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August 16, 2016
2 Corinthians 13:14
May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
New International Version (NIV)
                I love the story of the woman who noticed a guest in the worship service at her church.  The interminable sermon exhausted him, leading him to fall asleep at one point.  After the service ended, the lady thought she would introduce herself to the newcomer.  She shook his hand and said, “I’m Gladys Dunn.”  He said, “So am I!”  What is your favorite part of the service?  The ending?  I must confess that praying the benediction has always been one of my favorite parts of worship.
                Paul used a number of benedictions in his letters to bless God’s people.  Remember, his relationship with the Corinthians was complicated. (For that matter which relationship in our lives is uncomplicated?)  He was sometimes soft and sometimes stern, even within this second letter.  Scholars wonder if he received news in the middle.  The theory goes that he started out nice and then found out about new problems and changed his tone.  In the end though, he encourages them to encourage each other.  Then he concludes with a blessing asking all of God to bless all of them!
                Notice the triune nature of God revealed in the benediction.  First there is grace from the Lord Jesus Christ.  Grace made Barnabas glad in Antioch (Acts 11:23).  It should have the same effect on us!  The group Glad sang, “Be glad . . . every debt that you ever had has been paid up in full by the grace of the Lord!  Be glad!”  Second there is the Father’s love.  One of my good friends who serves the Lord by helping keep our offices clean beautifully answered my question:  “what is God saying to you?”   Freddy said, “God loves me and you too!”  Amen.  Third there is the fellowship or communion of the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit is another advocate who came to encourage us after the Son returned to heaven.  For all practical purposes, the Holy Spirit is God with us all the time.  He is holy and He calls us to holiness.  Because of the Holy Spirit we can live our lives with God, all the time.  All of God loves all of you!  Aren’t you glad God is not done with us?  Be glad!
Pray with me:  
Our Loving Father, thank you for your gracious Son and the beauty of living life in constant fellowship with your Holy Spirit.   We are glad you are always with us.  Help us to live life with you today.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.
Scripture reading for today: 
2 Corinthians 13

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