Finance & Administration

Good Afternoon Colleagues,

It is with great pleasure that I announce the appointment of Elizenda (Eli) Mondesir as Assistant Vice President of Budget, Financial Planning & Analysis (BFP&A). Eli has served as Senior Director of BFP&A since 2021. She has extensive experience in financial planning and analysis, as well as exceptional leadership and team-building skills with multiple appointments held at the University since 1996.

Together with Heather Montague, Senior Associate Vice President for Budget & Financial Planning, Eli will continue to work collaboratively with senior leadership, governing and prioritizing strategic financial planning, budgeting, policy development, and process improvement, all anchored to support the University’s mission and strategic plan.

Additionally, Eli will continue to lead the Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) implementation and the development of a new economic framework for Stony Brook University. “Eli has been instrumental in managing the All-Funds budget model—she is a highly effective communicator, manager, and has the intuitive ability to navigate complex budget and financial systems,” said Heather. “She has unprecedented historical institutional knowledge and will be integral to the successful implementation of the new ERP and development of a new economic model here at Stony Brook.”

Eli is an experienced, innovative, and analytical financial leader, who oversees BFP&A's operations, systems, and a skilled team of budget and financial analysts to ensure University-wide fiscal responsibility. Leveraging her expert analytical skills, data mining dexterity, and strategic planning, she has built an exemplary professional career in higher education, holding multiple fiscal directorship appointments at the University. She has a Master of Science in Management and Policy, and a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, both obtained from Stony Brook University. Eli also holds an advanced certificate in health care management which she earned from the W. Avereall Harriman School of Management and Policy.

Please join us in extending a well-deserved congratulations to Eli.

Jed M. Shivers
Senior Vice President
Finance & Administration

Heather Montague
Senior Associate Vice President
Budget & Financial Planning
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