Heating Things Up…While Keeping Our Cool!
Heating Things Up…While Keeping Our Cool!
 Heating Things Up…While Keeping Our Cool!
STM Newsletter - October 2020
Updates: 2020 STM Scholar-in-Training Award Winners
Debbie K. Ledezma
Shaina A. Yates
Zahraa Alali
Varun Sadaphal 
Bibin Prasad
     - Debbie K. Ledezma (George Washington University)
     - Shaina A. Yates (Wake Forest School of Medicine)
     - Zahraa Alali (Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland Clinic)

     - Varun Sadaphal (UT Southwestern Medical Center)
     - Bibin Prasad (UT Southwestern Medical Center)
Please join us in congratulating them and join us on November 10th for the STM Scholar-in-Training Virtual Symposium. More information on this event HERE.
Updates: The Minorities and Women in Science Committees Mentorship Program
Goal- Connect trainees and junior members with Senior members of STM in informal small groups sessions to facilitate opportunities for discussions involving career advancement, post-graduate opportunities, networking, international, discrimination, and other pertinent issues.
The initiative is open to ALL members of the Society regardless of background; however, the Committees strongly encourage female and minority members to take part.
Senior members interested in serving as mentors should Rajiv Chopra (rajiv.chopra@utsouthwestern.edu).
Junior members interested in receiving mentorship should contact Anjan Motamarry (amotamarry@mgh.harvard.edu).
Membership - Support STM during this critical time
Don’t let your STM membership lapse!  Even though we are not having an in-person meeting until next year, STM is planning a series of virtual symposia and webinars to spread our knowledge, develop new ideas, and engage with one another.  Now is a critical time to show your support for STM and rebuild your connections. Renew your membership here: https://www.thermaltherapy.org/ebusSFTM/MEMBERSHIP.aspx
Membership in The Society for Thermal Medicine is open to anyone interested in the study of thermal medicine. Membership rights and privileges include: participating in society elections, committee service, access to restricted “members-only” areas of the STM website, discounts on in-person and virtual meeting registration fees and a 30% discount on IJH article submission fees.
Virtual Symposia
One of the best ways that STM members can come together is to renew their membership and get ready to participate in the upcoming monthly webinars and symposia. Virtual events will be interactive in real-time so STM members can engage with the speakers and foster good dialogue. Presentations will also be recorded so all members can enjoy this free content.  STM is excited for the new webinar format that will allow for thermal medicine researchers from all across the world to actively participate!
Upcoming virtual events include:
STM Scholar-in-Training symposium 
November 10th: Samir Jenkins, PhD (University of Arkansas Medical Sciences) is hosting the STM Scholar-in-Training symposium.  This exciting event will showcase the research ventures of STM’s junior investigators! The full schedule can be found HERE.
The 2020 STM Scholar-in-Training awards are sponsored by a generous contribution from FUS Instruments.
FUS Instruments manufactures focused ultrasound research platforms for benchtop or MRI studies of drug delivery, tissue ablation & hyperthermia. The company is proud to support the STM and its Scholars-in-Training. Visit www.fusinstruments.com to learn more.
WHEN:  November 10, 2020 at 12pm EST (9:00AM PST, 10:00AM MST, 11:00AM CST). The event is planned to be 2 ½ hours. 
WHERE: Cyberspace, with log-in details for the virtual event provided following registration
REGISTRATION DETAILS: This event is FREE to STM members. Non-STM members are encouraged to renew their membership and join the webinar for free, although they may also participate for $50. 
Please email the STM Business Office at stm@allenpress.com if you would like to register for this event. The last day to register is November 8, 2020.
STM 3-Part Virtual Symposium: Magnetic Nanomedicine Heats Up: Imaging, Immunology, and Treatment
Sponsored by:
Session 1 - November 11th: Magnetic particle imaging and its applications in biomedicine - chaired by Dr. Patrick Goodwill, PhD, Chief Technology Officer of Magnetic Insight, Inc. 
WHEN: Nov 11, 2020 from 11am – 12:30pm EST 
Register for Session 1 HERE
Speakers/Title of Presentation:
- Dr. Patrick Goodwill, PhD - Magnetic Particle Imaging Fundamentals – Physics, Hardware, and Applications 
- Dr. Paula Foster, PhD - Magnetic Particle Imaging of SPIO Labeled Cells for In Vivo Biological Applications 
- Dr. Carlos Rinaldi, PhD - Nanoscale heating for image guided thermal cancer therapy and organ rewarming applications 
Session 2 - November 18th: Arousing tumor and systemic immunity with magnetic nanomedicine - chaired by Dr. Steven Fiering, PhD, Professor of Microbiology and Immunology Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth
WHEN: Nov 18, 2020 from 11am – 12:30pm EST 
Register for Session 2 HERE
Speakers/Title of Presentation:
- Dr. Jeff W.M. Bulte, PhD - In Vivo Imaging of Dendritic Cells using Magnetovaccination 
- Dr. Preethi Korangath, MSc, PhDSystemic exposure to iron oxide nanoparticles stimulates immune responses to inhibit tumor growth in mouse models of breast cancer
- Dr. Rohan Fernandes, PhD – Photothermal Prussian blue nanoparticles to potentiate an abscopal effect against cancer
Session 3 - December 2nd: Magnetic fluid hyperthermia – why do we need imaging? - chaired by Dr. Robert Ivkov, PhD, Associate Professor, Departments of Radiation Oncology and Molecular Radiation Sciences, Oncology, Materials Science and Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
WHEN: December 2, 2020 from 11am – 12:30pm EST 
Register for Session 3 HERE
Speakers/Titles of Presentation:
- Dr. Andris Bakuzis, PhD - Title TBD 
- Dr. Costas Hadjipanayis, MD - Title TBD 
- #3 Speaker TBD
Addtional infomation regarding this FREE 3-part symposia can be found HERE.
December 9th: Please help us congratulate STM awardees! 
2020 J. Eugene Robinson Award (Physics category) – Dr. Gail ter Haar, MD, PhD, D.Sc. - The Institute of Cancer Research, London, United Kingdom
2020 William C. Dewey Award – Dr. Paul Stauffer, PhD - Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, United States (Retired) 
WHEN: December 9, 2020 from 11am – 12:30pm EST 
Registration information will be emailed out in mid-November. Stay tuned!
2020 J. Eugene Robinson Award (Physics category) –
Gail ter Haar, MD, PhD, D.Sc. - The Institute of Cancer Research, London, United Kingdom
2020 William C. Dewey Award –
Paul Stauffer, PhD - Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, United States (Retired) 
Connect with us!
If you have suggestions for how we can better improve STM as we delve together into these new plans, please reach out, and let us know:
Call for Committee Members
STM is seeking your help in contributing to editing the monthly newsletter.  This would be an opportunity to contribute and build your CV. Inquire with Nicole Levi-Polyachenko, nlevi@wakehealth.edu.
STM now has two new committees that would welcome the participation of junior and established members:
- Minorities in STM (chaired by Rajiv Chopra and Raquel Martinez) and
- Women in STM (chaired by Nicole Levi and Colleen Crouch)
We encourage you to become more involved in STM through participation in these committees! Contact stm@allenpress.com to sign up.
STM now has a new member's only jobs section on our website, for both industry and academic positions. Please send any jobs wanted or job postings to stm@allenpress.com and we will add them to the website. Please note, in order to access the jobs page you must be signed in as an active STM member. Please contact us if you have any questions/concerns.
International Journal of Hyperthermia Updates
Colleagues that wish to support IJH by reviewing journal submissions will qualify for full access to all 2500 Taylor and Francis publications for 30 days. Take advantage of this beneficial incentive by offering your expertise in Thermal Medicine and supporting outstanding research!
Do you like learning more about Thermal Medicine? Remember that STM is the official sponsor for the International Journal of Hyperthermia.

STM members receive a valuable 30% discount on publishing charges.  Now is a great time to work from home and write your manuscripts for submission to IJH!  IJH is on track to receive a record number of submissions this year and its impact factor continues to increase annually (3.589 for 2018).  
IJH is always interested in innovative ideas to increase the breadth of the journal and we strongly hope that the special issues venue will help in the expansion. We are open to additional Industry-Sponsored or Foundation sponsored Special Issues. Please let us know if you have an idea for one!
We are excited to announce that IJH has an Open Call for papers on: Image guided therapies for treatment of colorectal cancer metastases
This Special Issue will focus on use of image guided therapies for treatment of colorectal cancer metastases.  A very prestigious list of key authors have agreed to participate.  We invite you to submit a paper on the broad subject of "Image guided therapies for treatment of colorectal cancer metastases", for potential inclusion within the Special Issue, pending successful peer review.
Listed below are the invited authors and manuscript titles that will be included.
- Matthew Callstrom: Mayo Clinic, “Ablation for Oligometastatic CRC disease in non-hepatic/non-pulmonary sites”
Thierry DeBaere: Institute Gustave Roussy, “Ablation in Hepatic and Pulmonary oligometastatic disease”
- Bruno Odisio and Constantinos Sofocleous: MD Anderson Cancer Center & Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, “Liver metatastases: Rationale, indications and outcomes of thermal ablation as a local curative therapy: When should it be used instead of resection”.
- Raj Narayanan: Baptists Health - Miami Cardiac and Vascular Institute, “IRE for CRC Liver Metastases: Indications and Outcomes”
- Robert Lewandowski: Northwestern University, “Y90 radiation segmentectomy in CRC metastatic disease: Rationale, Indications and Outcomes”
- Ali Hosni Abdalaty and Laura Dawson: Princess Margaret Cancer Center,  “IMRT/SBRT/Proton therapy: Indications and evidence for treatment of CRC metastases”
- Juan Camacho, Stephen B. Solomon: Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, "Pulmonary Metastases: Rationale, Indications and Outcomes  of thermal ablation”
- Stephen Hunt: University of Pennsylvania, “Molecular Imaging, a valuable tool in Management of Colorectal Metastatic Disease by Interventional Oncology”.
View the call for papers and submit your manuscript HERE.
Featured International Journal of Hyperthermia Articles

Mild magnetic nanoparticle hyperthermia enhances the susceptibility of Staphylococcus aureus biofilm to antibiotics
Layla Alumutairi, Bing Yu, Mitchell Filka, Joseph Nayfach & Min-Ho Kim

Objective: A critical challenge in the treatment of biofilm infection is the capacity of biofilm-grown bacteria to develop resistance to traditional antimicrobial therapies. The objective of this study was to validate the therapeutic potential of magnetic nanoparticle/alternating magnetic field (MNP/AMF) hyperthermia in combination with conventional antibiotics against biofilm infection.
Materials and methods: The impact of MNP/AMF hyperthermia on the viability of S. aureus biofilm in the absence and presence of antibiotics as well as on the bactericidal activity of macrophages were evaluated at varying conditions of MNPs concentration and AMF intensity using in vitro cell culture models.
Results: The application of MNP/AMF alone at a CEM43 thermal dose below the threshold for skin tissue exhibited a modest efficacy in the eradication of Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) biofilm (<1-log reduction). The treatment of antibiotics (ciprofloxacin, vancomycin) alone at a bactericidal concentration for planktonic S. aureus had no significant effect on the eradication of biofilm phase of S. aureus. However, when the biofilm was pre-exposed to mild MNP/AMF hyperthermia, the treatment of antibiotics could exhibit bactericidal effects against S. aureus biofilm, which was associated with increased uptake of antibiotics to the bacterial cells. Importantly, the application of MNP/AMF could promote the bactericidal activity of macrophages against intracellular bacteria via MNP-dependent generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS).
Conclusion: Our results validate that the application of mild MNP/AMF hyperthermia within a safe thermal dose threshold is synergistic with conventional antibiotics as well as aids host innate immune response of macrophages for the clearance of intracellular bacteria.
The impact of HIPEC vs. EPIC for the treatment of mucinous appendiceal carcinoma: a study from the US HIPEC collaborative

Jennifer L. Leiting, Courtney N. Day, William S. Harmsen, Jordan M. Cloyd, Sherif Abdel-Misih, Keith Fournier, Andrew J. Lee, Sean Dineen, Sophie Dessureault, Jula Veerapongh, Joel M. Baumgartner, Callisia Clarke, Harveshp Mogal, Maria C. Russell, Mohammad Y. Zaidi, Sameer H. Patel, Mackenzie C. Morris, Ryan J. Hendrix, Laura A. Lambert, Daniel E. Abbott, Courtney Pokrzywa, Mustafa Raoof, Oliver Eng, Fabian M. Johnston, Jonathan Greer & Travis E. Grotz 

Mucinous appendiceal carcinoma is a rare malignancy that commonly spreads to the peritoneum leading to peritoneal metastases. Complete cytoreduction with perioperative intraperitoneal chemotherapy (PIC) is the mainstay of treatment, administered as either hyperthermic intra peritoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) or early post-operative intraperitoneal chemotherapy (EPIC). Our goal was to assess the perioperative and long term survival outcomes associated with these two PIC methods.
Materials and methods
Patients with mucinous appendiceal carcinoma were identified in the US HIPEC Collaborative database from 12 academic institutions. Patient demographics, clinical characteristics, and survival outcomes were compared among patients who underwent HIPEC vs. EPIC with inverse probability weighting (IPW) used for adjustment.
Among 921 patients with mucinous appendiceal carcinoma, 9% underwent EPIC while 91% underwent HIPEC. There was no difference in Grade III–V complications between the two groups (18.5% for HIPEC vs. 15.0% for EPIC, p=.43) though patients who underwent HIPEC had higher rates of readmissions (21.2% vs. 8.8%, p<.01). Additionally, PIC method was not an independent predictor for overall survival (OS) or recurrence-free survival (RFS) after adjustment on multivariable analysis.
Among patients with mucinous appendiceal carcinoma, both EPIC and HIPEC appear to be associated with similar perioperative and long-term outcomes.

Computer simulation study on the effect of electrode–tissue contact force on thermal lesion size in cardiac radiofrequency ablation

Shengjie Yan, Kaihao Gu, Xiaomei Wu & Weiqi Wang

Purpose: In cardiac radiofrequency (RF) ablation, RF energy is often used to create a series of transmural lesions for blocking accessory conduction pathways. Electrode–tissue contact force (CF) is one of the key determinants of lesion formation during RF ablation. Low electrode–tissue CF is associated with ineffective RF lesion formation, whereas excessive CF may increase the risk of steam pop and perforation. By using finite element analysis, we studied lesion size and features at different values of electrode–tissue CF in cardiac RF ablation.
Materials and methods: A computer-model-coupled electrode–tissue CF field, RF electric field, and thermal field were developed to study temperature distribution and lesion dimensions in cardiac tissue subjected to CF of 2, 5, 10, 20, 30, and 40 g with identical RF voltage and duration.
Results: Increasing CF was associated with an increase in lesion depth, width, and cross-section area. The lesion cross-section area exhibited a linear increase, and the lesion width was significantly greater than lesion depth under the identical ablation condition. The relationship between CF value and lesion size is a power function: Lesion Size = a × CFb (Lesion Depth = 3.17 × CF0.14 and Lesion Width = 5.17 × CF0.14).
Conclusions: This study confirmed that CF is a major determinant of RF lesion size and that electrode–tissue CF affects the amount of power dissipated in tissue. At a constant RF voltage and application time, RF lesion size increases as CF increases.
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