Thinking of you and wishing you well!
Thinking of you and wishing you well!
Cottage Theatre News
May 8, 2020
From the Executive Director

Dear Cottage Theatre family,

I am thinking of all of you today:

  • All of you who are frontline essential workers
  • All of you who are mourning or are worried about loved ones
  • All of you who are impatient to reconnect in person with family and friends
  • All of you whose creative urges have been a little stymied of late
I am thinking of all of you and wishing you well!
Cottage Theatre is a community theatre, and creating connections between people and discovering meaning together is our reason for being. What I miss most right now is witnessing a group of people, of all ages and political persuasions, come together to share a powerful story on our stage. This week's Top Ten Show #4 (below) was an example of that powerful magic in action. I look forward to the time when we can be together and create that kind of magic again. I know you do too!

Until then, be well . . . and spread kindness!
Susan Goes signature
Susan Goes
Executive Director
CT's Top Ten Shows Revealed - #4
Video: Top Ten Show #4

Click the image above to see some photos from the 4th most popular Cottage Theatre show of all time. (Fun fact: a portion of the set from this show has been repurposed in our booth to provide better access to the light grid.)

Click here to see who was in the cast of this Top Ten Show
Coming next week: CT's Top Ten Show #3 . . . Stay tuned!
Your questions answered here

You have questions . . . and so do we! Some questions, of course, we cannot yet answer, like "When will Cottage Theatre resume productions?" But we are happy to answer the questions that we can. We'll answer a question or two each week going forward.

Submit a question here
Question: I understand that Gov. Brown has outlined a plan for reopening Oregon. How does that impact CT?
Answer: Some Oregon counties, based on their ability to meet specific public health prerequisites, may be eligible to enter "Phase I" reopening as soon as May 15. However, large gatherings are still prohibited through at least late September, with further guidance to be issued this summer. Here at CT, we will continue to abide by the advice of Oregon Health Authority and Lane County Public Health officials and remain closed until it is safe for us to reopen.
Create some magic for your future

Like every performing arts organization, Cottage Theatre faces some significant financial challenges as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. We have already cut as many ongoing expenses as possible during this crisis, but some core operating costs continue whether or not we are holding performances.

If you are in a position to contribute a little bit to help ensure that CT maintains its footing for the future, we  and your future fellow audience members — will be very grateful. 

Make a donation
Support CT when you shop online!

If you shop on Amazon, do you know that you can support Cottage Theatre absolutely no additional cost to you? Just click on the image below to place your order, and Amazon donates to Cottage Theatre. What an easy way to support the theatre you love!

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We are so grateful for our donors!
We are so thankful for the support of our sponsors...
2020 Sponsors Logo Collage
... and our hundreds of individual donors.
You make the magic on our stage possible. Thank you!    541-942-8001    Box Office: Wednesday - Friday, 10 am to 2 pm
Cottage Theatre     700 Village Drive    Cottage Grove, OR 97424
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