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Mark your calendar, we have a new date for this presentation - Friday, April 24:

A No-Crash Course in Vision Zero Data

Presented by
Anamaria Perez
Vision Zero Data Analyst

Vision Zero was adopted unanimously by Portland City Council in 2015 with the goal of eliminating traffic deaths and serious injuries on Portland streets in a way that is equitable, accountable, and data-driven. But what does it mean to be data-driven? And should we stop there? 

In this presentation, learn how Portland’s Vision Zero Action Plan was developed and how the Vision Zero team is using data to move into a future where all Portlanders can travel safely, regardless of the travel mode they use. Explore the datasets used in Vision Zero implementation and the challenges that come with them. Learn about the projects where creativity and innovation play a critical role by stretching beyond what is traditionally thought of as transportation safety, including automated enforcement and citywide crash analysis. 

• What it means to be data-driven vs data-informed, especially in a long-term program setting 
• What datasets the PBOT Vision Zero team uses for program implementation
• Data limitations and how to stay aware of them

Anamaria Perez, Portland Bureau of Transportation

Anamaria Perez is a Vision Zero Data Analyst at the City of Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT). She conducts crash and safety analysis to advance the Vision Zero program, supports planners and project managers on safety, and creates innovation around how PBOT thinks about data. Leading her work with integrity as one of her core values, Anamaria is an advocate for transportation, environmental, and mobility justices. She holds a B.S. in Meteorology from San Jose State University and an M.S. in Environmental Management and a GIS Certification from the University of San Francisco.

Friday, April 24, 11:30 am - 12:30 pm

This talk, co-hosted by the TREC Friday Transportation Series, is presented as a webinar - Register to watch online
The PBOT Lunch and Learn series is hosted by 
the Portland Bureau of Transportation in collaboration with
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