Find everything you need to know about graduation at Grad Fair this week on Tuesday, March 19 through Thursday, March 21, 2024 from 11:00am to 2:00pm in the Kresge Atrium. Talk to Harvard Chan Alumni Affairs, have your graduation portrait taken, and speak with graduation vendors about regalia, diploma frames, class rings, and announcements. We'll be giving away limited-edition Class of 2024 stickers to all graduating students that check-in at Grad Fair.
Ceremony Registration and Guest Ticket Website
Registration to participate in Convocation and Commencement opens today! Complete the Ceremony Information and Response Form (CIRF) to register to participate in Harvard Chan Convocation and reserve your guest tickets! Register using your Harvard email address. All graduating students participating in Convocation are required to wear official Harvard regalia.
Share Photos and Tell Us Your Gradvice
We are collecting photos from graduates that represent your experience at Harvard Chan. These photos will be included in a slideshow shown to in-person guests as they wait for the ceremony to begin, and on the live stream. We are also collecting your Gradvice - post-graduation advice, that may be shared with incoming students with the power to guide and inspire, like tips for academic success, navigating campus life, or maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Share your photos and Gradvice.
Student Speaker Contest
One graduating Harvard Chan student will be chosen to deliver an inspirational speech at the School’s Convocation Ceremony. Could this be you? Visit the Student Speaker Contest website for additional information or contact The deadline to submit is Friday, March 22, 2024.
Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health 677 Huntington Avenue, Kresge G4 | Boston, MA 02115 phone: 617-432-1036 | email: