather $400 for emergencies, financial disputes cause many divorces, and 78% of the workforce lives paycheck to paycheck. Only 16% of Millennials exhibit basic financial literacy.
These concerning statistics do not discriminate. With April being tax month and many people await tax returns, would it be wise to add to a savings account as an emergency fund? What about a tax shelter like a Roth IRA or mutual funds? Few are the financially savvy. Now may be a good time to improve our financial literacy. Then, as we move forward we expect a secure future once we are no longer working.
Click on the button below for more information.
| Coming Soon: 2 New Operation Xcel Sites
Operating Xcel will have Afterschool and Summer School at two new locations:
Hairston Middle and Southwest Middle Schools.
Click on the button below for more information.
| We plan to share snippets that include photos, videos, and feedback about our Sweet16 Anniversary Gala in a separate mailing.
If you attended the Gala, we want your feedback. Click on the button below for the survey.
You're Invited to our End of the Year Showcases to see what our students have worked on and achieved throughout the year!
Monday, May 22nd @ Jackson Middle School
Tuesday, May 28th @ Swann Middle School
Wednesday, May 29th @ Northwood Community Center (High Point)
Thursday, May 30th @ Oak Springs
Friday, May 31st @ Jamestown Middle School
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