Dear Friend,

It was so good to be with you even for just an hour yesterday! We hope that you found it be a worthwhile connection with the community and an encouragement to you as you seek to be present to God in new and different ways. We covered a lot in our short time together so please take a few minutes to read carefully through the information below.

Grace and peace,
The TC17 Team

P.S. Don't forget that your TC17 web page is always up to date with recent communications, guidance for During the Quarter, reading lists and more.
password: sacredrhythms17


As was mentioned in the Zoom call, we would like to know your choice for participation in the reading and reflection paper process so that we can pair you with a alumni reader for your two years.

Please click here or the button below to complete the short form and submit it by Wednesday, February 17th. If you have questions that will help you in your discernment, please let us know. We're happy to help.
Choose your level of participation


Within minutes of leaving the Zoom call, one of your own community members reached out to us asking if they could make a donation so that the Lent Reflections booklet would be available to each of you! We were delighted by such a generous offer and we hope you experience this gift as a tangible expression of this community's desire to be on the journey together. The booklets will be put in the mail this week so that you will have it by Ash Wednesday!


Ruth gave guidance and several ideas for how to engage with spiritual practices, readings and other resources that can support you during this extended quarter. The burden on leaders right now is immense and we are prayerful for you in your attempts to create the space needed to lean into sacred rhythms that will sustain you. Here are some of the things that Ruth recommended...

  • Using the book Invitation to Retreat as a guide, make space for a retreat day.
    As Ruth said, "think of it as a generous investment in your friendship with God."
  • Spend more time with the required readings for this quarter. Give special attention to the question of desire and the places in your life where you might need to create space to retreat, rest or recalibrate.
  • As a way of checking in, re-visit the How is it With Your Soul? Assesment. Give yourself space to gently notice and to ask God "What are we going to do about that?"
  • Receive the Lent Reflections booklet in the mail as a gift from your community!
    "'And yet even now,' says the Lord, 'return to me with all your heart...'" Joel 2:12  Lent is a season of returning, will you accept the invitation?

  • Subscribe to our podcast! Here are the seasons most relevant to this quarter: 
         and coming up for Lent... 
Season 12 | The Deeper Journey based on Dr. Robert  
Mulholland's book
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