December 24, 2018
Isaiah 50:4-7
The Sovereign Lord has given me a well-instructed tongue,
    to know the word that sustains the weary.
He wakens me morning by morning,
    wakens my ear to listen like one being instructed.
The Sovereign Lord has opened my ears;
    I have not been rebellious,
    I have not turned away.
I offered my back to those who beat me,
    my cheeks to those who pulled out my beard;
I did not hide my face
    from mocking and spitting.
Because the Sovereign Lord helps me,
    I will not be disgraced.
Therefore have I set my face like flint,
    and I know I will not be put to shame.

New International Version (NIV)
                Have you noticed that our world is noisy?  So many voices tell us where to go and what to buy and what to do.  Of all the voices you hear these days, which ones point you closer to God?

                The prophet spoke for God because he could hear God clearly.  God gave him the ear of a disciple.  The Lord “dug out” his ears so that he could hear God and speak his word clearly.  One would think that speaking for God would be safe.  It turns out not everyone wants to hear what God thinks.  They persecuted the prophet.

                Years ago, Fred Craddock told of a missionary who had an orphanage in another country.  The government officials had him arrested for being “dangerous.”  Those who love God well and listen for his voice can be threatening to a world that doesn’t want to hear him.

                After God’s people persecuted his prophets, they killed his son.  Jesus was the Servant whose back was beaten.  They plucked his beard.  But he did not turn away from them, choosing instead to do his Father’s will. 

                Only those who hear God’s voice can speak for him.  If you ever find someone who does, by all means listen to them and obey God’s word through them.  It will make all the difference.  

Pray with me:  
Father give us the ears of disciples.  We confess our selective deafness.  Today if we hear your voice, let us not harden our hearts.  Give us instructed tongues so that we may tell the world of your salvation.  We pray in Jesus’ name.  Amen.    
   This year we focus our Every Day with Jesus readings on Jesus’ story.  With references to Tallowood's Read Through the Bible in 2018 daily reading plan, let's focus our undivided attention on Jesus and follow where he lead. He will not fail. Neither will we!
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