Tips & Leads from CES
Tips & Leads from CES

Here are a few quick resources to support your entry-level job search. Have questions, or want to chat? Schedule an appointment with a CES career advisor via We're here for you!

Who's hiring?

Loggers are getting hired at Amazon. Several alums working there have offered to be a referral source – if you see a position that interests you, we may be able to connect you with an alum who could refer you!
Interested in healthcare careers? A Logger parent who works at Cigna has offered to chat about the organization and perhaps provide referrals. Let us know if you’d like to connect.
Help slow the spread of COVID as a Contact Tracer. Look for these types of roles nationwide. Pierce County is hiring! »
Don't forget about Handshake! Here are some opportunities that caught our eye:

ASK a (Tech) Logger

Tech is an industry with sectors that have continued to hire throughout the Lockdown, and that hire beyond Computer Science.
CES recently interviewed several alumni who work in tech-related industries. These alums have each expressed an interest in connecting one-to-one with members of the Logger class of 2020. So take a peek at their videos, then reach out! #alwaysalogger!
Words of Wisdom...
"Your career journey will only be linear in retrospect.
When you're doing it, you’re like, 'Shoot, do I take this risk? Do I say yes to that job?'

It won't be the end of the world if you choose a direction and it
doesn't turn out the way you thought it would.
When you get there, then you pivot.
Thinking about your career journey as a series of pivots gives you a more generous way to think about the decisions that you're making."
~Jessica Columbo '07

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