B N I M ' S   M O N T H L Y    |   S E P T E M B E R  2 O 2 1
Jeanne and Rex Sinquefield Music Center
Finding Creative Synergies 
The Jeanne and Rex Sinquefield Music Center has created a renewed campus presence for the University of Missouri (MU)-Columbia's School of Music and achieved a pivotal goal for the program to transition from its previously dispersed rehearsal and performance spaces into a new cohesive and state-of-the-art facility to call home. 

The Music Center reflects MU’s exemplary collegiate music program and brings students together in practice, performance, and creative synergy. Inspiring new spaces promote student connection and collaboration, maximize flexibility, and provide a strong acoustical atmosphere for the School of Music's composition, instrumental, vocal, and editing and recording curricula.
M O N T H L Y   M I N D F U L   U P D A T E
P R O J E C T   F E A T U R E
An unveiling of the new McCain Auditorium Lobby Addition and Renovation at Kansas State University took place in September, welcoming staff, donors, the KSU Foundation, and design and construction teams to celebrate the new space. The design approach of the McCain Auditorium Lobby Addition and Renovation focused on celebrating the performing arts by activating the surrounding campus precinct and re-establishing McCain as a vital physical and cultural campus destination that creates potential for new and exciting experiences on campus. With the goal of increased use and viability of the venue, the reimagined facility includes a new extension to the west of the existing auditorium space to serve as an inviting and celebratory gathering place that also provides visual connections to the adjacent quad and the new exterior courtyard.  M O R E
I N   T H E   N E W S 
The West Bottoms Flats were recently featured in the latest issue of Metropolis (print and online). Located in the historic West Bottoms district of Kansas City, this project has transformed four historic warehouse and manufacturing buildings into apartments and amenity space, to create a revived atmosphere for residents while respecting the historical integrity of the area. In Kansas City, A Dialogue with the Past written by Sara Fernández Cendón, photography by Kelly Callewaert, explores this unique story of revitalization and discusses BNIM's design approach with project designers, Elvis Achelpohl and Craig Scranton.
"More than a historic renovation, BNIM’s design for the West Bottoms Flats in Kansas City, Missouri, is an exercise in evolution."  M O R E
O N   T H E   B L O G
This summer, BNIM’s James Baker and Sam De Jong collaborated with a group of high school students from the Kansas City area as they developed an innovative business approach for Entrepreneurship KC. The challenge: Cracking Kansas City’s Affordable Housing Crisis. 
"Do ever just need a fresh pair of eyes on a problem? The lack of affordable housing is a nationwide crisis . . .  The team dove headfirst into the challenge, researching everything from demographics and income levels to zoning challenges to 3D print models to advertising for tenants and homeowners."
Learn more about Entrepreneurship KC and the students' innovative solutions on the blog.  M O R E
mindful - As a perfect mirror reflection of the letters bnim, mindful is this place for communication, where we reflect upon projects, people and events to share beyond the firm’s walls. To subscribe, please click here
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