All things you need to know as a PCEC student this week
All things you need to know as a PCEC student this week
Grand Valley State University
Fall 2022: Week 1 Newsletter
Dear PCEC Student,
We hope you have a great first week of classes! We will be hosting drop-in advising appointments starting today through Friday, September 2nd. Starting September 6th, we will be back to our scheduled in-person or virtual appointments. You can schedule appointments on our website here
If you aren't quite sure what academic advising is all about, make sure to watch this video, which has real GVSU students sharing about their academic advising experience.
Wishing you a safe and successful semester!
The PCEC Advising Team

FERPA: What is it? How does it affect me?

FERPA is a Federal law that stands for "Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act" and it protects students' educational records. Once classes began on Monday, August 29, then FERPA also begins for our new students. If you have questions about what FERPA covers, please visit these web pages: Student FERPA FAQs and Parent FERPA FAQs.
GV Computer lab

CIS Student Success Center

Looking to connect with a tutor for your computing classes? Make sure to check out the CIS Student Success Center virtually here,, or in-person tutoring located in C-2-205 MAK. 
Hours begin on Tuesday, September 7 and you can view the schedule here:

Fall 2022 Drop-in Advising for PCEC

EGR Tutors are Needed

We are looking for tutors for EGR111 (Engineering Graphics), EGR112 (Programming for Engineering Applications), EGR113 (Intro to CAD/CAM), and EGR185 (1st Year Design). Tutoring will be performed as a combination of in-person and virtually. Preference will be given to those who can tutor all four courses and those who have been a tutor in past semesters. The new EGR111, EGR112, EGR113, and EGR185 courses replaced EGR106/107, so if you have completed either set of courses with a satisfactory grade (B+ or higher), you are qualified to be a tutor. It is preferred that you are available for afternoons and weekends, but all applicants will be considered. A few hours of availability for either Saturday or Sunday afternoon are desirable as well.

If you have been a tutor in the past, please reapply and provide your current availability. 

Minimum Qualification: grade of B+ or better in the course to be tutored and completed 6 credits at GVSU

Pay: min $12 / hour
How to Apply: Fill out the application at the following link --

Send any questions regarding the position to Prof. Katheryn Christopher ( via email.

Career Fair

Career Center

It's never too early to connect with the Career Center! The career advisors are available virtually this semester to help you along your career path. Whether it's helping you identify a major and related career, revise/build a resume, or practicing your interviewing skills, career advisors are available to help. To schedule an appointment, log in to Handshake, select Career Center in the top right corner, then click "Appointments" to schedule a phone or Zoom meeting.

Connect with us on social media!

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Schedule an Advising Appointment
Upcoming Dates:
September 2: Credit/No Credit deadline by 5:00p
September 2: 100% Tuition Refund Deadline/Last day to add, register, or pay for classes
September 4-5: Labor Day Recess
September 23: 75% Tuition Refund Deadline
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