| Friday, February 21, 2025
New and exciting activities in the
McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences
Message from the Director
You have no doubt seen one or more messages from the Chancellor regarding the challenges currently facing Washington University in the form of potential changes in research funding resulting from recent executive orders. Indeed, we are in a time of uncertainty. I have been approached by researchers who are concerned about the future of research at WashU. You may be assured that the University administration is working very hard to ensure Washington University’s resilience
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as we navigate coming challenges. Within the McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences, we will continue to prioritize our dedication to fundamental research activities and support of our people. If you are feeling the uncertainty, I encourage you to talk about it and certainly do not hesitate to come and talk with me; my door is open. If, like me, you appreciate knowing as much as possible about the goings on and current situation in our various funding agencies, especially if you are writing a proposal, WashU has a very useful research website, and I encourage you to take a look.
Recent Publications by MCSS Fellows
Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships
MCSS offers ten Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowships, five to students in EEPS and five to students in Physics.
This fellowship is geared toward undergraduate students who may be considering graduate school. McDonnell Center faculty fellows guide the student on a specific space-science-related research project during the summer. Students interested in applying should discuss potential research with a McDonnell Center faculty member. The term is for ten weeks in the upcoming summer.
Application deadline: March 28th.
Research Development Associate (Hybrid)
Arts & Sciences - Space Sciences
WashU will be hiring a Research Development Associate who will work with the faculty of MCSS, Physics, and Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences to identify opportunities to propose to mission programs such as are available through NASA’s Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Science (ROSES), through the National Science Foundation (NSF), or through other agencies or foundations.
If you know anyone interested in applying, please share the link!
Submit Videos for the New 3D Monitor
Have you seen the new holographic fan on the first floor of Rudolph Hall? It's located in an alcove across from the Grossman Mineral Museum.
Thanks to a generous donation from Jerrold and Marsha Grossman, EEPS has acquired this advanced technology. The plan is to highlight students engaged in research.
We would love to have your help with video creation!
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FINESST: Future Investigators in NASA Earth and Space Science and Technology
FINESST solicits proposals from accredited U.S. universities and other eligible organizations for graduate student-designed and performed research projects that contribute to SMD's science, technology, and exploration goals.
Application Deadline: February 26, 2025
Square Kilometer Array (SKA), the Next Big Thing in Radio Astronomy
St. Louis Astronomical Society February Meeting
Michael Malolepszy
St. Louis Astronomical Society
Friday, February 21
7:30pm, McDonnell 162
| Chaos from Order, Order from Chaos
Saturday Science Lecture
Michael Ogilvie
Washington University
Saturday, February 22
10:00am, Crow 201
Physics Colloquium
Pepi Fabbiano
Chandra X-ray Center
Wednesday, February 26
3:00pm, Crow 204
| Physics Theory Seminar
Ellen Pinetti
Flatiron Institute
Thursday, February 27
3:00pm, Compton 241
Harnessing the strong force: Physics at America's future Electron-Ion Collider
Saturday Science Lecture
Stella Schindler
Los Alamos National Lab
Saturday, March 1
10:00am, Crow 201
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Compiled and edited by Alison Verbeck. Please send any contributions to alison@wustl.edu.
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