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Week of April 27, 2015
Countdown to Magic Dragon Day!
The big day is almost here! Looking forward to seeing everyone on Saturday, May 2, for Magic Dragon Day!
Here are a few "need to know" items to make the most of MDD Day:
  • Tickets and wristbands open at 9 a.m. PLEASE BRING CASH.
  • Coffee and bake sale items also open at 9 a.m.
  • The Maypole dance is at 9:30 a.m.
  • "Blue vs. White" Tug of War is immediately after the Maypole dance. (Cleats and gloves are often helpful.)
  • Booths, Games and Food Vendors open at 10 a.m.
Spirit Week Schedule for the Week of April 27-May 1:
Monday and Tuesday, April 27-28 
BLUE/WHITE Spirit Wear (St M T-shirts, sweatshirts, etc.)
Wednesday, April 29
Crazy Hat Day (standard dress code applies)
Thursday, April 30
Wacky Tacky Day (Thank you for making good choices when choosing an outfit.)
Friday, May 1
Spirit Day AND Field Day 
Wear your MDD T-Shirt!  Athletic clothes allowed. Students may wish to bring a change of clothes, as some of the games include water fun.
Saturday, May 2
Magic Dragon Day!!  Wear your MDD T-shirt!
Reminder: No hair dye or face paint during Spirit Week.
Note: Please be on the lookout for an email that will go out early this week that will contain more details on the Field Day schedule, carpool logistics and more.
 Important Announcements:
Transition to Middle School
We cordially invite our rising sixth grade parents to a Middle School Orientation this Tuesday, April 28, at 8:20 a.m. at the Lower School, Bon Air Campus, in Dundas Hatcher Hall.
Student orientation will be scheduled before school is out. 
Faculty News
Last week, Middle School science teacher Mrs. Farleigh shared with the faculty that she’s decided to move on from St. Michael’s. Over the past three years, Mrs. Farleigh’s warm personality and generous spirt have enriched the lives of her students and ingratiated her to all of us. Mrs. Farleigh has deep roots locally, having attended St. Michael’s, Trinity and William & Mary. She is looking forward to spending more time with her family, but here at School, however, we will miss her. Please join us in thanking Mrs. Farleigh for her dedication and wishing her the best by clicking here.
The Zombies are COMING! Get your Tickets!
Tickets to the Middle School comedic play, "10 Ways to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse" go on sale on Friday, April 24.  The cost is $3.00 each. Tickets may be purchased from Erbie Godwin in the MS Front Office. The play will run May 8-10.
About the Play: It's the end of the world and hordes of rampaging zombies are about to kill you. What do you do? Try your hand at kung fu against the undead? Attempt to reason with creatures that would rather eat brains than use them? Turn to this handy and hilarious guide to survive the apocalypse! (Hint: sacrifice the weak is step number one.) 
Friendly Reminder: Lower School Carpool Safety
A friendly reminder that we really need your help in making our carpool line safe for children. 
  • Please support our faculty and staff by honoring their traffic management requests.
  • Adults with children who are not St. Michael's students should not abandon the carpool line to congregate on the blacktop behind the church. This area needs to be restricted to adults who are waiting without children as children cannot be adequately supervised in this area.  (Thank you too for leaving pets in your car.) 
Giving Back in the Middle School
St. Michael's is humbled and proud to announce the community service hours that have been performed to date this year by our Middle School students: 

3rd quarter total service hours: 517 hours
Total for year thus far: 2,048 hours

Tabulation: 1st quarter:   743 hours
                   2nd quarter : 788 hours
                   3rd quarter:   517 hours
Celebrate Books: Honor a Milestone with a Book
Miss Price has a selection of new books to choose from for anyone wanting to present a book to the Middle School library in honor of a birthday, special occasion, or in memory of someone. Books should be selected by Friday, May 22nd.
SMPA Annual Spring Meeting and Celebration of Retiring FacultyWednesday, May 20, 6:30 p.m. (Singleton Campus) 
Sharing Kindness 
Mrs. Mitchell’s First Grade class is on a kindness mission to be kind to our Earth!  The class celebrated Earth Day (April 22) by making “Be Kind to Our Earth” posters to place around the school. The class worked in groups to make these posters with slogans like “use both sides of the paper”, “carpool”, “don’t liter”, “turn off the faucet while brushing your teeth”, and “recycle."  They also rolled up their sleeves, put on gloves and picked up trash around our School.

Remember to share any Acts of Kindness that you experience by: emailing it to, tweeting it to #kindSTM  or posting it on Facebook and sharing it to our page.
Bike Safety Month in the Lower School
May will be bike safety month in the gym.  Lower school students are encouraged to bring in their bike helmets on Fridays during the month of May so that they can be properly fitted for the summer months.  In addition, bike safety rules will be reviewed in class.
Career Opportunities at St M
St. Michael’s seeks talented and dedicated faculty and staff to become part of our vibrant community.

Available Openings:

•    Director of Finance and Facilities (Full-Time), starting summer 2015
•    Middle School Math Teacher (Full-Time), starting August 2015
Visit our School website for more information:
Let's Be Friends! 
Get connected to keep abreast of St M news, events, calendar changes and information.
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Current and past issues of "This Week at St. Michael's" are now archived on our website under "News and Events," as well as under "Community."
  Dates to Remember...
 ERB Testing continues on  Monday and Tuesday, 4/27-4/28.
It's Spirit Week! Go Blue! Go White!
  Lower School:   
  • Go Fish Afterschool Program, Monday, 4/27, 3-5 p.m.
  • Championship Chess, Wednesday, 4/29, 2:40-3:40 p.m.  
  • Field Day!, Friday, May 1
  • Go Fish Afterschool Program, Friday, 5/1, 3-5 p.m.
  • Magic Dragon Day, Saturday, May 2
  Middle School
  • Middle School Parent Orientation (for rising 6th grade families), Tuesday, 4/28, 8:20 a.m., Lower School Campus, Dundas Hatcher.
  • 7th Grade Meals On Wheels (Farleigh), Thursday, 4/30, 9:15 am.
  • Spring Play Rehearsal (Speaking parts AND Zombies), EVERY DAY this week Monday-Friday,  4/27-5/1,  3-4:30 p.m., plus Friday Club time.
  • Field Day!, Friday, May 1
  • Magic Dragon Day, Saturday, May 2
  • Coming Up:  Middle School Semi-Formal: Friday, May 15th, 7-9 p.m. $7.00 at the door. Attire: Girls: dresses or skirts; Boys: dress shirt, tie and pants (no jeans please).
  MS Sports: 
   Monday, 4/27:
  • Track: 3:30-5:00 p.m.
  • Girls LAX practice: 3-4:30 p.m. 
  • Boys LAX AWAY Game vs. Benedictine, 5:00 p.m.
   Tuesday, 4/28:
  • Track: 3:15-5:00 p.m.
  • Girls LAX HOME Game (vs. Collegiate), 4:00 p.m.
  • Boys LAX HOME Game vs. Collegiate, 5:45 p.m.
   Wednesday, 429:
  • Girls LAX HOME Game (vs. Storm), 5:15 p.m.
   Thursday, 4/30: 
  • Track Meet, 4 p.m. at Collegiate (The Track is located on N. Moreland Rd.)
  • Boys LAX Practice: 5:15-6:45 p.m. 
   Friday, 5/1: 
  • Track: 3:15-5:00 p.m.

NOTE: A New Girls LAX Game has been added to the schedule for May 5, 5 p.m., @ Weaver
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