New beginnings, prizes and frogs!
New beginnings, prizes and frogs!
April 15, 2016 - Volume 3 Issue 4
Real Life Spark
...igniting the next generation of YOU!
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Deb's Sparks
Happy Spring!  It feels like I wrote the March newsletter yesterday.  Time is moving so quickly lately and a lot has happened in the past month.
There is a new house on the horizon for me! (Fingers crossed, it's not over until the closing takes place in May!).  Soon after the March newsletter I found the perfect townhome in the community I wanted to live in.  I knew it was the right spot when I discovered one of my Rummage sisters was my neighbor! Thanks for the sign, Universe!
Speaking of Rummage, it's Rummage season and the timing is perfect.  It's time to clean out the old house and plan the new one!  That means donating and shopping! And its all for a good cause!
I've had the opportunity to present, Discover Your SPARK: 5 Keys to Falling in Love with Your Work, several times in the past month and its always rewarding.  I love sharing my passion for intuition and how understanding our own journey can bring the SPARK back into our lives.
On a bittersweet note, a personal relationship came to an end a couple of weeks ago.  There's always something to learn. As I reflect on this ending, there are a lot of new beginnings in front of me.
It's Spring, time to plant seeds and focus on new beginnings!
Wishing you peace, love and sparks of growth this spring!  Deb
Igniting the Next Generation of YOU! Keep Your Eye on the Prize...
We continue to focus on self-worth, self-love and self-appreciation.   With all of the chaos in my life at the moment, its easy for me to feel discouraged and fall victim to self-sabotage.  There is so much to do every day and as you will read in Tools You Can Use, I am surrounded by frogs!
It's easy to get overwhelmed when your list feels like it is a mile long, and that's when completing one item at a time helps.  But what really makes me feel better is imagining the end result. Keeping my eye on the prize.
Two months from now, when I am writing the June newsletter, I will be in my new home, all the packing and most of the unpacking done and my old home will be on the market attracting its new owners. Between now and then there is a LOT of work to be done.
So for now, when I get overwhelmed, I am going to imagine myself enjoying friends and a glass of wine on my new patio.  Or imagine family visiting for a holiday meal in a dining room that will accomodate all of us.  Or the simple fact that I will be able to walk to one of my favorite coffee bars.  Not to mention the real motivation, I will be 10 minutes from Mom and Dad. It will be great.
What task or activities in your life are overwhelming you?  Do you feel less than perfect because you can't get things done fast enough.  You are in good company.  During that moment of overwhelm, stop, take a deep breath, close your eyes and imagine the end result. Then take the next step with your eye on the prize.
We'll continue the conversation next month.  XOXO.
Tools You Can Use! One Frog at a time...
Mark Twain said "If it's your job to eat a frog, it's best to do it first thing in the morning. And If it's your job to eat two frogs, it's best to eat the biggest one first."  I have used the 'eat the frog' analogy throughout my career when I was procrastinating.  In fact, Brian Tracy  has written a book called "Eat that Frog" about overcoming procrastination.  Keep reading....
Deb's Bookshelf
Our book for March and April is Your Divine Lens by Sue Frederick. Sue is my mentor and I'm looking forward to reading her latest book and sharing my insights with you.  Join me and read along!
Deb Wilber is an intuitive coach and personal transformation expert.  Her coaching practice, Real Life Spark™,  helps women  transform their lives from the inside out,  so they can live their best life now!
Would you like to fall in love with your work?  Schedule a complimentary conversation to learn more.
Schedule Now
Discover Your SPARK: 5 Keys to Falling in Love with Your Work!
CCM/Women's Job Club:
April 29, 2016
Holistic Consciousness of One Wellness and Vendor Event
May 12, 2016
Hilton Garden Inn, Rockaway, NJ
5PM - 9PM
Powerful You! Women's Network
Date: 4/20/2016
Time: 7:00 PM
Place:  Frank's Pizza, Flanders, NJ
Topic: Integrity
Speaker:  Patti Hughes, What To Wear In NJ, LLC
Looking for quick, simple tips to transform your life?
Check out the
Real Life Spark
YouTube Channel
Click on the image to read the latest issue of 24/SEVEN
Why Your Why is the Key to Success on pg 48
Now Available!
This handbook of wisdom reminds you that you have the power within to create the life of your dreams.
Transformation through Volunteerism! is featured in the Giving Back section and includes tips for finding your volunteer tribe.
Buy Now
 Change Your Attitude ... Change Your Life, is a weekly radio program airing Sundays at 12:30 AM on NY's WOR 710AM and iHeart Radio.  It's mission is to provide information to empower people to live happy, productive lives. Connecting the dots between mind, body, soul and spirit. I'm fortunate to be a part of The Good Life team with articles and tips on personal transformation!
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