Resource Hub, Silent Auction, and more!
Resource Hub, Silent Auction, and more!
  Member: This Is Your Need to Know News for May 22, 2024

[1] Meet Jennifer Bravo

WSAE Member of the Month
Congratulations to Jennifer Bravo, Executive Director for the King County Nurses Association, for her dedication, enthusiasm, and diverse interests which make her a remarkable leader and an inspiration to her team. We are proud to have Jennifer as our Member of the Month and thank her for her outstanding contributions and for being a shining example to us all.
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[2] Drive Event Engagement

Meet Your Association's Goals with Video
Video can help build trust as it allows you to show, rather than just tell, and can form connections between people. Get your Complimentary Video Ebook that explores ways video can help you meet your marketing goals.
WSAE’s library of free downloadable content includes white papers, guides, reports, research, industry analysis, and more, provided by experts and organizations that serve the association community.
Resource Hub

[3] Auction Time at Convention

Bid for a Cause and Win Big! 
Exciting activities are planned for Convention! First, check out our Silent Auction, and the fabulous items and experiences donated by fellow WSAE Members. Don't miss our 50/50 cash opportunity to win activity. Half the proceeds go to the lucky winner and the other half benefits WSAE. Lastly, get ready for the excitement of our Live Auction, where you can bid on exclusive, high-value items in a dynamic, competitive setting. By participating, you not only have a chance to win but also help support the Association. Auction items accepted through June 1st. 
Donate Here

[4] Vesak, May 23

From the WSAE Inclusion Calendar

Also known as Buddha Day, Vesak commemorates the birth, enlightenment (Nirvana), and death (Parinirvana) of Gautama Buddha in the Theravada or southern tradition. It is the most significant day for Buddhists worldwide, observed with prayers, meditation, and acts of charity.
Inclusion Calendar

[5] Remembering Lynn Melby, CAE

WSAE fondly remembers Lynn Melby and the profound impact he made on our association community.
Lynn was a guiding light of the association profession in Washington state and nationally— a Fellow and active member of the American Society of Association Executives and was for many years executive director of the Washington Society of Association Executives. He was later named Executive of the Year and an honorary life member of the Society. Lynn mentored countless association and hospitality professionals, as well as innumerable nonprofit volunteer leaders, and was known by all as wise, funny, supportive, honorable, encouraging, goofy when needed, and above all, kind.
A memorial service will be held next week for our dear friend and colleague, Lynn Melby. This will be an opportunity for us to honor and celebrate Lynn's life. Everyone welcome.
Thursday, May 30, 2024 at 2:30 p.m., Lynnwood Event Center, 3711 196th St SW, Lynnwood
More About Lynn Melby
Upcoming Events
June 3 
June 5-7
2024 Annual Convention, Kennewick, WA
June 5 
Leader as Coach, Webinar 
June 18 
June 30 
June 30 
WSAE Membership Renewals Due 
July 9 
July 10
Aug 6 
Aug 20 
Sept 10 
Sept 25 
Fast Five is your twice monthly connection to curated, indispensable resources for advancing the careers of association professionals like yourself and strengthening the association you lead.
2024 WSAE Annual Convention, June 5 - 7 
Registration Is Open! 
Convention Questions? 
Ask Jen!
Text 'Hi' to 888-516-0523!

Scholarships for Convention now available! 
Explore Options Today!

Directory of partners, proudly serving Washington State associations with resources they need to succeed.


Tulalip Resort Casino
Todd Allred
PHCC of Washington
Shonie Fulwiler
Fern Exposition
Mary Lyell Larsen
Commercial Brokers Association
Jeffery Losey
HBA of Tri Cities
Jen O'Ryan
Double Tall Consulting


David Keepnews
Mary Lyell Larsen
Linda Penner
Kirk Roberts
Darla White
Kristin Wood

Have a birthday this month? Contact Jen to be added to our next Fast Five.
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