Orlando Health beautifies Habitat HQ
Orlando Health beautifies Habitat HQ
  October 2021                                                                                        Donate now

Habitat HQ makeover

Orlando Health sent a team to our headquarters on Silver Star Road last week to put in beautiful new landscaping, including an herb and tomato garden. It is bringing a smile to the faces of our hardworking staff and visitors. Thanks, Orlando Health, for supporting our mission to build homes & change lives in Central Florida!
Watch before & after video

Let's check in with a homeowner and supporter about how Habitat has touched their lives:


Closing this month

Donya is our 2021 Orlando Magic homeowner. The single mother and USPS employee currently lives in a cramped two-bedroom apartment with her three children. She can’t wait for each of them to have their own rooms when she closes on her Habitat home. Thanks to the Magic for making Donya’s dream of homeownership a reality!
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V 3 Capital Group & Strive Senior Living

Supporter since 2021

During a tour of our Silver Pines Pointe community, we asked company leaders Trey and Carrie Vick why they decided to support our inaugural Stars & Stripes: A Veterans Day Build. “Carrie and I both got out of the military in 2004 and have really appreciated opportunities to be part of the veteran community and to support initiatives that take care of those that have served the country,” Trey said.
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Our position paper in the news

President & CEO Catherine Steck McManus appeared on WKMG, WUCF and WMFE last month to share solutions to the affordable housing crisis from our Building Broad-Based Prosperity position paper.

Monthly Milestone: 2010

As we continue to celebrate our 35th anniversary, we look back to 2010, when we hosted our inaugural Women Build, construction projects that support women-led households to drive awareness and address the need. 
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Don’t let your vehicle drive you batty!

If it’s time to part ways with your vehicle that’s costing you a lot of money, consider donating it to us. Let those repairs fly away and return in the form of a tax deduction. We’ll tow away your vehicle for free and handle all the paperwork.
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