Office of Diversity, Inclusion and Intercultural Initiatives (DI3)

Be a Part of ART Tank! One More Way to Help Beautify Our Campus!

Dear Stony Brook University Community Members,
First there was Shark Tank. Then there was Wolfie Tank. Now there’s ART Tank too – which will take place Thursday, October 24 as part of our Homecoming Week celebrations. The ‘ART’ part stands for ‘Art Rising Through’ and the initiative invites you to help the Campus Beautification Committee (CBC) continue to make our campus more welcoming, inviting, inclusive and, yes, beautiful.

Here’s how …

Share Your Designs and Let Your Imagination Flow … You don’t have to be a trained artist to share your design ideas through ART Tank. Whatever your major, this competition among Stony Brook students encourages you to put your skills, mediums and vision to work on designs that can be anything from multimedia in format, to a mural, sculpture, landscape design or any other creative impulse you have that can help us engage people’s senses of sight or even hearing, smell or touch.

Like Shark and Wolfie Tank, we’ll invite selected participants to show off their skills to a panel of professional judges (to be named soon). In turn, these students will gain valuable feedback and get a feel for how to present their pieces to the outside world. The winner will then collaborate with the CBC to create and display their art as a lasting legacy on campus.

                                 ** <Submit your ideas by Wednesday, October 2 > **

These Areas Need Your TLC … To get things started, we’ve identified three areas that could benefit from your artistic expression:
  • The Melville Library’s Central Reading Room … Has many empty blank walls it would love to beautify with meaningful, thought-provoking art, particularly in front-and-center areas; sculpture and other creative ideas are options too!
  • The Wang Center’s Outdoor Sculpture Garden (or other outdoor areas) … Options include landscape design and sculpture ideas or any other ideas you might have … for the sculpture garden out back or the lawn areas in the front. Asian and Asian American themed preferred.
  • Student Health Services’ Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) Center … Any source of comfort and inspiration through art welcome!
So Please Get Thinking and Planning … and fill out the nomination form to be considered! Remember, you have until Wednesday, October 2 to submit your ideas. Can’t wait to see what you come up with!

Watch for much more to come as ART Tank helps us fuel the ‘A’ (Arts) in Steam (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math).

Best regards,
Judi B Clarke
Vice President for Equity & Inclusion
Chief Diversity Officer

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