Gearing Up for Fall
Gearing Up for Fall
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The Institute for Learning in Retirement: Engaged, Enriched, Enlightened.
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The latest buzz

In the midst of midsummer's glorious weather and sunshine, the ILR office is humming along, abuzz putting the finishing touches on an amazing array of courses for the upcoming fall curriculum. 
Reflecting on 2020-2021, a year and a half that demanded flexibility on your end and creativity and ingenuity on ours, our pivot to online programs permitted us to continue advancing our mission while supporting you. It was truly a period of innovation and resilience for us all.
As restrictions are lifted and our campuses come back to life, we've taken stock of the positive changes that have emerged as a result of the pandemic. Your survey comments have encouraged us to provide what some have described as the best of both worlds--both classroom and online learning. Taking it a step further, we'll be adding more hybrid classes too. Can you feel the excitement building?
Catalogs will be mailed in late August, and fall registration will open on September 2nd.  
Not yet receiving our catalog? Reserve your copy today.
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ILR members
What others are
We pinch our pennies to keep our pricing low. For example, beyond our catalog, we don't spend a dime on publicity. Yet, prior to the pandemic, we logged eight consecutive record-breaking years. Good news travels fast, thanks to you. Please continue to share your ILR experiences and invite your friends and family to register and join you in class this semester. 
“I do like the online classes because I can access them from anywhere and I don't have to dress up or drive which makes 9:00 am classes much more doable for I can take anything I want.” ~ Jan Williams (spring 2021)

“After two terms of WebEx offerings, it's abundantly clear that ILR has broadened its availability and options for instructors, topics, and guests. Not only have courses been offered from as far away as California, registrants who might be unable to attend in person...can "attend." ILR has become more age-friendly as a result of the inconvenience of the Covid lockdown.” ~ Mike Griffith (spring 2021)

“I really enjoyed having the opportunity to be a student again; it made me feel younger and curious and eager to learn moreand grateful to be able to do so. Technology in this case turned out to be a great gift and definitely a wonderful opportunity during the depressing experience CoVid forced on us. I do hope to be able to join you again from an ocean and some land away even when CoVid will have become only an awful memory.” ~ Maria Silvia Riccio (spring 2021)

“Virtual classes provided a means of giving everyone, near and far, a chance to fully participate and have their voices heard when formulating responses to well-organized presentations.” ~ Dorothy Varchol (spring 2021)

Discover what the buzz is all about by joining us this fall.
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Welcome aboard

With much excitement, we're pleased to introduce ILR's newest staff member, Rowen Creech, who assumed her new role as ILR Program Associate on July 1st. 
A 2020 graduate of Indiana University East, Rowen has a fine arts degree with a concentration in graphic design. She was Editor-in-Chief of the student-run creative arts journal, Tributaries, and considers this to be the most rewarding part of her university experience.
A bit of Rowen trivia: she has never seen a famous person, rode a rollercoaster, broken a bone, or had a cavity. Her favorite city in the world is Vancouver, British Columbia, because of the unique blend of cultures, the countless number of fascinating attractions, and the natural beauty of the Pacific Northwest. 
In her spare time, Rowen has enjoyed volunteering as a makeup artist for the local children’s theater. Her favorite way to spend time is growing her artistic skills through self-directed projects. While she has previously enjoyed 2D media, such as acrylic, oil, colored pencil, and digital media, she is currently experimenting with sculpting and fiber arts. Rowen can often be found working across from her husband in their shared studio space.
In class, over the phone, or via email, be sure to take a moment to introduce yourself and offer Rowen a hardy welcome to the ILR family and team.
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Pack Your Bags header
The Chautauqua Experience in Fall 2021
It's back! Rescheduled from last year, we invite you to join us for an exclusive ILR learning adventure – The Chautauqua Experience in Fall, September 12-17, 2021Since it began as an educational experiment in 1874, Chautauqua Institution has grown into a mecca for lifelong learners. Situated on the picturesque shores of Lake Chautauqua in western New York, the Chautauqua Institution is known for its bustling summer season. Our unique Chautauqua experience takes place in “off-season," and it lets you and your fellow Road Scholars enjoy the grounds mostly to yourselves. Enjoy exclusive Road Scholar courses while staying on the institution’s peaceful, scenic grounds. During your stay, explore exciting themes such as art, music, literature, science, politics, religion, and more. Get ready for the educational opportunity of a lifetime! For questions, pricing, information, or to save your spot, contact ILR's Road Scholar liaison, Bob Johnson, by reviewing this Save-the-Date. Hurry! Space is limited.
Chatauqua image Road Scholar Hotel
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Can you spare five minutes?
If you knew you could make a HUGE financial difference for years to come without spending a penny, would you spare five minutes to make it happen? PLEASE support ILR through the Kroger Community Rewards program, a no-cost, no-sell, nothing-to-buy fundraiser. Once enrolled, each time you swipe your Kroger Plus card, Kroger will donate a percentage (up to 4%) of your total purchases to ILR. Kroger divides these charitable funds among all participating non-profit organizations. With only minimal effort on your part (a few minutes to register your affiliation to ILR) you can help us offset our operating expenses. 
If you're already supporting another non-profit through this program, that's great. But if you're not, please don't leave these dollars on the Kroger table. Simply go to to enroll. When prompted, use ILR's Kroger Rewards Organization number: BT008. Let us know if we can help you get enrolled.
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Bookworms unite

The Miami University Alumni Book Club is open to ILR. The next selection has been made for the reading period that begins on August 5th. Secure your copy of Think Like a Rocket Scientist by Ozan Varol today. Learn more.
Wine photos

Cheers to you

Travel with The Spicy Olive to Paso Robles, California for our next Virtual Wine Tasting Experience.
John Wardzala, Regional Sales Manager of Hope Family Winery, will lead our discussion. Learn more.

Love. Honor. Learn.

Join the Miami University Alumni Association (MUAA) for these upcoming events & webinars! Our online events are all free & open for anyone to attend, but registration is required.

Strike up the band

As they anticipate their return to the stage in September, enjoy the music The Southwestern Ohio Symphonic Band has compiled for you this week. Listen in.

Road Scholar's virtual classroom

Road Scholar is committed to making learning possible even when travel is not. That’s why they created this collection of fascinating, live, online Zoom lectures for adults! Learn from Road Scholar’s expert instructors around the world as they discuss fascinating topics like art history, world cultures, archaeology, geology, and more! One-hour lectures are priced $0-25. See all.
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Join us this year! 

Fall: October 4 thru November 5, 2021
Spring: March 28 thru April 29, 2022

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